Wake me up when its all over

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it was a normal day, it had been 3 days since the whole moriarty on t.v incident. i still hadn't seen sherlock.

i thought he was just busy , he had told me i counted and i believed him with every cell in my body. of course until i found out he had checked on literally everyone he had come into contact with in the last three months, guests from the wedding, the hospital staff at the shooting, even janine. everyone on the list that he had known might be in danger and he even cared enough to make sure was safe.

that list of course did not include me.

i didn't dwell on it as much as i should have and thats a good thing. because i had better things to wallow with sadness than sherlock. like my failed engagement that burned up in flames, or the fact that i dated a psychopath.

right now the only thing i'm wallowing in is darkness, i'm not sure how i got here, but its warm, and all i know is that i went to work this morning and now i'm here. it wasn't fully darkness, because i was suddenly stuck in a memory.

it was in uni and i was studying to become whatever i was. exams were the day to next and obviously i was busy cramming. Ah, the college student, full of viruses, athletes foot, strange relationships, drinking games, cramming study in last minute, working three jobs at once while running off of nothing but coffee.

i was typing on my old used laptop, i had felt something going over my hand and i just waved it away, I glanced at the wall back at my laptop then i started hearing noise and turned. it was the eight legged arachnid pinnign in a web between chemistry and pathology. I didn't shriek or shout.

no screaming or going on top of the desk like I would have normally done in that scenario.

I just stared at it for a good minute before simply smiling kindly at the creature "Hello mister spider."

then I went back with my essay. it was probably exhaustion, or the fact that my mind was too full of the studies of the other bugs that could attack your body that let this reaction happen but it did. then to my surprise the rest of the year that one spider lived in different spots in my room all year. never once did I shriek or shout, no cowering in fear at spiderman. At one point I even talked to it then just as I caught it in a jar to take it with me home the room started lighting up like on a computer,

then just as brightness filled my waking eyes I said again "Hello Mister spider."

a chuckle came from somewhere and the frighteningly familiar voice said "why hello to you too mouse."

my eyes slowly opened, wherever I was it was bright, the air smelled like soap, and it felt like a flower. I knew the sense that I had been sleeping a while, seeing I was stiff as a rock.

I sat up wincing at the soreness in my arm. "Sorry we had to drug you so much, but I knew their was no other way you would come."

I turned my head to see the one and only, Jim Moriarty, sitting in a cream colored chair, looking just as crisp and minty fresh as usual. the man was just at my bedside typing at his laptop.

he gestured to the night stand, with a lamp that looked like it was made of real gold, lining of silk, and on top of it all a glass of water "You've been asleep over 24 hours, so i have another glass of water waiting when your finished with that one."

just as he spoke I took the glass to my lips gulping it down, dehydrated.

"You know I've never been referred to as a spider except to by mr.holmes."

I had no idea what to make of it, but I put the glass back on the nightstand, and as promised the criminal came out with another glass. he looked at me this time, watching as that one entered my body as well.

"I'm guessing you have questions so i'll answer the obvious ones. I kidnapped you during a bathroom break while at work, took you here. I'm going to need you to stay with me for a month or two, maybe longer. Sherlock is boring, I need entertainment. we are at one of my many large estates in a country that shall remain unknown. although I must admit to the rest of the world we are in the middle of nowhere. you can only get here by helicopter, seeing as there are no roads. everything here is at your disposal. there really is no way for you to get out, theirs a 15 foot wall of trees outside. I have a wall that goes around the whole perimeter about a quarter of a mile off. you can't run away but your welcome to try."

I just watched and listened as he explained everything

"Don't worry, I just need you to be here, think of it as a really long vacation. like summer vacation. you have about 3 rooms to yourself all with beds, and another 15 for everything else. I even have an apartment sort of thing if you'd prefer that instead."

I just watched as he told me about the life he had created for me

"don't worry, I've been watching you and, I picked out everything . every lamp, every chair, every rug and curtain to your enjoyment. you can't get the internet here, but I have magazines, many different forms to listen to music, your favorite shows and movies on DVD, even different instruments if your interested."

I just stared at him, then tears came into my eyes and I had no idea why.

Moriarty of course noticed and brought out a tray with scones and a cup of tea.

He reached over put it on my lap "Don't worry its just the shock. Any questions."

I wasn't saying anything but Jim knew I wanted too.

"You can talk if you want Molls, I'm not going to kill you for speaking your mind, I'm calm today I swear."

then I opened my mouth but only dry air came out, for some reason Moriarty smirked.

he leaned in close to my face I could feel his breathing, then close to my cheek he licked a tear off of my face. I gasped as he took the rest of them into his mouth.

"Jim." I said my voice dry even after 2 glasses of water.

Then the criminal backed off and a magical bowl of soup came out of nowhere.

he took the spoon filling it with broth brought it to my face and said "Open up."

Like with the spider in my room, I  didn't think much of it, but just went with the flow complying. Jim was discussing what else he had done. the sun room, a pool, a personal gym,movie theater, and kitchen. in what seamed like no time at all. Almost like having a consulting criminal hand feed me was normal.

Then after we were done, he finally asked "so what was your question."

Then without skipping a beat she answered "why me." the man looked at her with sad eyes.

"the detective has as noticed gotten very close to you, and even though theirs a chance he might care for you. he completely forgot about you when I showed up."

I knew he was telling the truth

"Sherlock has checked on every person he ever talked too, except little you. In fact no one had found out about you going missing yet, not even a thought four days after I put the whole stand of britain on terror alert. He should have payed more attention."

Moriarty came close to me laying beside my weak body,holding my tiny frame by his body stroking my face.

He whispered in my ear softly "because before it was just a terror alert, now its an Amber Alert."

The irish man kissed my cheek,I looked at him and for a moment we just stared at each other, sinking into each others souls.

"Sherlock will realize just how ordinary he's been. I'm taking a tiny pressure point of his, you. so you see he could never imagine anyone taking you. so I simply gave him the unimaginable."

He kissed my forehead, before nuzzling his head into my hair.

I felt him sigh "that and your not the worst company in the world miss Hooper. and with me that test thing in the world, as long as you stay here with me you'll never be looked over."

for a while we both just layed there.

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