Chapter 20 - Drunken Love

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~ Kath's POV ~

"Hahahaha! OMG Bradley!!" I slurred in my drunken state. Everything he was saying was hilarious!

We were currently watching Adam Sandler's new movie, The Ridiculous Six on Netflix... Oh my gosh! That rhymed! I laughed at myself, I can't believe this. Bradley probably thought that I was still laughing at him when I was laughing at myself. Oh how sad am I right now? Not at all! Why am I talking to myself?

Anyway, Bradley was making ridiculous jokes about the movie, get it? Get it? Ahhh, I'm laughing so hard at myself again. This has been one of the funniest night everrrrr.

Why am I the only one finding my jokes super hilarious?

It was already 7:30PM and I've been hanging out with Brad since 4PM. Hanging out with him had been so amazing. I didn't expect him to be such an amazing company, who am I kidding? I already knew he was an amazing company.

After we finished eating the pizza - which tasted so great that I only gave him a slice - we were too tired and full... Well I was... And I wanted to avoid whatever he had to say so I suggested that we watch a movie. However, later on the movie we decided to drink only a tiny amount of alcohol but I guess we drank a little too much.. Or maybe I just got drunk easily because I'm not used to it. Who knows and who cares? Certainly not me.

Nonetheless, I was enjoying Bradley's company so much. Have I already said that? Oh well.

Brad interrupted my conversation with myself when he snapped his fingers in my face causing me to slightly flinch then burst out laughing.

It felt like I haven't laughed for quite a while now, an honest real genuine laugh. First I was just laughing and clutching my stomach then laughing with no sound and now I was laughing with no sound and clapping my hands together like a retarded seal.

He stared at me weirdly, smiling and his laugh slowing down to chuckles, probably because of how funny and stupid I looked right now.

"You're so much cuter when you're drunk," he pinched my cheek.

"And you are so hot!" I giggled, flicking his nose. What the heck am I doing?

He laughed at me yet again and caught my hand just before I placed it back to my side. We just stared at each other, for I have no idea how long, with stupid drunk smiles plastered on our faces.

He kissed the back of my hand, which was such a sweet and genuine gesture but was I ready for what was bound to happen? He intertwined our hands together and looked directly at me. We were having an intense stare-off until I looked at our intertwined hands and lost.

Before my mind caught up to whatever was going on, I didn't realize that I was leaning in towards Bradley. I'll probably forget everything that's going on right now when I wake up tomorrow morning so why not just do it. I blame Nike for saying that.

Bradley was slowly leaning in as well that it was antogonisingly killing me so I just crashed my lips against his, not bothering to wait. Since when was I a very inpatient person? I quickly pulled away, not wanting it to go deeper.

What was I thinking in the first place? Oh, right, I wasn't thinking. Here I go again, talking to myself.

"Marry me."


"Marry me."

"Katherine, what...?" He asked surprised and unsure.

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