chapter 10

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Me and Lizzie are walking down the hall of the stadium. I feel my phone buzz in my UGG. I look at it. It's Modest!. "Who is it?" She asks

"Modest" I say rolling my eyes.

"Speaker?" She asks. I nod and answer it.


"Hi Acacia. We need you and Elizabeth to love it up a bit. Whenever you go out, hold hands and make out or something. Go somewhere now. Were sending paparazzi to the arena. k bye" They said and hung up.

"So I guess that's what we have to do" I sighed.

"I guess. But lets just have fun. Don't worry about them, lets just... be us" She smiled slightly grabbing my hand and walking out the door of the arena.


"If I ever need to tell you something they cant hear, i'll text it to you." Lizzie whispers as we sit down with our hot cocoa. I nod and smile.

"Do you really think they're gonna make us make out?" I chuckle.

"I don't know" She says laughing. I start to laugh as well, forgetting about all the flashing lights outside the window.

About 10 minutes later we were finished with our drinks and decided to take a little walk. Before we went out the door Lizzie stopped me.

"I-I'm scared" She whispered.

"It's alright. They wont hurt you I promise." I said grabbing her hand. We took one step out and I looked into her eyes. Horror filled them. She looked like she was going to cry. The Paparazzi started coming closer and Lizzie started to breath heavily. Then I finally realized... she's claustrophobic. I pulled her into me and started to walk through the crowd. "It's ok. It's ok. Nothings going to happen. I'm here. It's fine." I said repeatedly. After we turned to corner she pulled away. I then heard footsteps. "We gotta give 'em a little something." I said. She nodded.

We already discussed this before. Whatever happened, we'd just go with it. But one of us had to make the first move. She walked over to me and wrapped her arms around my neck. I wrapped mine around her waist as I felt wet droplets hit my skin. She's crying. Without even thinking I rub her back. That's when the Paparazzi come over. Stupid Modest! Management.

"Let it all out baby. Let it all out." I say before kissing the top of her head, leaving my lips there for a minute.

We previously discussed nicknames and stuff. I call her baby and she calls me hun. I don't know, I like it. She uses it in a playful way, but me?... I use it seriously. Because I mean it 100%, She's 14, and I'm 17. She's a baby to me. My baby, or at least I hope she will be. 

"I'm scared" I hear her whisper. I ignore all the flashing lights and people yelling and focus on her.

"I know baby, I know. If you run, we can get away alright?" I say. I feel her nod. I grab her hand. and we start to run. We turn the corner and stand back into an alley, watching the paparazzi run past us, onto the next block.

"Thank you so much" She says sitting down on the ground.

"I never knew you were claustrophobic" I say bending down in front of her.

"That's cause I never said anything. I hate people knowing." She says quietly, a few tears still falling. I reach over and wipe the tears away slowly. Our faces are now an inch apart. I bring my hand down to her waist and look into her eyes.

"You have really pretty eyes" I say quietly.

"Th-thanks" She replies.

She puts her hand on my neck. and starts to bring our faces closer together. I do the same and we both close our eyes. I feel her lips on mine in an instant. She parts her lips slightly, kissing me slowly. The kiss got deeper, without either of us actually realizing it. She tasted like chocolate and whipped cream, with a hint of mint.

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