Chapter 11: Standing Up

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Crutchie and I took the next ferry out of New Jersey and to Brooklyn. We got off the ferry at Brooklyn. We walked down the Brooklyn harbor. Spot was sitting on his post. Les was standing below it. Spot hopped down and stood next to Les. Spot raised his eyebrow.

                “Ain’t ya supposed to be somewhere in Jersey by now?” he asked.

                “I decided to come back,” I said, “I need to face my Aunt.”

                “Ain’t ya worried about her takin’ ya away? Adults don’t take kindly to no kid shown ‘em up.”

                “I got it, Spot. Thanks for your help.”

                “No problem. Ya got guts, kid. I like guts.”

                I nodded and Crutchie and I continued to walk back to New York City. We arrived in New York City. We ducked through alleys so people wouldn’t see us. We reached the newsboy’s lounge. We walked into the lounge. The only newsies in there were Jack and Kid Blink. They looked up when the door opened. Jack stood up from the chair he had been sitting on. He smiled.

                “Ya couldn’ stay away huh, Crutchie?” Jack said coming over to slap Crutchie on the back.

                “Actually, I suggested we come back,” I said.

                “You?” Kid Blink said, “But what about ya aunt? She’s got cops lookin’ for ya all over da place.”

                “Then she’ll find me. I’m going to her.”

                “Ya mad,” Jack said, “Ya know she’s gonna take ya away.”

                I nodded. Jack shrugged his shoulders. Crutchie turned around to me. “So what ya gonna do?”

                “I’m going to talk to her. I’m going to tell her I’m not leaving with her and I want to live with Willa’s family.”

                “What if she don’t listen to you?”

                “Then I’m running away.”

                Crutchie didn’t look convinced. He looked like he wanted to say something but decided against it. He kissed me on the forehead. I walked out of the newsboys lounge and went outside. I went to the inn where Willa was staying. She was standing outside kissing David. I smiled momentarily happy and shocked by what she was doing. I walked over to them and tapped her on the back.

                “Oh my gosh, Sadie.” Willa hugged me. “Where did you go?”

                “New Jersey,” I said, “But I’m back now.” I looked behind her at David. I raised my eyebrow at Willa. She blushed.

                “Um, you know David, right?”

                “Yes I know David. Were you having fun kissing him?”

                “I didn’t get to tell you. He’s my boyfriend now.”

                “That’s great. Your parents approve of this.”

                “My dad has had happier days. What are you doing back?”

                “Do you know where my aunt is?”

                “She’s staying in this building. She’s been looking for you like crazy. She thought I knew where you were, but I told her I didn’t know. She even asked the newsies which took some effort on her part.”

                “I’m going up to talk to her.”

                I walked passed Willa and into the building. I asked the guard which room my aunt was in. He told me and I started to walk up the stairs. I took deep breaths as I walked. My future depended on me and I wasn’t about to screw it up.

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