first encounters

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*tyler's pov*

the bright sunlight comes through my curtains, blinding me practically. the first thought in my head is

where's my phone?

i frantically look around for about 30 seconds before finding it under my back. jesus christ, tyler. you have got to stop falling asleep with your phone in your hand. after mentally slapping myself, i sit up in bed and stretch, yawning loudly. i looked around my room lazily, deciding whether to have a productive saturday or not. like usual, i sank back into bed and grabbed my phone. i turned my screen on. it's only about noon. i open twitter to see i have 10+ notifications. jesus, did the internet break while i was asleep?

joshua ✌ liked 10 of your tweets

joshua ✌ retweeted 10 of your tweets

oh my god, it's that guy from last night. i also see i have a direct message. it's from him!

hey :)

i smile to myself and reply:


i turn my screen off and sit up slowly in bed, throwing my legs over the edge of the bed. my muscles ache and i feel like death. i stand up and walk over to my dresser, picking out a pair of blue sweats and slipping them over my boxers. i decide i'm too lazy to wear a shirt at the moment and put my phone in my pocket. then, i make my way downstairs to the kitchen. as i stand on my toes to grab the cheerios from the cabinet, my phone vibrates in my pocket making me jump a little. i grab the box, close the cabinet and set it down. i reach into my pocket and pull my phone out.

what's up?

my stomach flips a bit, for a reason i'm not sure of, but i shake it off and reply quickly.

not a lot. i just woke up.

i set my phone on the granite island and grab a blue ceramic bowl from another cabinet. after setting the bowl down, i turn around and observe my surroundings, i see the bright, big stripes of sunlight coming into the room through the curtains. closing my eyes, i stretch my arms above my head and lean back, yawning loudly. i sigh and turn around, walking over to the fridge and grab the half drunk gallon of milk. i open the cheerios and fill the bowl about three fourths of the way. as i start to twist the cap off the milk, i hear the sound of a vibration behind me. i finish opening the milk and set the cap beside the bottle. grabbing my phone and turning on my screen, i see it's josh.

what time is it where you live? if you don't mind me asking.

i see no reason to lie. although, i figured he'd just reply and say cool or something boring but i'm not complaining.

a little past noon.

if i'm correct, in salt lake city it is about ten in the morning. i finish making my breakfast and put away the milk and cereal. i grab a bottle of orange juice before closing the fridge and a spoon from the drawer under the coffee maker. then, i grab my bowl and my phone and make my way to the living room. i settle into the right corner of the couch and place my bowl and spoon on the coffee table. i slouch down and put my phone on my stomach and pick up the remote, turning the tv on. as i begin channel surfing, i feel my phone vibrate and it sends goosebumps across my bare skin. i pick it up and unlock it, seeing josh's reply.

cool its past 10 here.

i was right. i chuckle to myself as i hear a car pull into the driveway.


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