Chapter 3

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Why did I do that? I'm so stupid! She doesn't like me I'm sure of it. I shouldn't have kissed her. She probably won't even talk to me anymore. God I'm such a fuck up! I hope she still talks to me though.

"Hi sweetie. Did you have fun at your friends house?" My mom asked

"Yea. We had fun."

"What's his name? You never told me who you were hanging out with."

"Her name is blue hair I-I mean Lizzie. She just started at the school. We met yesterday."

"Alright. Well, homework time kiddo. No phone today. Leave it on the table. I have to work the night shift. Mike is upstairs if you need anything." She said walking out the door. Mike is my older brother. Captain of the football team. And in year 10. Great. I get to stay home with Mr Big shot. Fun.

I set my phone on the table and started my homework. I heard my phone buzz but I ignored it. Mike came down the stairs. Great. Just swell.

"Who's blue hair and why'd you kiss her?" Mike laughed.

"Her name is Lizzie and I didn't kiss her."

"Yes you did."

"Only on the cheek now shut up!" I yelled trying to grab my phone from him hand.

"Ooh! My baby brothers got a crush!"he laughed "what she look like."

"Give me my phone and I'll show you" I said through gritted teeth. I took my phone from his hand and went to her Instagram. I went to the picture of her and her Dads. I showed Mike hoping he wouldn't be too hard on them. He's very judge mental.

"Why haven't I seen her brothers anywhere?" He asked

"Those are her dads. One is 21 and the other is 19. She's adopted." I said.

"Ew her dads are fags?"

"They're really nice. And laid back. They're famous you know. In a band called One Direction." I said. I hated him so much right now. He doesn't even know them.

"Oh yea. Jordan has them on her wall." He said. Jordan was his girlfriend. "Date her." He said.

"What?!" I was surprised. He never approves of the girls I like. I don't know why I listen to him though.

"Yea man. Go for it."


Damn! That was.. Wow! I haven't stopped smiling since David kissed my cheek.

Now I'm laying in bed singing "Love Me For Me" by Cher Lloyd. I feel eyes on me when I shouldn't though.

"You're a good singer" I looked around to see my wonderful parents

"Thanks. But I'm not that good." I chuckled.

"We'll, think what you want, but you're really good. Anyways, tomorrow after school you have some relatives to meet. I'll pick you up because Dad will be out."

"Alright" I smiled

"Goodnight sweetie we love you." They said as my door was closed


"Wake up. Lizzie wake up." I heard

"Daddy!" I said as I clutched on to him. I just had a nightmare. It was horrible. I was 5 and it was the night I got taken away from my parents. My hands were tied to a water heater and my dad kept whipping me with his belt. My mother smoking a blunt and laughing as I cried.

"Are you ok?" I nodded. My cheeks burned and were wet. I've been crying.

He got up but I pulled his hand back.

"W-will you stay with me?"

"Let me go tell Louis.?" I nodded and waited till he got back. "Louis said he's worried. He wants you to sleep in our room. C'mon."

Once we got into their room, I started to lay down on their couch.

"Come sleep with me and Daddy. Like in our bed. It's big enough." Dad said gesturing for me to climb into bed with them. I got In-between them and nuzzled into Dad. He put his arms around me kissing my forehead. Daddy put his arm around my waist and kissed the back of my head.

This reminded me of something. I remember, when I was 4. I had a bad dream and I slept with my parents that night.. Just like I am now. I feel a sense of security and comfort in-between them. Something I haven't felt in a long long time. They really love me.. And it's clear now.


"Hey. I was wondering if you wanted to come over after school today." David said in Homeroom.

"Can't, sorry. My dads families are coming over today. But maybe some other time" I smiled. The bell rang signaling it was time to go to 1st period.

I sat in my maths room watching the clock. This is so boring. I felt a vibration in my pocket. I got a text from David telling me to meet him by the bathrooms. I raised my hand and got permission to go. I waited for about a minute and then David showed up.

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