Chapter 5 a day out with friend

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The Next Day(Sunday)
Nashe's POV

I-I can't believe I already confessed. How long have we known each other , like a week and a half. And I already fell in love with her.
Just then the phone rang.
(N-Nash D-Nashe's Dad)
D-hello Nash this is your father.
N-oh...hi dad....
D-is that a way to talk to your father son!
D-besides I'm coming tomorrow
D-yes tomorrow
N-well anyway I have a girl I think you should meet, we've been really close lately and--
D-wait tell me about this girl first
N-well she's very nice, kind of shy, she likes anime, and she lives alone currently and--
D-wait that's not right girls aren't responsible enough to live alone. She seems like a bad influence you should stop hanging out with her.
N-But dad!!
D-I said stop hanging out with her!!
N-dad I have to go and no I won't stop hanging out with her. Your assuming she's the nicest person I know and she's very kind and--
X Phone call end X
Grr he makes me so mad that's why I hung up. Anyway I should probably get ready for the day.

Kate's POV
I wake up with vanilla licking my face trying to wake me up. I look at my clock and realize it's 10:00 am.
Oh shoot I have to get ready!. I go take a shower, I use my new cupcake shampoo and body wash. I get out and dry my hair I leave it down but rap two strands of hair around my head so it's like a head band. I clip a cute pink flower pin on it and it looks nice .
I wear a short ish dress that's whit with red on the outlines with a bow in the middle( look at the top of the page). I put on mascara and winged black eyeliner. I put on pink confetti cake lipgloss. I go down stairs and eat breakfast.
I to watch some anime, I watch shugo chara. Eventually a sad part comes up and I tear up a little.

I hear a knock on the door and I go to answer it.
Nash is there, I remember what happened yesterday and I instantly blush a little.
"H-Hey Kate" he said a little awkwardly
"H-H-Hi Nash w-what's up" I say as I invite him in.
"I-I was wondering since it's a really hot day, would you like to hang out at the beach. We could invite the whole group if you want." He asked
Instantly my eyes light up. Omg I love the beach so much I think
"Yeah that sounds fun, let's text everyone and see if they want to come" I say excitedly
"Cool what time should we set up for" he asked
"Let's try at 12:00 since its 11:00" I say
"K il just go pack up some stuff and get ready and text the guys" he says
"Ok I need to get ready and text the girls to so see ya" I say cheerfully

He leaves and I grab my phone and tell everyone about the beach idea. Everyone says they can come and that they need like an hour to get ready. Which is perfect because we leave in an hour.
I go upstairs and pack a pink bikini, a blow up beach ball, and some money just in case. And I pack a couple of towels just in case. I also bring another big bag full of buckets and shovels etc etc..

X time skip to beach time X
Everyone arrives at the beach and it's very exiting the waters very warm and we have some nice waves so I can attempt to surf. I used to surf but I haven't surfed for a while now so il probably wipe out a lot. All the girls go into the change rooms and most of them are wearing a bikini. Mine isn't as small as other because I'm not into the really sexy kind of thing.

Everyone decides to go swimming first. We all splash each other with water and I decide I'm going to try and surf. I go and rent a surf board and of course it's pink. Nash walks up to me.
"Kate I didn't know you surfed" he stated
" i used to with my family when I was younger" I say" but i don't remember all of the things I knew then"I continue
"Oh I surf I can maybe remind you how to" he recommends
"U-Uh s-sure" I say nervously
" I know how to do everything it's just I'm not good at the balance part"I admit
"Well you can try first so I can see where your messing up if you mess up" he says
"O-Ok.." I say nervously
I go surfing and I get to the wave I stand up for about 1 or 2 minutes then I feel myself loose balance and fall and I make my way back to shore.
"So you were fine until you lost balance try and focus a bit more weight to your left you leaned a little bit to right." He suggests
I go and try again but this time Nash comes with me. I do what he says and I end up surfing all the way up to the shore.
"Woah...." I say
" I knew you could do it" Nash exclaims and he hugs me.
Nash says that he's going to go get us ice cream and he knows what I want.

While he's gone that girl who told me stay away from him comes over to me.
"Ugh it's you.."
"Yeah it's nice to see you to" I say sarcastically
"What did I tell you about staying away from Nash"she says meanly." Man you never listen, just stay away from him"
"No" I say quickly
"What did you say?!" She says even more rudely
"I said no" I tell her once more
She goes to tackle me but I move out of the way so she falls on the sand.
And I walk away. Nash comes back with our ice creams and we both eat it together.
We continue to play at the beach we play bolly ball with the beach ball and make sandcastles. Eventually it's time to go and we all head home. Nash and I walk home together because the beach is not to far. He drops me off at my house first but it doesn't matter because he lives right across from me. I stop before I leave.
" H-Hey Nash" I say
"Yeah..?" He asks
I kiss him on the cheek and blush.
" thanks for today" I say quietly
" n-no problem" he says as I walk inside.

I go to my room and get into my pjs, today was perfect I think.

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