Jacob K part 2

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Jacob paced his apartment. Y/n had kissed him. He had always thought she was pretty but never thought he had a chance with her. Now he wasn't so sure. She had kissed him after all. Maybe she did have feelings for him. He threw his hands in the air. There was only one way to find out.
I was awoken by a knocking on my apartment door. I threw on a large hoodie and pushed my hair out of my eyes before answering the door. Jacob. Crap. It was Jacob. He probably wanted to know why I did what I did last night. I glanced down and felt my face turn bright red when I realized the reason the hoodie I was wearing was so large was because it was actually his. He left it here when he got locked out of his apartment and now I was wearing it.
"Hi," he said awkwardly. I smiled. Just as awkward.
"Heyyy....I sighed. He rubbed the back of his neck.
"Can I come in?" He asked. I nodded and stepped aside. We meandered into the kitchen silently. I looked around desperately.
"Would you like some coffee?" I offered. He nodded and sat down on one of my stools while I fixed coffee. I could feel his eyes following me around the kitchen and his hoodie suddenly became verrrry warm. I turned around with his coffee and we both began to speak at once.
"Jacob, I'm—"
"Y/N—" I motioned for Jacob to continue. He sighed. "Look I um, I don't know if you meant what you did last night.... But I know that I did for a fact enjoy it. And," he hesitated. I swallowed. "Iwanttoknowifyouwanttogooutwithme?" He said in a rush. I couldn't help it. I smiled the biggest I had ever smiled. However he couldn't see that because he was looking down. I tipped his chin up to see me.
            "I would love to go out with you Jacob." I smiled he stood up from where he was leaning against the counter and wrapped his arms around me as he grinned.
             "Well then... Are you free Friday night?" I couldn't keep the smile off my face as I looked up into his dark eyes. I titled my head.
              "I don't know Mr. Kemp, am I?" I could never imagine being happier than I was in that moment.

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