Deal with it, because i said so

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Holly good goodness i posted something. :)

I could barley understand how he could go from playful to serious. He was so . . . uhg I do't know. He just so him. It was really hard to understand him.

"Is it working?"

"I haven't tried yet, I'm distracted by your mood swings." I joked.

"Quite stalling."

"Ya fine." I huffed.

I started to let down my mental walls slowly weakening them, so I could connect with my wolf- Fuck Fuck "Ahh" I screamed as I clutched my head falling to my knees. She felt my walls weakening and decided to rush me, to force herself back into my head. I gritted my teeth against the pain, and discomfort of being invaded by her. Slowly, and I mean very slowly, the pain receded mildly, and a feeling of completion, a almost peace started to settele over me. I hate to admit it, but I just felt right with her.

"That was a really fucking stupid idea Zander." I snapped annoyed still by the discomfort in my head. It was like a bowling match was going on in my head, and my brain was the target. With every passing minutes I was starting to feel better, but it still wasn't fast enough.

Trin- Luna tried to speak to me, but I stopped her.

I may have let her in for Zaders sake, but we where not "okay"

Don't speak to me, or I'll never let you out again! I could feel her sorrow, regret, but there was something else there that I didn't quite understand a sense of failure. A loss almost like there is something she is loosing, or almost lost that doesnt invole me.

"When you cut your wolf off, for as long as you have it's understandable for her to be eager." he said unfazed. "You weren't just hurting yourself, she was in pain with you each day, even if you couldn't feel it."

"Don't care"

"No one likes a bitch Trin." he chirped. "Now it's time to leave this room."

"NO" I whinnied. I had gained great deal of my strength back, since I let my wolf in. But I don't want to face the world. The looks a pity and pride. The questions from my friends. To face my father. I just don't want to deal with . . anything. I'm going to live now. Im going to survive, but that doesnt mean I want to.

"Yes" he beamed.

"No" I huffed, like a bratty child.


"I said no." I shouted.

"Well yes it is then." he came at me, scooped me up bridal style, and carried me out side. "Ah fresh air" he made show of dramatically breathing. I glared at him and crossed my arms more then pissed that he brought me outside. "someones a grumpy Luna!"

"Screw you." I said flipping him off. "We have tasted the fresh out doors for long enough, bring me back in." I tried to command, but with out my full strength it was empty.

"Gosh your mean today." he observed. "Anyway come on we have thing to talk about."

He lead me to the part of the yard where I had gone on my first run with him. It brought back memories that I didn't wish to remember. That I didn't want to relive. I think he did this to make me think of better times, funner times. To bad it had the opposite effect, and soured my mood even more. Sitting in the grass only stirred up everything for me. Everything I lost. This spot is a reminder of days I wont ever have. Shifting with my mate, and just enjoying the sun. To be care free with my equal counter part.

"I know what your doing." I sated through clenched teeth.

"What am I doing?" I could hear the authentic curiosity in his question, so I answered him.

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