Teddys rule

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The next morning teddy found the two of us, fast asleep on the matts. Joel tucked into my side. Even though he was almost my height. He would be considered tall for a human boy, but as a werewolf, he was normal height. Anyway after teddy woke us up, we both went back to are room to change, and head down for breakfast.

Teddy and I where already seat eating, but Joel still hadn't mad his way down. "I can feel you anxiety Trin, what wrong?" He asked.

"He's still not down yet." I say looking at the door, hoping he would just walk in.

"Do you want me to go check on him. I could go and get him." He offered. I wasn't so sure, that that was such a good idea. I would love for Joel to get use to Teddy's presence, he obviously has a greater fear of males over females. I just don't want teddy to freak him out. "I got this, I'll be back soon." He said giving me a quick peck, be for running off.

Gorg went after teddy trailing behind him. While Kalan and Malik came to my side. "Is everything alright Luna." Kalan asked me, now addressing me formally.

I didn't want everyone to know what I was talking about, so I switch over to the old language. Just to have the illusion of privacy. "Es ora out Joel. E ould ed frl y gru." I told them. (Translation: Im worried about Joel. He should be down here.)

"E ell ed inw. Ry xea, el etn fii dstra." Malik responded. (Translation: he will be fine. Try to relax, we can feel your distress.)

I felt bad, that i had forgotten. That the zircon could feel my emotions, but only when there strong. "I'm sure your right." I said switching back to english. My eyes went back to the door, and I couldn't calm myself no matter how hard I tryed.

"Luna." A alpha on my left called. I didn't take my eyes from the door. I felt to on edge.

"Yes." I responded. He coughed slightly trying to bring my attention to him. I sighed, and shifted my eyes to the alpha momentarily, before looking to the door again. "What is it?" I asked on a sigh.

"I wanted to offer you some of my men, for the upcoming war. You will need all the solider you can get." He spoke up. He was trying to brown nose for sure.

I am made Luna, I don't have to ask for anything. I control every pack. If I wanted his men I would simply tell him that. "No need alpha. . ." I trailed off not knowing his name.

"Ward." He said proudly.

I smiled slightly looking to him. " I have more then enough wolves, to fight for me. But it was a very kind thought alpha ward." I nodded looking back to the door.

"I just thought I would put it out there, since no one else offered." He smiled. He got a lot of glares from the other alphas, and a small chuckled from Malik. Kalan smirked, and nudged him to stop laughing. "Did I say something funny boy." He shot at Malik.

"Extremely ward." Malik grinned not elaborating. He purposely called him ward to be disrespectful. I guess he knew same as I did about his empty offer.

"Alpha ward." Ward growled standing up.

"I would back down if I where you." Malik said smugly.

The zircon wolves out ranked alphas. Unless the alpha was the mate to the Luna. They were stronger then most alphas. "Ward, have you ever incounterd a zircon wolf before?" I asked casually, not missing how he hid the glare he wanted to give me. I was under no obligation to address him as alpha. It was a kindness.

"No Luna." He spoke tightly.

"Just so you know,zircon wolves out rank you." I told him, letting it sink in. " so Malik can address you how ever he likes. And if you feel the need to challenge that, then make sure your affairs are in order." I told him plainly. Have had enough of this, I looked back to the door, wishing they would walk through.

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