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"He won't calm down Luna- practically feral." My guard ranted on.

Getting to the room he was being held in, I smiled sadly. Who wouldn't go crazy in a small room. Completely confined, and cut off from everyone. Wolves where meant to be social. To be denied a mandatory need, was grounds for insanity. "How long?" I asked not sparing him a look.

A new voice responded. "Since he woke up Luna." Gib's told me. He was my new- he's was new. I tried not to let his presence bother me. It was nothing against him. I just can't - I mean he's really not here anymore. I quickly took deep breaths to hold back the flood of emotions, that where threatening to break through.

Sighing deeply I looked to him disapprovingly. "I just woke up gibs. I need a proper time frame." I just couldn't bring myself to go easy on him. I didn't want him here.

His eyes averted to the floor in shame. " I beg you forgiveness Luna. My mind must have left me. I won't let it happen again. He's been like this for 4hours. Just pacing, and growling, my queen." He spoke clearly.

I took in his 6'4 frame as his eyes still married the floor. He was bulky like a football player, and looked as if he could take down any threat. I notices his hand never left his blade. That was holstered to his right hip. Even with his eyes averted he, still look alert. More then aware of his surroundings.

"Do better." Was all I said to him as I opened the door.

Joel stood before me on all fours, teeth bared ready to pounce. Smiling sadly I approached him with no fear. His jet black fur glistened against the bright lights of the small cell. Keeping his stare I slowly moved closer to him. His growl intensified as I neared him. Limbs wound tight ready to pounce if need be. Because everything he had been through his wolf had gone feral. It wasn't Joel anymore. When his wolf cames out, it was all wolf. no human counter part. A abused wolf won't trust anyone.

I looked to the floor, going to my knees before him. "Joel." I breathed out happily. I didn't care how messed up he was. I'm just happy hes was alive. When I woke up gorg told me that they had to take him down. When I saved him, and he was healed, his wolf took over. Forcing him to shift. No one could go near him. His human mind can't connect, with the wolf. when his wolf goes feral. I could penetrate his mind, but it felt wrong. I told him I never would invade his mind. Even in this situation, it still doesn't feel right to breach his privacy. And commanding his wolfs will, would just enrage his wolf. For the next time he got out.

Looking back to his eyes, pure reds met my gold ones. His wolf charged forward. His large jaws latching onto my shoulder painfully. I gritted my teeth in pain. I don't even know, if he knows it's me fully.

"Luna." I heard gibs yell a little panicked.

He just being dramatic. Joel couldn't kill me even if he wanted to. "Stand down gibs." I demanded. I looked into Joel's eyes again, and smiled at him. "son." I smiled, like he wasn't painfully digging his canines into my shoulder. "You tried to save me." I thought back to when his wolf attacked Takus. To help me. "It was very brave Joel." I smiled once more. The red in his eyes dimmed slightly, and rashional thought seemed possible. "I saved you back sweety. Remember?" I asked.

The grey of his eyes took over fully, and I felt relief as his jaw loosened. "Shift." I told him. As if I had commanded him his jaws released me. His body painfully reformed. Bones shortening, and reforming into the little boy I had come to love.

"Mom" he gasped out, throwing his arms around me. I held him close to my chest stroking his hair. As my tears fell into his sweat covered hair. "I'm sorry." He cried holding me for dear life.

"It's fine, I love you no matter what." I promised. I kissed the top of his head. I can't believe I had almost lost my baby. I don't know what I would have done. I'm so attached to this boy. He's my son. I felt alone, for a while. The thought had me holding him tighter. "I won't ever loose you. I refuse to ever loose you." I told him meaning every word. "I'll always protect you." I knew I meant every word. Get me cloths now. I demanded sending the command to everyone with in range.

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