The war with her

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Synnova you need to get out of here now. My dad will be home anytime now.

Awww come on Dani just a couple more minutes please. I'm comfy here all cuddled up to you.

Synnova NOW please go I don't want anything tho happen to you please just go now.

"Ok fine whatever," Synnova said put her clothes on then left.

FUCK fuck why the hell did I do that ughh. I can't get attached to an "It Girl" it's to much stress.

*Knock Knock* Dani it's dad can I come in.

Oh wow he came like right on time good thing Synnova left when she did. Yea sure.

"I got some soup for you are you feeling any better," he said

"A little bit I guess um dad what's gonna happen to the Bistal's," I said worried.

Sweetie I had to put a lawsuit on them.


BECAUSE Do you not realize what she did to you she could of killed you Dani I'm not having my daughter getting bullied or killed.

Dad I can take care of myself I'm almost 16 I'm not a little girl anymore.

Oh but you are.

Ok whatever dad *ring ring*

What was that Dani was that your phone did you take it so you could talk to that Synnova girl.

Um no I don't know what it was dad.

Dani give it to me NOW.

DAD no this is the only way I can talk to Synnova. I said crying

ENOUGH ABOUT SYNNOVA Why are you acting like you care so much about her when she beat you up.


It was nothing but silence for a couple of minutes.

Oh ok look Dani I don't care who you like just as long as you're happy that's all I care about same with you brother and sisters. But seriously Synnova she could of killed you.

DAD you don't realize how sorry she was after she let that happen.

Ok Dani I'm still putting a lawsuit on them.

Whatever just go away. I said. He just stood there like a statue. WHAT

You phone young lady. He said

Dad no please I need it. I said

For what oh wait calling Synnova no give it.

I tossed my phone over in his direction and he caught it thank god. I didn't have a case on it. I heard my phone blow up it was probably Synnova I really wanted to text her or call but I couldn't.

(Some weeks later)
The lawsuit finally dropped on the Bistal's. I couldn't believe my dad did that.

Sweetie time to go to the court house. My parents said

Ok I'll be right down. I haven't talked to Synnova in a while I don't know why I hope it's not of the lawsuit. I said with a sigh. As we got to the court house I saw Synnova she was wearing a beautiful white dress I've ever seen.

"DANI," Synnova said running to me but was grabbed by her dad. "What the hell are you doing Synnova you leave that Dani girl alone," he said.

whatever. She said

So when the bailiff swore us in we took our seats.  Synnova was first to take stand.

So Synnova our lawyer began where were you on the night that you and Danielle were missing from school.

Well I took Dani to this old beaten down house. She said

Hold on what were you leaving school for exactly. The lawyer said

Well we were just ditching was all nothing else.

Uh huh continue with your story then.

Ok so I took Dani to this house and we just messed around

"Well that's not what Mr. Rose said what happened

Yea but I'm telling the truth." Synnova lied

Are you really." He said

"Yes," Synnova

"Did anything else happen," he said

Ok all we did was just mess around I didn't do anything.

Ok thank you Ms. Bistal you can take your seat. Synnova just nodded her head.

Ms. Rose please take stand the Bistal's lawyer said.

"Are you and Synnova friend. "There lawyer said.

"Yes as far as I know we are." I said.

Ok so why did you go with Synnova to that house.

I honestly don't know why I did. It was just like I should've.

Ok so what happened. The lawyer said

Well when I got there we were just talking and all. Then she went outside for a minute.
I looked at Synnova and she was shaking her head to not tell the real story.
Then She came back and we just hung out nothing happened.
My father was angry it looked like he was about to flip. My sisters I could tell they had disappointment in me.

Ok Ms.Rose but there's pictures that your parents took what happened in them.

There fake. I said

Ok so you were just messing around with your parents phone. The lawyer said


Ok why did you. He's said

Well they took my phone away so I messed around with there's when they were sleeping.

Ok is there anything else you'd like to add to the story.

"Nope," I said

Ok you can take your seat.

"Thanks," I said

(Few hours of negotiating)
"Miss Bistal I we declared you guilty." The judge said.

WHAT NO WTF NOOOO," Synnova yelled.

Everyone was furious the Bistal's didn't stop yelling. I was crying I didn't want Synnova to go to juvenile confinement I couldn't lose her.

A/N: Hey omg I'm so sorry I didn't update earlier but here's this chapter hope you enjoy

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