Chapter 1

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Its 4:30 AM. My alarm clock goes off signaling its time for work. I've been in this orphanage since I was five. and I've come to learn, the faster you have enough money to get away, the faster you do. But of course the owner doesn't let us get jobs. Lucky for me, I work at the 24 hour Wendy's down the road. So I leave at 4:45 and get back at 6:45. I made a deal with the manager. She'll pay me $20 a week if I work everyday for at least 2 hours. I also keep my uniform there and shower as soon as I get back to the orphanage so no one can smell the fast food odor. I also get medium fries everyday because she knows how it is at that orphanage. You get a banana, oatmeal, broccoli(uncooked), and a lunch meat of your choice everyday. And all of that is supposed to last you all day.

After I get back from work I quickly shower, change and put my hair in two braids before I do my makeup. Nothing special, just mascara and lipgloss. I'm wearing the usual. old skinny jeans, and an oversized shirt with holes. No bra though, we aren't supplied with those. So I'm grateful that my boss gave me one of her daughters many black tank tops to try and cover it a bit. I then go down and get my rations. But I only take the banana. Like everyday.

I'm the only girl over 9 here. All the others got picked when they were younger. I on the other hand never wanted to go until I got to age 11. My parents were abusive and drug addicts. I started to think that every adult was like that until I got to an age when I realized, it was just them. In the morning I sit with 8 year olds who I never bothered to know the names of.

"I hear people are coming to adopt today" One said. And that was my cue to get up and go sit in the corning where I keep my IPod and phone. Although I only have like 20 albums on my IPod, I love it. It takes me away from all the screaming little girls and annoying little boys for a while.

Everyday has become sort of like a routine. I go to work, shower, do my hair, do my makeup, get my banana, sit at the table, listen to this one girl always go "I hear people are coming to adopt today" and then walk away.


"C'mon Lou! I don't know how many people are going to be there. I wanna get a teen while they're still alive!" I yelled

"I'm coming I'm coming" he laughed. Today we were going to adopt a teenager together.

Once we get there we walk inside. Little girls and boys are running around. Barbie's and G.I. Joes in hand. No teenagers insight.

"Lets walk around. Maybe we'll find someone." Louis assured me rubbing my back. Just then I look into the crowd of kids. I then see a tall figure sit down. I nudged Louis and pulled him along.

I looked down at the girl. Brown hair brown eyes. She was eating a banana and looking on instagram. "Watcha looking at" I said pulling out one of her earphones.

"My blog now go away and leave me alone." she said without looking up. I got down to her level.

"Now, why would I do that" I smirked as she finally looked up. Her eyes went wide.

"I'm so so so sorry for snapping at you. I thought you were some kid. I'm so so sorry Harry." She said quickly. "Oh and um, you too Louis."

"So" Louis said as me and him sat in front of her. "you know who we are"

"Yea" She said looking down

"That's cool" Louis smiled "Why are you over here by yourself."

"Well, I'm the only teenager here. I've been here for almost 9 years and I still haven't been adopted. People normally go for the cute innocent type of kids. Not me." She whispered

"What's your name?" I asked

"Elizabeth. But I like to be called Liz or Lizzie. But no one knows my name. I just keep it to myself"

"Well Liz, how would you like to be adopted?" Her eyes went wide. She started to sob and she tackled us.

"Oh my god! Thank you so so very much!" This place must be bad. "You don't know how much I've wanted to leave here!"


"So Lizzie this is your new home!" I smiled as I showed her mine and Louis flat. "Your room is down the hall. But its totally empty so we figured one of us would take you shopping for some furniture and everything you need. But until then, is it okay if you just sleep on the couch?"

"You say that like sleeping on the couch is a bad thing!" She laughed "So, um, what should I call you guys?"

"Whatever you want." Louis smiled. He hasn't stopped smiling since we signed the papers and made her a Styles.


I cant believe I've just been adopted by Larry Stylinson! WOW! What a day this has been! "Oh um, do you know the fastest way to the Wendy's by the orphanage? I work from 4:45AM till 6:45AM there."

"You don't need to work sweetie" Harry laughed. My eyes went wide "We'll pay for everything you need or want, within reason."

Louis walked over and held up one of my braids. "damn girl" he laughed "Your hair is so long! When was the last time you had a haircut." he laughed

"Never had one" I shrug.

"Do you want one?" Louis and Harry asked simultaneously.

