Chapter 2 Magicks class

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Kate's POV
I start talking with Nash and that other dude I met we told each other our names and his name is Travis.
Just then the teacher walks in.
"Ok class, welcome to the first day of magicks class. We have a new student named Kate."The teacher said
I hope she doesn't call me up to the front of the class.
"Kate, why don't you come up and tell the class somethings about yourself."
Just as I think of it great job Kate your a jinx once more

I walk up to the front of the class nervously.
"U-um I'm Kate, I recently moved to Phoenix drop from Scales Wind. Currently war is rising between Okhasis and Scales Wind and it was becoming unsafe, so my family moved to Phoenix Drop." I finish
"Hmm very interesting" the teacher sais "do you have any magicks?" She asked
"Yes, well I'm not sure I think I might have light magicks, but I'm unsure that's the reason why I signed up for this class."
" well then Kate I hope you enjoy your time at Phoenix Drop High" she tells me
I go back to my seat. And the teacher starts explaining components of magicks and how it came to be.
About 30 min latter the teacher tells us to look around in the small library about all different types of magicks and to find a magicks your into if you don't have magicks or to read up on your own magicks.

Everyone heads back to the library. I head to the very back where the light magick books are. I start with finding out if you have light magicks. I find a lot of similarities. I move on to the next book on light magicks for beginners. It sais that most of the light magicks come from emotions. The first thing is a small light, it sais to think of someone or something that makes you happy and try reaching out with your hand slowly.
Hmm happy someone or something that makes you happy, just then Nash popes in my head. W-What why is this the first thing that popes in my head, whatever as long as it works. I reach out and open my hand out slowly and a small light shaped as a sphere forms above my hand but it flickers a lot and is hard to control. I try concentrating hard, that didn't work. I try adjusting my hand, that didn't work. I try keeping my emotions steady, and that finally it works.
While I was working on my magicks I didn't realize it started raining outside, and while I was trying to concentrate on my emotions a huge bolt of lightning flashes with some thunder. It startles me and I scream a little. At the same time the light shoots at some big books and they fall of the shelf and are about to fall on me. Just then Nash pushes me out of the way but he ends up tripping and landing on me bit he caught himself with his arms, and I also caught him when I fell.

Nash's POV
I was looking towards swords magicks. Swords magicks is a magicks that makes swords appear and you can control them threw the air and do some really cool tricks. Just then I saw a bright light coming from the back near the other window. I head over and I see Kate working with light magicks. Wow she's really cute when she's concentrating. Just then lightning flashed along with a loud thunder, she screamed and her concentrated ball of light got out of control and shot some big books they were going to fall on her and hurt her. I thought fast and pushed her out of the way I caught myself before I fell on her but she also caught me. She blushed and I feel myself blush a little to. My flirty instincts kick in and I kiss her but only a small one.

Kate POV
After I fell Nash kissed me, I was shocked. After that he helped me up I was still probably completely red from the kiss.
"W-W-What was t-that f-for N-Nash?" I quickly asked him
"I don't know I just lost control and... Well... Kissed you"he replied
More lightning shot with a very very loud thunder.
It startled me a lot because I get very jumpy during thunder storms.
My instincts worked fast, I grabbed onto Nashe's arm and partially hugged him. I realized what I did and quickly let go of his arm.
"What are you scared of thunder?" He asked
"Me...pfft no..."I said quickly
Just then more thunder and lightning was heard and the power went of. I screamed quietly and grabbed his arm again.
"Y-yes..." I admit thinking he's going to think I'm weak.
Just then he pulls me closer.
"It's ok different people have different fears." He said reassuringly.
We worked on our magicks together, Nash accomplished making a minor dagger appear, and I managed to get one of the lights working again. I also learned I could control the lights movement , colour, and shape. I convince rated hard but managed to make a pink cat. I controlled it to look like it was running across the room. It was beautiful and adorable.

"See here class this is one of the successful magicks users" the teacher states interrupting my concentration and making the cat disappear." With enough hard work, and effort". The teacher comes over and helps place my hands In and  different formation and tells me to try the cat again, and it's easier to control it. " you can master your magicks"
The other children looked in amazement as I switched animals and colours. Eventually I got tired and the bell rang for lunch. I was kind of glad it was over because I was tired, but that was way more fun then I expected.

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