Chapter Nineteen - Heat Of The Moment.

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Chapter Nineteen – Heat Of The Moment.
The large group of Shadowhunters and warlock made their way back towards the familiar apartment in central Brooklyn, smiling, Alec glanced over at Magnus from where he had been piled into the back of the yellow taxi in between his sister and Jace; Clary and Simon having gone home due to Clary's mum needing her help with a new painting sale. Magnus wiggled his fingers back at the young Shadowhunter, laughing as Alec shook his head, his dark fringe hanging in front of his eyes. "Too easy to tease, Alexander." Magnus chuckled, turning his attention back to staring out of the windscreen window at the bustling traffic in front of them. Alec stuck his tongue out at Magnus in return, laughing quietly to himself as Magnus gave an over-exaggerated offended look, his hand dramatically placed over his heart as he caught sight of Alec's expression in the mirror. "You were saying." Alec chuckled, laughing once more as Jace rolled his eyes at the two of them. "Can this wait till we get back home?" Jace asked, "I feel quite sorry for the driver right now. Plus I'm starving!"

Alec laughed again, he'd missed this, missed all of them besides from Magnus of course. He had never been more happier t be home, of course he'd loved his honeymoon and loved spending the whole week with Magnus but he was glad to be able to spend time with both his new husband and his siblings now. "Awww wittle Alec is blushing." Jace teased as he reached over to pinch at Alec's cheek before Alec slapped his hand away, "Shut up." The dark haired Shadowhunter snapped, covering his burning red cheeks with his pale hands. The thought of Magnus being his husband was still sinew to Alec, even after having a whole week to adjust and used to the idea. Alec glanced upwards to see Magnus staring at him through the rearview mirror, his left eyebrow arched and his mouth curled into a smile.

Alec glanced away, his face burning hotter than before as he stared at his knees, "I despise you all." He muttered, fighting to keep the grin from covering his face. Magus reached out and slapped away Jace's hand as it reached out to mess up Alec's hair teasingly, "Enough now." He said and Alec smiled up gratefully at Magnus before frowning in confusion as a smirk crossed the warlock's face. "Besides that's my job." Magnus ran his hand through Alec's dark locks, laughing to himself as long spikes stuck up in ever angle, some covering over his eyes. "Magnus!!" Alec complained, sighing as he brushed his hair back from his eyes, groaning as he poked himself in the eye.

The rest of the ride back to the apartment was a quiet affair, everyone having given up with teasing Alec after he'd poked himself in the eye and sat with his arms folded across his chest, the only sign that he wasn't truly annoyed with them all was the occasional shake on his head and laugh he'd let out when someone nudged him the side to get his attention. Eventually the familiar yellow New York taxi pulled up at the curb in front of the apartment and they all piled out of it, stretching and paying the driver for the journey. Alec stretched his arms upwards listening as his shoulders popped in their sockets as he shook out the cramp in his leg. Magnus, noticing Alec's distraction, hurriedly headed over and wrapped an arm casually around Alec's waist before pressing a kiss to his cheek making an obnoxious "mwah" noise as he pulled away chuckling to himself as Alec ducked his head, his cheeks flushing scarlet once more but didn't pull away, a fact that Magnus was very happy about as he fished the keys to the apartment out of Alec's jacket. "Come on then, Sweet Pea." He said, dangling the keys from his left index finger in front of Alec's face as he steered the young Shadowhunter in the direction of the front door, buzzing the intercom to be allowed in by the receptionist. He shoved the door open as the intercom buzzed once more and the lock clicked back, holding the door open for Alec before taking the Shadowhunter's hand in one of his own and leading him up the stairs towards their apartment door.

Alec stared upwards at the familiar iron numbers that were screwed into the wood of the door, a sense of comfort filling his senses. He'd missed the little apartment that he and Magnus shared, even missed coming home from training days at the Institute to find that Magnus had enlarged the room or added another feature through a quick spell. Alec loved those little surprises the most, especially the musical fountain filled with koi fish that Magnus had kept in there for almost three weeks in past. "You coming?" Magnus asked, forcing Alec to snap out of his thoughts as he realized that Magnus was stood holding the door open and staring at him with a curious look on his face. Alec smiled as he walked into the apartment, his mouth dropping open in surprise as he noticed how much larger the room had gotten once more. The fountain was back on one side of the room, where there had once been an endless amount of doors that led to a variety of differently styled bedrooms to the left of the room there was now only one, possibly for him and Magnus. The old vine swing was back over by the bookcase; Magnus had once installed it for him when he realized how much Alec loved sitting on the windowsill reading in his free time before he took it down again a while after. On top of the fireplace was a bunch of photographs from their honeymoon, wedding and the past when they had only just started dating that Alec didn't remember anyone taking but was suddenly so happy that someone had, even if it was Magnus himself. Alec walked over to the fireplace and took one of the framed photographs in hand, laughing as he realized that the photograph involved him sat on the floor in their honeymoon home, laughing his blue eyes sparkling with tears and a large blob of ice cream half running down one side of his face. Alec glanced over at Magnus who was stood just behind him, arching an eyebrow in questioning as he turned the photograph to face him. Magnus shrugged, grinning as he stared down at the frame, "I guess you could say it was the heat of the moment."


Ta Da!!! I updated!! And it's a happy upload for once, lots and lots of fluffy Malec fluff. I had trouble keeping the grin off my face, my friends kept laughing at me since I'm sat in my media class at college as we speak, uploading this and listening to Asia 'Heat Of The Moment', Kansas 'Carry On My Wayward Son' and some Supernatural fanvids. (Don't worry! I've done the coursework that everyone else is doing! So I felt I could update as I have no work! Yay!) Anyway this is a really short A/N since I don't have much to say and class ends in half an hour and I really wanna upload this because it's actually an update that you haven't had to wait 5 months to about a year for.

Also whilst I'm here go and give xwonderlandgirl a follow if you want to because I've been talking to her recently about this Malec fan fiction and she's the one who inspired me with this upload mostly with her kind and caring words about this book and how much she's really supportive of my writing as well as me as a person. Y'all will love her.

Love y'all,


P.S. Please note that I love you all very much, you all mean the world to me and I don't mean just for reading my books and enjoying them. I mean for being as supportive as you all have been with your comments due to my last two A/N's and everything that has been going on recently, I can't say if it will get any better as of yet but I'm fighting it and I will continue to do so. Please know that whether you are going through anything similar to what I am with my anxiety and everything else, or if it's entirely different but you don't know how to deal with it or you're stressed from exams or you just want/need a friend then please know that I am here for you. You are NEVER alone and you will get through it, I believe in you all and I love you all. Always Keep Fighting. Peace Out! 😏🖖🏻

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