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*tyler's pov*

he looked into my eyes with nothing but love in his. he sighed before speaking. 

oh, tyler. 

what, josh?

*josh's pov*

i can feel my heart pounding against my ribcage. all the sounds of the airport have become silent. the only thing i can hear is my heart. and tyler's breathing.

*tyler's pov*


he tightens his arms around my waist and pulls me as close as possible. my chest is firmly pressed against his. our fingers are loosely intertwined and our hands are hanging lazily. i can feel josh's minty scented breath leave his mouth and evaporate. josh's hand suddenly lets go of mine and it softly caresses my cheek.

you're so beautiful.

i felt the blood rush to my cheeks. the spots where his skin touches mine are quickly covered in goosebumps. i look down bashfully and speak under my breath.

i'm really not.

he hooks his fingers under my chin, picking my head up.

i promise, i'll make you believe it. 

a smile cracks across my features. he smiles back gleefully. 

thank you.

i absentmindedly yawn loudly. josh giggles, causing me to stop in my movements and look at him, confused.


you look so tired. let's get your baggage and grab a hotel room. 

i smile and nod, grabbing his hand and running towards the baggage claim. josh laughs and follows along.

slow down, you goof!

- twenty minutes later -

*josh's pov*

the taxi cruises down the highway as sunshine streams in through the windows. i look to my left and see tyler yawn for the fiftieth time in four minutes.  

tyler, come here. i stretch my arms out towards him. he curls up in his corner of the seat, reluctantly. i groan and reach over, grabbing his right shoulder. he whines and curls tighter into his position, nuzzling his face into his tucked hands. 

i'm fine here, j.

i pretend i didn't hear him and pull him towards me. he doesn't resist and lands softly across my legs, facing the front seat, with his head in my lap. he feels a bit tense and i start rubbing his hair. his muscles release and he turns around a bit so he's looking up at me.

*tyler's pov*

i look up at josh. we stare into each other's eyes for a moment. they're so much more beautiful than i ever thought they'd be. a soft mocha brown. with a touch of dark coffee.


*josh's pov*

he smiles sweetly at me. after a moment, he turns towards me and buries his face in my abdomen. 

 i giggle when his nose presses against my v-line.

that tickles, babe.

i feel him chuckle and he shakes his head, rubbing his nose against my shirt. butterflies fill my stomach and i squirm a bit.

escape - joshler (completed)Where stories live. Discover now