Chapter Seventeen - Last Night.

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Chapter Seventeen - Last Night.
"So are you going to tell me what's wrong?" Alec asked as he threw Magnus's shirt over his shoulder to Magnus so that it could be packed into the suitcase. "Alexander. I told you, don't worry about it." Magnus answered, catching his shirt without looking up from the open suitcase in front of him. "You keep saying that. But whatever it was, it really freaked you out. I have a right to know Magnus." Alec retorted, slamming the empty drawer shut. "I think that's everything." He said staring down at the hissing Chairman Meow who was less than pleased to be locked back inside his cat carrier. Magnus didn't reply as he zipped the suitcase shut before clicking his fingers and making all their luggage disappear back to their apartment in Brooklyn. Alec sighed irritatedly, slapping the palm of his hands against his thighs. Magnus's head suddenly snapped upwards in Alec's direction as though suddenly remembering he was in the room, "Medication."
"What?" Alec asked completely nonplussed by the sudden change in conversation.
"I didn't see you pack your medication."

Alec twisted the hem of his shirt in his hands as he forced himself to meet Magnus's gaze, "I packed it earlier. It's in one of the bags." Alec lied, willing the heat rushing to his face to stay hidden out of sight. Magnus nodded accepting Alec's lie to be the truth. "I guess we'd better be going." Magnus muttered and Alec nodded, unable to speak. 'Why did you lie to him?' His conscience questioned, 'Why don't you just tell him the truth?' Alec shook away the whispers of his conscience as he turned to face Magnus, kissing the warlock gently on the lips. "Please tell me we're not getting a plane back." Alec said, trailing one of his hands lightly down Magnus's arm. Magnus smiled, "We have to. But I swear, if that Mundane idiot is there I will personally turn him into something unspeakable." Alec nodded slowly as he reluctantly pulled away from Magnus to take a tight hold on one of his hands. "Ready?" Magnus asked, preparing the Portal that would take them straight to the airport entrance.
Alec grinned, "Ready."


"Jace stop pacing up and down!" Isabelle demanded, narrowing her eyes at her stepbrother, "You remind me of a caged demon." Jace ignored her comment, continuing to pace backwards and forwards in front of the rows of chairs, "When's their flight getting back?" He asked, running his hands through his golden blonde hair as he paced. "Not for another two maybe three hours." Clary said laughing as Jace groaned in frustration.
"By the Angel! You act like you should be his mother not his Parabatai!" Isabelle exclaimed, her eyes following Jace, "Stop being so paranoid and relax." She patted the empty seat beside her as Jace stopped pacing and threw himself down onto the seat.

"Well, excuse me for being worried about my Parabatai who I haven't seen in about a week. I feel sorry for the poor sods who will have be tied to you when you find them." Isabelle rolled her eyes with a sigh ignoring Jace's sarcastic comments. "He'll be here when he gets here. You can't rush love Jace." Isabelle muttered, her eyes now locked onto the arrivals and departures board. "Just be patient."


Even this early in the morning the airport was bustling with people rushing to and fro throughout the building, rushing towards flight attendants or through security scanners or towards tunnels for their planes. Alec clutched tightly onto Magnus's hand as they fought their way through the crowds towards an unused desk, not wanting to be separated from his husband. Magnus grinned over his shoulder at Alec as the two of them paused in front of the desk, handing the woman behind it their passports and tickets so they could be checked into the computer, "That's it. Thank you and enjoy your flight." She said with a beaming smile as she handed back their passports, "Head towards Gate six."

Magnus took a tight hold on Alec's hand once more as he propelled him through the airport towards the gate the woman had indicated. They reached the metal detectors dropping their suitcases and phones - and a lot of jewellery on Magnus's behalf - down on the table beside the scanners so that it could be checked as they walked through. Magnus went first, dropping Alec's hand as he walked briskly through the scanners before collecting his phone and luggage as he beckoned Alec towards him with a smile. Alec hurriedly followed after Magnus keeping his eyes shut for a second as he walked through the scanner praying to himself that he hadn't forgotten to remove anything from his pockets. The scanner stayed silent and Alec released the breathe he hadn't realised he'd been holding as he picked up his phone and bag once more.

Magnus smiled to himself as Alec instantly locked his hand back to his, the look of relief clear on Alec's face as he exited the scanner, clearly pleased he hadn't forgotten to remove anything that would set off the scanners. He really was different from other Shadowhunters. He pressed his lips lightly against Alec's temple causing a small faint blush to ooze across Alec's cheekbones but there was no denying the smile that Alec was trying so desperately to hide, the dimples in his cheeks didn't lie. "Come on sweet pea." Magnus murmured as he lead them in the direction of the gateway numbered six, where their plane was waiting to take them home. Home to all their friends and family. Magnus took one last look over his shoulder wondering when he'd next bring Alec back to this place that had given them the perfect honeymoon. He smiled as he turned his attention back to the tunnel, catching sight of Alec's curious glance as he did so. "Let's get you home."


Okay so I know this chapter was kind of "meh" but it was more of a filler chapter than anything besides I really haven't been in the greatest of moods for the past five months (since I last updated) concerning this story. A lot has gone on which I will not tarnish this story with if I can help it. But hey, at least I updated right? So I guess that's something.

Hopefully the next instalment won't be quite so long in the making haha. (Five months really is a long time!) I'll be actually surprised if anyone actually still reads this anymore. I would have given up hope a long time ago. Anyway I'll let you all catch up on this chapter now and go update something else.

Big love and glitter for all you amazing people who actually waited for me to update this story. I love you all,

~ Ty.

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