Lets get down to buisness

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The next two weeks went by quickly. I became even more adjusted to the lifestyle, moriarty, Sebastian, not being in London.
It was no longer being held hostage to the girl more like a vacation than being forced. all emotions of anger were gone towards the consulting criminal and a small layer of trust had formed. the name of the younger Holmes was still foreign.
Then the day came, the day that they new Sherlock would figure it out. that the girl that supposably counted was taken.
Moriarty let Molly spend that day watching the surveillance of Sherlock.
He had gone to her work as they were eating breakfast. he just waited in a small corner waiting for her to come. you could tell he had gotten a bit worried at the prospect of her disappearance. lestrade arrived half an hour later "hello lestrade, it's been 5 days since Ms.hooper should have returned. there have been no sights of her anywhere."
Lestrade didn't seem too worried "where do you suggest we start."
"Her lab."
They went into the laboratory that had once been my safe haven.
"She hasn't been here at all, not in at least a month."
You could tell the detective was getting more and more agitated by the moment. he knelt down by the desk and put his hand in a small hole pulling out a purse.
He took one look and a sniff and said "Molly's, there's been no contact for about a month but her scent is still faint beneath the dust."
He turned around with the bag in hand.

Sebastian had put coffee and a plate of scones on the table. I glanced up and took a bite out of one before my attention returned to the screen. Sherlock was checking every inch of my laboratory. then he went through my bag. "cat pictures, business cards from certain individuals,house keys, hair tie, and . . ."
A smile landed in the detectives lips.
"Lipstick." A ghost of a memory went through his eyes.
It only lasted a moment, then the cold machine like expression retained him and he said in an uncaring voice "wherever Molly went off to it has nothing to do with what went on in here."
Then just as he was about to leave he saw a small stain of something on the floor, with blood stained linings. he got his little jar out and, very similar with reichenbach got to work efficiently.
In twenty minutes later half a cup of coffee was gone along with another scone and a half. on the screen Sherlock

One of the members of staff assisting the detective came in "the tests are back"

Sherlock ripped the folder out of the interns hands. after tearing the outside of it he looked at the paper before saying in a commanding voice "get out."

The man turned away from the microscope he was currently looking at.

Poor college kid ran out faster than anything.

Lestrade came in barley a minute later "it's hers graham. the blood stain on the floor was positively Molly hooper."
The DI had a grim look on his face, but tried to be positive "maybe she just cut her finger."
A ringing came from the computer, his blue eyes got darker "the stain it was a drug mix of sleeping medication, and a slight dosage of the stuff they give you to fall asleep in hospital."
"What does that mean"
"Molly most likely isn't on vacation, if she was not anymore."
"Like you'd know" Molly whispered.
Then they went to the security room, taking tapes to watch at 221b.

Boredom was recognizable for the first few videos. then you see me freaking out at moriartys face on the tTelly. I took that afternoon off, and came in late the next day.
The first day after I looked normal but then Sherlock started seeing me checking my phone, and his blog constantly.
John had gone back to the flat "what is she doing."
The detective had a blank face on "she's waiting for me to check on her. a phone call or text. looking at my blog to make sure nothing's happened."

Then I got irritable. he was only know realizing what I was going through in those long weeks between the moriarty on the t.v and when moriarty took me. going to work coming home and always taking my pepper spray with me. his eyes were becoming guilty after he saw me trying to call him, only to delete the message when i decided just to wait a bit longer for him to call.

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