"I guess I mean, sure. Why not"

"Alright! We'll call Lou and get you a haircut" Louis smiled

"In the meantime" Harry cut in "I'll get you some shorts and a t-shirt because it's like 80 degrees and you're probably sweating. Come with me" Harry brought me to his and Louis' room. It was nice, messy, but nice. He handed me a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. They were girls clothes and I gave him a questioning look. "Gemma keeps some clothes here" He explained

"Oh ok. Um this is probably a super weird question, but did she happen to leave a bra here by any chance" I say looking down "They didn't supply me with them at the orphanage." I add

"Um, she actually did. Is 36B ok?"

"Um yea." I say awkwardly. He hands me the bra.

"Listen, I don't want you to feel awkward about talking to me or Louis about girly stuff or anything ok? I mean, I have a sister, and Louis has 4. We know about this stuff" He smiled "And if you ever do feel awkward, you'll be meeting Gemma in a few weeks and I'll be sure she gives you her number. Same with Lou ok?"

"Ok" I smiled

"Good" He said as he kissed the top of my forehead. "You can change in here. When your done just put your clothes in the hamper. Unless you don't want them anymore. Then just leave them on the bed."


"Do you ever think she'll call us dad?" I asked Harry.

"Maybe one day. When she gets used to us. We'll just have to wait and see."

"Do you think she might miss having a mum?"

"Probably. I mean, most kids have a mum growing up. But I'm sure she'll like us too. I promise ok?"

"Ok" I smiled. Harry pecked my lips. I looked around no kid in sight. I put my arms around his neck and kissed him more passionately. He laced his arms around my waist.

"God, get a room" I heard Liz laugh

"Sorry, does it bother you?" I asked

"Only the whole 'my parents making out in front of me' thing."

"But do you care that it was us? Like two guys?" I said frowning

"No no! Not at all. I always knew Larry was real" She smirked



Once we got to the furniture store we were crowded by paparazzi. I'm claustrophobic so I hug Harry tightly and bury my head into his side. Once we get inside the store I let go of Harry. "Thank you" I mutter "I'm a bit claustrophobic."

"It's ok." Harry smiled rubbing my back.

We walked around the store for a while picking out the furniture. I ended up picking out a black bedroom set. It was a twin bed, desk, nightstand, and dresser. They wont come till next week though. "So, what do you want your walls to look like?" Louis asked "We want you to have your dream room. So whatever you want to get, you can get."

"Well, um, I always wanted to have white walls and then take a bunch of bright colors and just kinda throw them around the walls." I said sheepishly

"Alright! Sounds good! Do you want to paint your door?" Harry laughed

"Can I paint it with chalk paint?" I asked wide eyed

"Of course! Louis chuckled. "What's chalk paint?"

"Its this special paint that when you let it dry it turns into a chalk board. You cant write on it until like a couple days later I think, but its really cool. So I'll have like a chalk board as a door"

Once we got back home I brought all the paint into the room and started to paint. Louis and Harry offered to help but I told them I'd rather do it alone. the expression on their faces was tearing me apart. they looked on the verge of tears. i reassured them that I needed to think.

I put my iPod in the doc i borrowed from Louis. Throughout painting i danced around singing and jumping. and i swear i even saw a phone video taping me, but i just ignored it.

Once the white was done I waited for it to dry by painting the inside of the door. I walked out of my room to get a bottle of water, and when I came back, I had paint on my face. Louis and Harry threw paint on me.

"Oh, its on" I chuckled. I walked over to the paint brush and put it in the green. I did a throwing motion with the paint brush hitting Louis with the paint. I did it again and hit Harry. We ended up throwing the paint around which also resulted in paint getting on the walls too.

"Tell your sister I'm sorry about her clothes" I laughed poking Harry's stomach.

"It's ok. She wont have to know." He smiled.


"Hi Liz! I'm Lou, I'll be giving you a haircut while Harry and Louis are at the studio. This is Lux, she's my daughter" Lou smiled. She was really pretty. Her hair was like purple, almost white I guess. And her daughter Lux was the cutest.

"I'm Liz." I smiled. I bent down to Lux's level. "Hi."

"Hi" She said back

"Your really cute." I smiled. She ran up and gave me a hug. I giggled as Lou took a picture.

"So, you've never had a haircut?" Lou asked

"No I haven't. I'm just warning you now, my hairs really long."

"Well I can tell. So how do you want your hair?"

"Well, I really like your length. Just without the bangs. I gave myself bangs 2 years ago and I did not look too good" I laughed.

