Why am I here?

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    "Why am I here? I want to leave!! I don't even know why I'm having those idiotic dreams! Who even are you?" I snap as Violent J and Shaggy touch me again. I push them back hard and they stumble back. "Get away from me!!!" Milenko gets up and gently touches my shoulder, and for some reason I calm down. No matter how bad I want to push this strange man away, I can't do it. He relaxed me with just one touch. He smiles at me, and he actually looks kind. I think to myself, 'How did he calm me? Who or what is he? Will he hurt me?' Shaggy and Violent J stands a few feet away staring at me and Milenko. 'I'm so confused. I feel...... at home'

    "You are here because you followed the dreams that I bestowed on you, calling you to me. You won't want to leave once i deliver the news." He chuckles. "All of your questions will be answered in due time. I promise baby girl." He caresses my cheek as he calls me baby girl. I don't know what to do so I just close my eyes and try not to move. I don't want to upset this person, or creature. I want my questions answered but I don't want to be here anymore. I sigh in relief as he removes his hand from me so i have no contact with any of these strange men. He smiles and looks at me with some type of emotion that only someone who adores you can look at you. 'Why is he staring at me like that? Like he knows and adores me? I'm scared.' 

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