Chapter 30 - Reality

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~ Kath's POV ~

It was now Monday morning and I felt drained. Its also been a month since I've been to school. When Bradley got put in the hospital, I stopped going to school but I still did work and made Sophie hand them in for me.

"Katherine?" My mum pokes her head in.

Instead of answering, I just looked at her and forced a smile. I was so used to Bradley's presence and it just feels so weird without him. The past month with Bradley and Carmen had been amazing, it was like a fairytale sort of life. No problems, except the reason why we were actually in the hospital.

"Its okay honey, its okay to cry."

I jumped into her arms and sobbed, letting everything that I've been keeping inside flood out.

"I miss him mom. I feel like I have no one now."

"You'll always have me and your dad. And I know Sam is always watching over you too." Her voice broke.

I sniffed and wiped my eyes.

"I miss her too."

"We all do, there's not a single day where she doesn't cross our minds."

There was a silence after she said that, it wasn't an awkward silence.

"I'll tell you what, you can miss school again for today but you'll have to go tomorrow." She offers.

"Thanks mom, but I think I can handle myself. I've missed school too much already."

"If you're sure, okay." With that she leaves my room to prepare breakfast.

I dragged my feet from my bed to my bathroom. I was surprised to see my reflection on the mirror.

My eyes were all puffy and red, my hair was put in a messy bun and I was wearing sweats.


After getting ready and eating a minimal amount of food, I got in my car and drove off.

Just as I parked, the bell rang. I had English first which meant that all the other boys will be there. Oh wait what am I talking about, they're in every single one of my classes. I rolled my eyes and sighed.

When I got in the class, everyone looked up at me like I'm a ghost. Then the teacher came in and fake coughed which caused everyone to take their attention off of me.

Halfway through the lesson I receive a text from Caleb,

"Hey you can talk to me at lunch if you need to. Xx"

I looked behind me and saw him staring, I simple gave him the best smile I can give anyone right now.

Next subject was maths, everyone gave me the same looks and silence. They probably heard about what happened to Dylan.

I got in the classroom first and sat down on the left side of the room when Caleb, Alex, Dylan and Daniel tried sitting beside me, fighting along the way.

"I'm sitting next to her."

"No you're not. I am."

"What are you two on about? I'm sitting next to her."

"No one's sitting next to her except me."

I had enough of their banter and walked to the right side of the room.

"Look what you made her do."

"You guys are such an idiot."

"This is all your fault."

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