Chapter 1: Blurred visions

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"Nina I can't take it anymore. I can't take all the emotional pain. The physical pain I caused myself feels good and it hurts lesser than what I'm feeling now. Pity that the physical pain is only temporary. This is why I've decided to end everything all in all. I wanna say thank you for being a good friend all these years. You deserve good things. You're so beautiful, you know that? You're gonna find a man who will treat you right, unlike that ungrateful prick you dated. I'll look down on you from wherever I am and take care of you always. I promise. I have to go now. Goodbye Nini, I love you."

I hastily typed in Nina's number through my blurry vision, caused by my tears, and pressed "send" on my phone. I let out a deep breath, hoping it would be my last. But I needed to wait. I needed to wait for Nina's last words to me in order for me to be at ease while I'm popping the pills. I glanced at my bloody wrist. The scars were beautifully decorated around it and I took a few minutes to admire my work. After what seemed like hours, my phone let out a ping indicating a text and I immediately grabbed it. 

"who are ya ? you musta sent it t the wrong person love ! I read ya text though.. do you mind if I give you a call ?"

I struggled to read and comprehend what this person was saying. Whoever he or she was had some terrible spelling and punctuation errors. I stared at the number. Nina's contact name with the red Emoji heart wasn't there. Shit. I must have typed her number in too quickly and didn't bother to check if it was the correct one. And my teary vision didn't help either. I copied and pasted the the text and made sure to send it to Nina before replying the stranger.

"Give me a call? You don't even know me."

I punched in the text and pressed send. Trust me to send a suicide text to the wrong person. My phone buzzed almost immediately.

"I deffinately don't .. but you might know me !! I'm going t call ya now ok?"

I sighed and give in. Well... I was curious to know who this person was and what he/she has to say. 

"I'll give you 5 minutes but there's no way you are changing my mind about this" I replied.

Get Lucky starts blasting from my phone and my tummy squirmed. I hate talking to strangers on the phone. In fact I hate talking on the phone. I was never good at words. I gulped and picked up. 

"Yeah?" I tried to sound nonchalant and firm.

"Hey before you do anything stupid please hear me out. I don't want anybody losing their lives and I certainly do not want to live in regret knowing that I could have saved one today. I can't handle it if your blood was on my hands."

After hearing the person speak, I concluded that it was a he and he certainly wasn't from the US. He sounded Irish. I could tell because I have watched P.S. I love you and Gerard Butler's Irish accent there was similar to my caller's. My thoughts were going nowhere and I pinched myself for having the attention span of a goldfish. 

"I don't even know who you are." I replied lamely. This is exactly why I hate talking on the phone. I can never find the words to defend myself. 

"I'm Niall from Mullingar, Westmeath, Ireland. I'm 20 this year, my birthday is on 13th September and I'm in a band. I love Nandos, playing the guitar and football. My favourite team is the Derby County. There now you know me. You don't have an excuse."

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