Chapter 3: Friends?

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I was sobbing uncontrollably and by then I was not able to form a proper sentence. I took the phone away from my ear and typed a text to Niall to express my feelings and how thankful I am for his support. I couldn't say all of that on the phone because like I said, I suck at finding the words to  say. 

"Niall, thank you for your support the whole time I was talking to the advisor. You have no idea how much your presence comforted me during the talk, even though you were silent. I'm texting this instead because I'm better in writing than I am at speaking. Maybe if you want, we could be friends? :)" I sent the text and brought the phone up to my ear. 

"Check your inbox. I sent you something." I muttered. 

"Okay.." I hear his voice fade and assumed he was checking his inbox. 

I think I heard the ghost of a slight chuckle before I felt my phone vibrate.

"aha ! ur welcome and yeh I would love t be friends with ya !"

Again, I tried to analyze the text and understand it. I brought the phone to my ear.

"Hey why do you type like that? It's such a hassle to try and interpret your texts." 

He burst into laughter that took my breath away. His laughter is the most contagious one I've ever heard in my life. I blush at the direction my thoughts were drfiting off to.

" I dunno I'm just lazy I guess." he said after catching his breath from all that laughing.

Just then, my phone made a beeping noise indicating another number calling in. I checked to see who it was and cursed. It was Nina. I was supposed to wait for her call, but Niall made me forget about it completely. 

"Hey Niall I gotta go. I'll text you soon. Thanks again for everything. Goodnight." I reluctantly say. I didn't want to stop talking to him. I don't know why. There's something about him. I mentally stab my eye for thinking too much. I had to answer Nina's call and calm her down from her freak out earlier on before she swims across the Seven Seas to scream at my face for scaring her with that text. I wince at the thought.

"Aye I'll be waiting for that text then. Goodnight Arianne. Take care of yourself." 

There was a hint of sadness and hesitance in his voice and I felt my tummy doing flips. I hung up and inhaled deeply, trying to get as much oxygen in my system as I can before answering Nina's call. I hit answer and as expected, I hear her abnormally loud voice and I put the phone a few inches away from my ear. Goddamn. I could still hear her. I swear to God this woman could hit an octave that doesn't exist in the music world. 

"Shh..Nina. I'm fine. I called a suicide hotline and I got most of it off my chest. Everything except.. you know." 

"FUCK'S SAKE ARIANNE DON'T YOU DARE TRY SOMETHING LIKE THAT AGAIN. What made you call the suicide hotline anyway?"

"'s a long story. You're coming back tomorrow right? Wanna stay at my place? I'll explain everything." I stutter. I wasn't ready to tell her about Niall. She would flip shit and force me to make babies with him. She has been trying to get me to date for as long as I can remember. But noone ever caught my eye. But Niall. 

"Okay then. Tell me everything. EVERYTHING." 

I rolled my eyes and hung up. She's so bossy and she always has to know every intricate detail. But I love her for that. It shows that she really cares about me. I sighed, thinking about what was to come the following night. I decided to have some rest and turned over to switch my bed-side lamp off.

I closed my eyes and let my mind drift to an Irish boy's laughter that has been ringing in my ears since the first time I heard it. 

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