The greatness of Sebastian Moran

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the next few days were awkward between the two of us, me being held captive and him the one holding me captive.

of course eventually we slipped out of it, sort of, seeing as he came to see me on a daily basis. the first week i cried a lot. on the second week all i needed was one good cry a day and i was good, on the third week i met sebastian.
sebastian was basically moriarty's right hand man, the one who points the gun at people, does the killing, because apparently moriarty doesn't like to get his 'hands dirty'.

the man though i knew had murdered probably hundreds of people over the years, yet seemed quite nice as long as you weren't going to be joining the list of corpses he and moriarty had created together. I mean it sounds strange but he'd always bring me little something to cut open, and ust like that i went from pathologist to anthropologist.

what i'm guessing i liked so much about the italian man, is he was one of the very few people who didn't look at me like i was crazy when i told them i cut up dead bodies for a living. We had long conversations about that, and he told me he thought death to be a natural process. Company that became normal in just a few weeks. Jim had been honest when he told me, as long as I was here i would never be underrated or ignored. Sebastian and jim looked at me when they talked, never a quick glance that wasn't obviously less looked. I'm not sure when, but i started acting as a sort of secretary, bringing sebastian and jim files to fill the day.

they never talked about sherlock, not a word about the detective was ever exchenged between the three of us, and with the fact that i as no longer overlooked, he started to fade from me. little did i know this was what they wanted. All was perfect, until jim ruined it by, finally, after a month and a half of my being at the estate, informed me that sherlock had just FOUND OUT about my absence.

"H-how did it take this long."
My mind was in a trance sitting at a small three person table outside.It was lunch and we were eating a panini.
I looked up at Jim

"has anyone noticed my absence"

He noticed me reaching a breaking point, as he noticed everything. he sighed sadly and shook his head

"he's the first to discover it."

I sat back, my eyebrows furrowing

Sebastian reached over to grab the pepper
"he wanted to get access to the lab and chemicals. when you weren't there he went to your flat, then after much persistence found out."

"In fact"
Jim added
"You're not there anymore." the two said in unison.

The girl felt like someone had emptied her of her soul. just cut her like a body on her slab and drained it out.
"What of everyone else, how did my not being their go amiss."
"Not a lot of people checked honestly. but" Sebastian started
"We may have concluded that you have simply gone on a very long vacation."
Jim continued
"Which is ending on Tuesday of a week from now."
This made the girl feel a little better, but not much.
"So what's the great detective doing now."
Jim looked down at his phone
"He's ranting on to the doctor about how he needs you to return, hopes your vacation takes a bad turn so you return, saying your careless for leaving at such a time, and wondering why you needed a vacation."
Sebastian laughed humorlessly.
"Sounds like him."
I had now gained some composure putting butter on a biscuit "what now."
Jim turned to his sniper "can't really say , Moran your the more sane individual what would you say."
The man hummed thinking

"Well Holmes will probably end up ranting about till your return date. come storming in the day of your return. go to your flat again, come up with plenty of reasons why you haven't returned. then on the following Monday finally confront someone on how your missing, and everyone will wonder who in the world would want to kidnap you,"

At this, they were rewarded with a small smile

"who indeed"

She gave a small laugh and said sarcastically "its not like he was on every screen in Great Britain, and your enemy."
A laugh was earned from Sebastian "exactly, isn't this guy supposed to be clever."
"Supposed to be" she added in. every one shared a chuckle.
"I can't believe I was in love with that idiot."
They all laughed "I know."
I shook my head "honest to goodness, I even went so far as to date you, and still he thinks your not noticing me."
"He just wants everything to be clever. unfortunately this is the real world where not everything is clever."

No more than an hour later Jim caught her crying softly while laying on her mattress.

"What's the matter darling."

"How. how could they not notice I've been gone."
"Oh, that" silence dawned on the room.
Molly felt the bed sink, and the smell of moriartys cologne filled her nostrils.
"Honest. I know that I don't really leave much of a mark. I come to work everyday, I try my best to make jokes and small talk.
I let Sherlock stay at my flat for three weeks."
The criminal made it so she was laying slightly on top of him. he wrapped his arms around her, kissed the top of her hair.
"This my dear is why I took you. I could have taken John, or lestrade both in which would have caused immediate chaos." he sighed "your special though. your not ordinary like everyone thinks, like how you think. you miss Molly hooper are so special that hardly anyone can see it.
Just like when I was Jim from IT and Sherlock thought I was gay."
He was rewarded with a small giggle.
This made his face light up too, he kneeled down kissing her head again
"I can't tell you why no one noticed you were gone. right now I'm just going to say tthey've got a narrow set of eyes."
He snuggled in with the pathologist.
"I can however say that I missed you, I missed you so very very much. you are a pocket full of sunshine. you were missing from me. I missed you. and can I ask you one question."
The doe eyes looked up and nodded.
"Did you miss me"
The girl laughed. moriarty started tickling and kissing her saying in all different kinds of voices. "did. You. miss. me?" of course the laughing continued.
Then before they were completely tangled up Sebastian called from the hall.
"Boss we gotta go if we want to make this client"
Then Jim surpsisingly gave Molly a peck in the lips
Readjusting his suit "I'll see you tonight hopefully, if this client doesn't take too long. if so, early morning."

Just as he was about to leave he stopped and spinned around looked seriously and said in his comical moriarty voice
"Miss me." before throwing one of his smirks at her. she laughed slightly.

A few minutes after they left I started crying again.

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