Chapter 1 the first day of school

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Kate's POV

I wake up to the sound of my in annoying alarm clock. Ugh I hate that sound I think as I'm forcing myself out of bed.
I take a shower and use my vanilla body wash and shampoo,brush my hair and keep it down. I put on mascara and winged eyeliner and bubble gum lipgloss. I wear a nice blue dress like top that goes up to my hip with blue jeans (look at Kate from the cover).

I go down stairs and I have a nice bowl of fruit loops (FRUIT LOOPS FOR LIFE >.<) I look at the time and I still have 30 min before school. So I turn on the tv and watch anime with my cat vanilla. Don't judge me I like vanilla. I walk to school because it's not that far. When i get there I only see boys, I guess all the girls are not here because there still doing makeup and stuff, I think. I go in and I look for my locker, but I'm having trouble.i keep seeing some boys stare at me and it makes me a little nervous. While I was looking around I ran into a boy with light blonde hair and blue eyes, I fell but he caught me, but he didn't catch the falling books. I went to speak but I couldn't.
"Hey,sorry about that. He said with a cheer full smile. Il help pick up your books."
"T-T-Thanks s-sorry a-about that". i say shyly, and I feel myself blush.
"Don't worry about it". He said as he picks up my books and hands it to me. Any what's your name
"I'm k-Kate ". I say shyly.
"Ok Kate I'm Nash nice to meet you." He returns .
I go to walk to class but remember I'm lost I turn to go back but I see other boys trying to beat Nash up in jealousy .
But he ducts and crawls out of the fight while the other boys are beating each other up.

I run up to him to make sure he's ok.
"Omg omg Nash you ok!" I quickly ask
"Hehe...yeah I'm fine just got a couple of scratches". He replies." We should get out of here before they notice I'm gone." He continues
"Yeah we should." I say as I help him up.
We walk away quickly so the other boys don't notice that he's gone. When we arrive at a hallway Nash stops and asked
"So why did you come back anyway?"
"I-I'm a little bit lost I don't know where my locker is, so I went back to see if you could help." I admit
"Oh ok show me your locker number." he tells me
I show him the number and he sais, oh that's near mine, here il show you.
We continue to walk until he stops in front of a locker. He said its mine and he helps me put my stuff away in it.
"Thanks" I say kindly.

We talk for a little longer then finally some girls are coming. Eventually almost everyone is in the school and in groups I don't know where to go because I'm new, Nash walks up and hangs out with me. We talk about anything that comes up in our minds. The bell rings and I start making my way to my class, I have magicks class. I relies that Nash's in the same class as me, that makes me happy to know I have someone there. As I walk to class some girl comes and pushes me but I didn't fall.
"U-um p-please w-watch where y-your going."I say shyly.
"Hehe... What a big mouth for a shy one like you." She states meanly. "Oh and by the way stay away from Nash because he's my to-be-boyfriend."
I don't know what about her but she just makes me so angry. The anger inside of me gave me confidence.
"Well who said anyway, besides I doubt someone like him would want to be with someone" i say gesturing to her body. I shot back
"Ugh just get out of my face." She said as she pushes me.
Just then I was caught by someone, I couldn't see their face put they made sure I was able to stand.
"Hey you can't push people around like that!"she said.
"Ha yeah and what are you going to do about it huh?" the mean girl states.
By this point we have most people looking at us.
"This." The other girl said as she pours a glass of water on her.
"THESE ARE DESIGNER,UGH YOUL PAY FOR THIS AND YOUR LITTLE FRIEND TO!!" She screamed at me as she stormed off with her group.

I looked at the girl who helped me and got more details about how she looked
She had long black flowing hair with light hazel eyes. She was wearing a purple crop top with black skinny jeans, she had a pretty purple Phoenix hair clip on.
"Hey, you ok "she said
"Y-y-yes I-I'm fine,b-but why d-did you help me you b-barely k-know me." I say shyly.
"Well no one deserves to be picked on like that it's just not right." She said kindly
"T-thanks so much it really helped" I tell her
"No problem ,by the way I'm Aphmau" she tells me
"O-ok I'm Kate nice to meat you Aphmau"

I continue to thank her then I remember I have a class to get to. I run threw the crowd but I end up getting lost. I find a group of boys chatting. I walk up to them and ask them for help.
"H-hi, I'm looking for my class and I'm a little lost c-could you boys help me." I ask shyly.
Travis's POV
A really pretty girl just asked for help on the first day yesssss this is perfect if I play my cards right I might get a chance with this pretty girl.
"Yeah sure, what class are you going to." I ask her
"Im in magicks" she said with her angelic voice.
"Cool were all in the same class, except for Jeffory. I tell her "follow us we'l take you there. I tell her
I lead her to the class and we all get to pick seats. She sits next to this other guy, Nash I think his name was. There is an empty seat beside her and I sit there. Hmm I wonder what magicks she has if she has magicks? I think

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