29) You get bullied - Luke 1/4

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Warning: this contains swear words and language that some may find distressing

Luke -

You stare at the whiteboard copying down the notes into your textbook, your teacher had left the room to 'Deal with something'. "Hey (Y/N)" a voice says causing you to look up, the boy in the desk in front of you had taken your pencil case and was rummaging through it smirking "Stop!" you frown reaching out to grab it he mimicked your actions and laughed along with a few of his friends. "Hey (Y/N) what you gonna do get Luke?" they sneered. You gaze up at the table where your boyfriend was sitting with his friends laughing clearly unaware of your tormenters. "You know that he doesn't love you right?" one of the boy whispers so that no one else would hear. You cower at his harsh and unexpected words these boys sure knew how to push your buttons. The boys smirked knowing that they were successfully hurting you "Your parents obviously don't love you either since they left and your foster parents are only in it for the money" they continue watching you bite you lip to keep the tears suppressed "And Luke, well he obviously doesn't love you he just feels sorry for you" 'Its not true, its not true' you mumble under your breath "Is she talking to herself? what a freak" a girl with bleach blonde hair butts in "You belong in a psychiatric ward" she smiles, their words stung like a knife and you fiddled with your fingers trying to suppress the growing urge to cry "What's wrong (Y/N) do you need some 'happy pills'?" another girl says adding to the growing circle of bully's. Michael picked up his pen finally deciding to write down at least some of the notes when suddenly he notices you "Whoa, Luke?" he mumbled tapping his friends shoulder. Luke looked up following his friends gaze and the smile on his face was soon replaced once he heard the aggression in one of the boys voices. "Hey (Y/N) maybe you should take a whole bottle of those 'happy pills' you need so badly it would be doing us all a favour" one of the boys mocked that was it, you jumped out your chair causing it to make a horrific screeching noise across the tiled floor and ran out the door. Ashton jumped up from his chair and followed after you "Shit, Luke stay calm" Michael soothed in an attempt to calm his seething friend who's knuckles were already tensed. Luke leaped from his seat making almost half the class jump "What the fuck did you say to her!?" Luke yelled grabbing one of the boys by the collar "Whoa chill" the boy cockily laughed "I said what the fuck did you say!?" Luke screamed his grip tightening on the boys collar the boy gulped rightfully fearing for his safety but still kept quiet in a feeble attempt to look 'cool' in front of his watching classmates. Luke's gaze shifted around the room until it landed onto a girl sitting a few table away she sighed "He called her a freak, said no one loved her and said she belonged in a phyco hospital. There was more but that's all I heard" Luke knew about your ongoing struggle with depression and his knuckle quickly collided with the boys face "If you ever say a word to her again-" he threw another punch sending the boy onto the floor just as Michael and Calum ran to pull him off.

"(Y/N)!" Ashton called down the corridor, your vision was blurred from the tears and you would do anything to be anywhere but here right now. After spotting you Ashton ran ahead and gently gripped you pulling you into a hug "He said I was a freak Ash" you sob "I know, don't listen to them they know nothing about you (Y/N)" he whispered into your hair "He said no one loved me" Ashton frowned "(Y/N) Luke loves you, we love you too but Luke I mean Luke loves you more than anything (Y/N)" you shook your head "Why? he's right I am a freak" Ashton rubbed circles on your back trying to calm you down "(Y/N) you aren't a freak and please just trust me Luke loves you and you may not see it know but he does (Y/N) you're all he ever talks about-" "(Y/N)!?" Luke's voice echoes down the empty corridor "We're here Luke!" Ashton replied rocking you gently. "Thank God" Luke mumbled rushing round the corner to you. He encased you in a hug, his warm body replacing Ashton's "I'm so so sorry baby, he won't bother you again "Luke whispered clenching your shaking body "I've got you" he whispered the sound of the bell rang throughout the corridors causing you to jump "Luke class has ended you might wanna take (Y/N) somewhere more private" Ashton mumbled "Yeah that's a good idea Ash, come on baby" Luke thanked his friend and took your hand leading you down the stairs and outside "I just want to go home" you sniffle still shaking "I'll take you home" Luke replied giving your forehead a quick kiss "What did you do to Marcus?" you ask as he lead you to the carpark "So that's his name" Luke mumbled familiarising himself with the boys name "Luke?" "Don't worry about it princess" he said squeezing your hand "You didn't hurt him did you?" you question making Luke shake his head at your concern even after everything he had said "Baby after all the things he said what did you want me to do?" you frown "Luke you could have got hurt" you say causing Luke to chuckle "Don't worry about it baby, he wont hurt me" You reached Calum's yellow hummer that his dad was lending him "Don't worry Calum won't mind" Luke said sensing your uncertainty. Once you had both sat down Luke shuffled over the seat and wrapped his arm around you "Tell me what he said" Luke whispered placing his hand on your knee. He knew he needed to know whether you trusted him enough to say "Nothing Luke" you sigh staring at the ground "Baby you can tell me anything, tell me what they said to you" he pressed on wanting to know the details. You told him everything they said and the tears you thought you had under control were now free falling. Luke's fists were now tensed yet again and he bit his lip trying to conceal the anger towards the boy he know recognised as Marcus. "Please don't listen to him (Y/N), you know you mean the world to me right?" you stayed quiet causing Luke to frown how could he show you his love when not even you could see it? "Come here" he whispered pulling you into his lap "(Y/N) I love you" he said kissing away your tears "I love you so so much" "Luke?' "Yeah?" "I love you too".

- Pulling someone down will never help you reach the top

The other boys preferences will be uploaded soon!

If any of you beautiful people experience bullying or are having a rough time in general then feel free to message me, no one should be subjected to bullying just remember when people try to bring you down it only means that you are above them! Xx

Hi my lovelies!

I hope you enjoyed this preference, I was going to * out the curse words but I thought...meh 😂 but if any of you would like me to * them then I will Xx (Sorry I forgot what this 👉* is called)

Please leave any requests or ideas in the comments as I am getting stuck on what t write for you guys so any requests wouldn't go amiss and also please vote if you enjoyed it!

Bye my lovelies Xx

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