"Alright, well I'm just going to snip a ton of your hair off because it all wont fit when we wash your hair, so, I'll do that. Then we'll wash your hair, I'll cut it and then I'll blow dry and style it for you. Sound good?"

"Perfect" I smiled. She undid my braids and put my hair in a ponytail. she cut off a good chunk considering my hair was down to the middle of my shins. She washed my hair which felt a bit weird at first but like really good afterwards. She cut my hair and after she took out the hair dryer, she stopped.

"Do you wanna dye your hair? You don't have to do all of it but I can put some like blue or purple or pink in it"

"I don't know if it would be ok with Harry and Louis." I said "I want to though. Like it would be kinda cool to have a different color." I smiled

"Well, I'll give them a call and see if its ok." She smiled walking away towards where her phone was. She came back moments later. "They said its fine, as long as you don't pick like weirder colors like orange."

"Um, can you dye it blue?"

"most certainly" She smirked as she walked over to a stack of pictures. She brought back two pictures. "I think these two would look the best. So Cher Lloyd blue or Demi Lovato blue?" She said holding up two pictures. The picture of Demi was from a while ago I think. It was from when she had blue at the bottom of her hair.

"Um, Cher Lloyd blue." I said smiling

"That's what I thought too" After she died my hair and styled it, it looked amazing.

"Wow! It looks great I love it." My hair was parted to the side. The blue looking amazing. It was straight which was different from my normal wavy brown hair. But, I loved it.

"No problem Liz" She said hugging me. Just then Louis walked in

"Where'd Lizzie go?" Louis asked laughing as he walked over to me and ruffled my hair. "You look great sweetie"

"Thanks" I smiled. "Where's Harry? I wanna show him my hair"

"Oh uh, yea. We have to talk about Harry."

"Why? Is everything ok? Is he hurt?"

"Everything's fine. But Harrys at home and I'm here with Eleanor. She should be in here in a second. She just went to the Starbucks down the road to get a drink. Since you know all about what I have to do with Eleanor, I'm going to skip all of that. But, We're going to drive you back home and then we have to go out and do something to look like we're on a date. Harry gets a little upset so I need you to stay with him and try to make him forget about it ok?"

"I most certainly will! This should be fun!"

"Hi I'm Eleanor! you must be Lizzie!" Eleanor said walking through the door.

"Hi." I smiled

"Are you guys ready to go?" She asked. Louis nodded and they both looked at me.

"One second." I said as I quickly walked toward Lou. "Thanks again for doing my hair" I said hugging her.

"It was my pleasure"

"Where's Lux?"

"Right over there." She said pointing to toward one of the chairs in the middle of the room.

"Bye Lux" I said getting down to her level

"Bye-Bye" She said hugging me.

"Ok, we can leave now" I said walking over to Louis and Eleanor. Louis took my hand in his as we walked out and into the car.

Once we got home Louis walked me to the door as Eleanor sat in the car.

"Remember what I told you ok? Have fun Lizzie" He smiled before he kissed the top of my head.

"Bye Louis!" I waved as he walked back to the car. I walked inside and locked the door behind me. I heard quiet sobs when I walked in. "Harry I'm home!" I yelled. He walked out of his room. His eyes were red and puffy. He'd been crying. He wiped his eyes quickly.

"Your hair looks Nice." He sniffled

"Thanks" I muttered as I walked over to him. I hugged him tightly. "Please don't cry. He'll be back before you know it." I said looking up at him. He was very tall, towering over my 5 foot frame. "How about we do something fun! We could dance around the house, or watch a movie, or visit someone if you want. Or maybe play some board games Or maybe we can just nap and then while your sleeping I'll straighten your hair."

"How about we talk as I make some dinner. What do you want to eat?" He asked

"Well, what can I have?" I asked

"Lets go look then" We walk into the kitchen and open the fridge and freezer. "You want Tacos?"

"Yes! I haven't had them since my 8th birthday!"

Harry starts to defrost the meat, in an awkward silence. "So what do you want to talk about?" He asks

"I don't know." I chuckled

"How about I'll ask you a few questions to get to know you better." I nodded. "Who do you listen to, like music wise?"

"Um, One Direction, Little Mix, Cher Lloyd, Motionless In White, 5SOS, Ed Sheeran, Fifth Harmony, Blink 182, Never Shout Never, Sleeping with Sirens, Pierce The Veil, Demi Lovato, Ariana Grande, Britney Spears, and Taylor Swift." I said

"Nice taste in Music" He smiled "Alright, what's your birthday and your full name?"

