43) Sick day stuck in bed

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Ashton -

"Okay um how about this one?" Ashton mumbled closing his eyes in concentration "Oh um are you from space cos your booty is out of this world!..." he finally says smiling in hope. You smile a little and let out a small laugh at his cringey pick up line "Oh baby I'm so sorry I'm really bad at this" Ashton frowns running his hand in his hair "Ashton you're doing great I already feel a little better" he smiles and sits next to you on the bed "Promise?" you link pinkies and look up into his hazel eyes "Okay I still feel a little sick" you admit moving closer to his chest "How can I help?" he asks rubbing circles on your /"Of course, what movie do you want?" he asks turning on the TV "Lion King" you yawn and he laughs "Sure, I'll be right back" you groan as a wave of nausea hits you, being sick sucked. Ashton soon returned holding the DVD and a bottle of medicine he placed a spoonful of the nasty medicine by your mouth and you reluctantly took the spoon shuddering at the gross taste making him chuckle; after getting the movie ready he clambers next to you under the covers gently pulling you close to him "I love you" he whispers watching your eyelids flicker "I know" you smile half asleep "I love you too"

Calum -

"How you feeling babygirl?" Calum asks peeping his head round the door for about the 60th time that day "Gross" you reply snuggling into the sheets Calum pouts walking towards the bed to feel your temperature "Baby you're freezing" he frowned climbing into the bed next to you "No Cal you're gonna catch my germs!" you protest "It doesn't matter" he whispers wrapping you up in his arms in order to warm you up "But if you get sick you wont be able to perform and then the fans will be angry and-" "Baby you're priority" he chuckled leaning in to give you're forehead a kiss. His fingers gently massaged your back making you instantly relax "Thank you" you whisper nuzzling into his chest "Anytime Princess"

Luke -

You were laying in Luke's bunk alternating between the bed and the toilet, the boys had decided to tour the city while Luke stayed to look after you. you where both layed under the covers when suddenly you felt a sharp pang of nausea hit your stomach and you wriggled away from Luke's grip to go to the bathroom. He stood up immediately and picked you up carrying you to the toilet where you emptied your stomach dry-heaving every so often while Luke rubbed small circles on your back and whispered comforting words in your ear while you sobbed. After a few minutes you attempted so stand but the shakiness in your legs proved difficult and you collapsed into Luke's arms, he carried you over to the sink so you could brush your teeth and splash some water onto your face. After slowly walking you back to his bed Luke kissed your forehead and handed you a bottle of water "You okay?" he mumbled playing with your hair "I think so" you replied linking hands together "Good" he smiled leaning in to give you a kiss on your forehead.

Michael -

You bent over the toilet gagging while Michael hid in his room trying to block out the sounds "Is it over!?" he yelled "Yes" you replied slowly dying on the floor


You lightly chuckled hearing multiple plates clashing from downstairs wondering what your boyfriend could be making, judging by the sound it could have been a 3 course meal but you would just have to wait to find out since you 'can't leave the bed 'till you're better' soon enough your loving boyfriend appeared in your doorway holding a plate of toasts making you roll your eyes and giggle. "Hey, I tried!" he retorted sitting next to you, you reached out to grab some of the toast but Michael jokingly slaps your hand away "I never said it was for you" he smirked making you playfully pout. Michael picked up a slice and moved it towards your mouth "Here comes the airplane" he smirks continuing to feed you until there was no food left. "I'm sleepy" you mumbled a yawn soon following "Lay down" he instructs and soon you feel his body pressed up next to you, he left a kiss on your cheek a mumbled a quick "Goodnight, I love you" making you smile.

- Don't let stupid little things ruin your happiness

:( I wrote like a really meaningful paragraph and it all got deleted so lets start from scratch!...

Hi my lovelies!

Firstly, I wanted to say that I'm really sorry for the lack of updates basically I have had some serious writers block lately I think its run away or died a tragic death or something along with my motivation  :( 

I have been doing my MOCK exams at school so my tiny amount of motivation hs been focused on that which sucks an I'm really sorry! <3

The updates should be much sooner but I still have  weeks of exams left so please bear with me Xx

Also thank you to the new followers <3

And as always,

I love you my little... Bonsai trees? (I bought a bonsai tree last weekend and I need a name for him?)


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