Jai Brooks// You Find Out About His Insecurities//

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note: okay so I am in my feelings right now and Jai is on my mind rn so have fun with this

request celebrity writings

Jai was currently resting in between you're feet on the floor while you sat on the couch in the boy's LA house. The rest of the boys were surrounding you, some sitting on the floor some on the couch with you. They were in the middle of playing a intense game of Fifa, Beau currently in the lead.

"Fuck", Daniel yelled as he tried to score a goal but failed miserably. Jai chuckled, also not doing to good in the game, but also found Daniel's reactions hilarious.

You looked down at Jai, and saw his fingers viciously running over the controller's buttons, trying his hardest to beat the rest of the boys. You continued to gaze up, looking over his arms.

They were the perfect shade of tan and as he continued to hit the controller's buttons with much force veins started appearing up and down them. They were defiantly one of his best traits.

You reached out until you were grasping bis shoulders. Thinking nothing up it, you started to rub gently. A few seconds later he shifted until you're hands were no longer rubbing his shoulders. You thought nothing of it, figuring it was just because it was distracting his from winning the game, and you went back to watching Beau kick everyone's ass.

The game eventually ended, and Beaut officially slaughtered everyone. After the grumbles of the other boys the game was turned off.

"So does this mean that you guys buy dinner"? Beau said, just rubbing in more his big win.

After the "fuck you's" from the boys, they eventually agree to go to dinner. When they finally decide where it is that there gonna eat they ask Jai, who had been silent ever since the game ended, "You down"?

Jai pursed his lips and shook his head. "Nah I'm good. You guys go without me".

They boys game his confused looks but decided to leave the topic alone and get ready for dinner.

You thought it was weird that Jai didn't agree to dinner. Jai was never one to turn down food. You got even more confused when Jai walked right past you and the rest of boys and went upstairs to his room and slammed the door.

"What the hell is wrong with him"? James asked, looking at you like you knew the answer. To be honest you were just as confused.

You shrugged you're shoulders and followed Jai's path to his room

As you entered the room you saw Jai laying on his stomach on his bed with his chin in his palm, scrolling through Twitter. You laid next to him and rested you're head on his back.

"Hey", you said softly, praying for an answer.

"Mhm", he murmured back at you, not even bothering to look at you.

You closed you're eyes and breathed in heavy. "Are you mad at me?"

He looked at you, with softened eyes, closed them and turned his head back to his phone. "Of course not, babe".

You lifted you're head and tried to look at him but was meant with the back of his head. "Well then whats up? You were perfectly okay a few minutes ago"?

"I'm okay now", he said in a monotone voice, still not bothering to look at you.

"No you're not", you protested. Still no answer. "Just please tell me. Please". At this point you were certain there was something wrong, and you were stubborn so there was no way that he was going to get out of not telling you.

He looked at you, sat up, and sighed. He continued to look at you for a few more seconds before he let out an audible groan and rested his head on you're shoulder. "It's so stupid", he whined.

You smiled because of the kiddish action and lightly begin pulling the hairs at the back of his neck, soothing his more into telling you. "It's not stupid. I really want to know".

"It's just", he began, still resting his head on you're shoulder. "When you started touching my arms down there, I don't know, I just got really insecure". You could tell it was hard for his to tell you his insecurities. He always tried to act very strong for you and around you, but you both new that he was sensitive.

You furrowed you're eyebrows not understanding how someone could be insecure about such amazing arms. "What do you mean"?

"It's just", he st up looking at you, "I mean, I've been slacking at the gym lately, and I don't know. I'm just not as confident about them as I usually am. I didn't want you touching my arms and relaizing that I had nothing there to really touch."

You're eyebrows were now raised instead of furrowed. "Are you fucking kidding me, Jai"?

He looked at you with wide eyes. What"?

"You really don't think you have nice arms"? You siad eyebrows still raised, and asking like him having nice arms was a thing everyone knew and he was just figuring out.

"I mean, yeah I guess", he siad shurgging.

"Oh my god", you said resting you're head in you're hands and then looking back up at him. "How do you not relaize how fucking hot you're arms are?"

"What do you mean"? He asked, now the one with furrowed eyebrows.

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