"My birthday is December 19th, I'm 13 by the way. And my full name is now Elizabeth Janie Styles. But it used to be Elizabeth Janie Robinson. I like Styles better though" I laughed

"If you don't mind me asking, how did you end up in the orphanage?"

"Well um, when I was 5 my neighbors heard me screaming and crying. They heard breaking of dishes and called the cops. My parents were abusive and they were also drug addicts. The cops took me away and brought me to the Orphanage. The first 3 years there were great. The other kids helped me out. But they all got adopted and I was left. I never wanted to be adopted though. I thought all adults were like how my parents were. So I always hid when I saw adults walk into the place looking for kids to adopt. But when I was 11 I realized that not every one was like that. So I stopped hiding. But by then it was too late. Nobody wanted to adopt someone older. But then you and Louis came and I got adopted" I smiled.


"I'm back!" Louis yelled walking through the door. Me and Harry looked at each other and ran toward him. I got there first. I hugged Louis and stuck out my tongue at Harry.

"Beat you" I laughed. Once Harry and Louis had said Hello to each other we sat in the living room. "So what'd you do?" I asked Louis.

"Um, we basically went to Starbucks for like an hour and then went to McDonalds for food. Nothing special." Louis shrugged

"That's cool." I smiled.

"What'd you and Harry do?"

"We had so much fun! First we ate tacos which were delicious! Best tacos I've ever had! And then we watched Pitch Perfect because Its a really good movie. And then after that we had a popcorn fight, then we cleaned up the popcorn. Then, Harry agreed to let me straighten his hair, he looked so funny oh my gosh! I have pictures, I'll show you later. But then Harry took a shower I danced around a bit and he came behind me when I couldn't hear him and shook his hair out on me and then I took a shower because I was already wet. So I figured, why not. And then Harry helped me blow dry my hair because I never did it before. And then you came home"

"Sounds fun"

"It was." Harry said dryly.

"Are you ok Harry?" I asked

"Just fine" He snapped before getting up and walking away.

"Did I do something wrong?" I asked Louis. He walked over to me and rubbed my back

"Not at all. I'm gonna go check on him. Stay here. I'll be right back." He said walking away toward their door.


"Harry, What's wrong? Why'd you snap at Lizzie?" I asked walking into the room

"I don't know" He sighed "I was just thinking about you and Eleanor the whole time. I mean, I hate this! I hate it so much!"

"I know you do. And so do I. But I have to do this. I wish I didn't and you know that."

"I know" He sighed. I wrapped my arms around him and rested my head on his shoulder. "Everything will be ok."

"I should go apologize to Lizzie." He said getting up. We walked into the living room hand in hand to find Lizzie curled up on the couch. She was drinking water out of a swirly straw and she was wrapped up in a blanket. She honestly looked adorable. "I'm really sorry Lizzie. I didn't mean to snap at you. Its just that, the whole thing with Eleanor. Just upsets me."

"Its ok. I understand." She said with a small smile. She then looked at the clock. It read 11:00. "I think I'm going to go to bed." She walked over to the larger couch on the other side of the room and layed down since her bed didn't come yet. I looked at Harry because I felt bad.

"Do you want more comfortable clothes to sleep in?" Harry asked

"Um ok." she nodded. Harry went back to our room to get her something to wear.

"How about you sleep in our room. We have a little couch in there you can sleep on."

"No its fine really. I don't want to be a bother."

"You are not now nor will you ever be a bother here. This is your home. You're our daughter now. And plus, I want you to sleep in our room. So c'mon."

"Ok." she muttered as she walked with me to our bedroom.

"She's gonna sleep in our room." I told Harry as he handed Lizzie her clothes. She walked to the bathroom and changed. She came out wearing a pair of Harrys basketball shorts and one of my shirts. I took her dirty clothes from her hands and put them in the hamper. "I'll take you out to buy some clothes tomorrow." I said winking. She smiled in response. She walked over to the little couch and laid down. I took a blanket and covered her.

"Goodnight" Me and Harry both said. I kissed her forehead and Harry kissed her cheek.

"Night" She whispered before going to sleep almost immediately as she closed her eyes. We walked out of the room and shut the light off.


Hi! So I hoped who ever is reading this likes the first chapter :) I think its ok but yea! So comment your feed back please! This is the first Larry story I wrote/ am writing so yea! :) Thanks to whoever is actually reading this because I'm pretty sure this is going to get like 0 reads but whatever. all I can do is try :)

- Hailey xx

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