Chapter Two

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"Hey Bri, how was work?" Lexi, my room mate and best friend, asks eating a sandwich, as I hang my keys and purse on the key hook.

"It was good, how was your job hunting?" I ask as I go into the kitchen and pull out some left over spaghetti from the fridge.

"I'm three seconds away from just saying 'fuck it, I'll become a stripper,' because c'mon, we all know they make bank. But no, instead I'm here trying to write songs and become a successful artist." Lexi says as she finishes her sandwich.

I heat up my pasta as she continues to rant, "Hey Lex, what do you call a hooker who gets paid in pasta?" I ask her as I pull the spaghetti out of the microwave, grab a fork and bring it to the couch.

"What B?" She replies, waiting for my undoubtfully cheesy answer.

"A pastatute!" I laugh at my own joke as Lexi rolls her eyes at me.

"Not one of your finest B," she says trying not to smile.

"How about we watch some movies then go to bed, and I'll sleep on it and bring you another joke tomorrow after work." I mumble through a mouthful of spaghetti.

"Deal," Lexi says rolling her eyes at me turning on Mean Girls.

"You're late Clark," Tom says as I rush in and take the manuscripts from my box.

"I'm so sorry sir, it won't happen again sir!!" I say whirling around to meet his eyes with my own in order to be polite.

Instead I ram face first into the oddly hard chest of Marcel, who was wearing the same thing as yesterday, just different shades, my papers going every where.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry!!" I say, immediately going to the ground to put the manuscripts back into order.

"Oh no that's fine, my fault really. I was in your way." Marcel says as he too gets onto his hands and knees I help me.

"You don't need to help, this was my fault anyways," I say taking papers out of his hands.

"But I WANT to help," Marcel says, his fingers brushing against mine.

I can't help but to stare at where they brushed, his hands were so big and warm. I wonder how they would look laced through my fingers, or my hair. I immediately blush at my thoughts towards the geeky office man.

Marcel clears is through, also an oddly deep noise coming from someone like him, looking uncomfortable and I realized I was staring at his hands still.

"Oh, uhm, I'm sorry. I, uhm, spaced out." I grab the last of the papers and we put them back in order. "It's a good thing these are color coded or this would've taken us FOR-EVER." I say awkwardly as I shuffle the papers together into a pile.

"Since this is all my fault, how about we trade manuscripts today. I have only two and although they are long, they're really good so far, and you have five that from the looks of it seem wishy washy." Marcel says taking the manuscripts from my hands.

"I- can we do that?" I ask getting up and brushing off my skirt.

"I don't see why not!" Marcel says going over to his cubicle and trading out our assignments. "Besides if yours are really good, I'll get the chance to read them anyways!" He exclaims in an overly cheery way as he hands me his manuscripts and flounces away.

"Uhm, okay." I say more to myself than to him as I take the manuscripts back to my cubicle and I start reading.

These manuscripts were truly phenomenal. I've never read anything so descriptive in my life.

The emotion and passion I felt in them was so real, it reminded me why I wanted this job in the first place.

Not to evaluate manuscripts, but to read something somebody else had put a lot of work into knowing I would get to witness it get popular.

I finish the first manuscript and put it into Marcel's box during the lunch break, and as I pass his cubicle I see him taking notes on whatever manuscript of mine he was reading. Well, technically his now.

I smirk at the adorable geekiness.

Wait. Adorable geekiness?? Uhm..

I go back to my cubicle and start reading the second manuscript, which wasn't horrible, but I can't say I've grown very fond of the cliché star-crossed, good versus evil, vampire shit. It gets old after a while.

Five hours later and I hear shuffling in Marcel's cubicle next to me, I glance at the clock, 6:30, I turn around in my swivel chair, "leaving already?" I ask as he bustles by.

"Uhm, yes actually, I finished early." He squeaks, pushing his glasses up his nose.

"And how we're they?"

"Terrible, I had to throw them away. I just couldn't stand them!" He says with a laugh that oddly sounded at first like a deep chuckle, until he cleared his throat and it became a squeaky giggle.

Just when I thought he couldn't get anymore cute, I mean odd. Oh god.

"Can you do that? Tom told me to give them to him if they were terrible!" I exclaim, those were the rules he'd given me SPECIFICALLY.

"Yes, but my position gives me the power to either let the story pass on to Max, or whether or not they need to be trashed for good. And well, lets be honest here, they needed me be trashed." He says giving me that smile again.

"Oh well okay then, have a of your day...I guess." I say as I watch him leave. I catch something as he leaves, something that I wouldn't have caught if I had turned around.

Peeking out of the back of him brief case was a piece of colored paper much like the one my old manuscripts had been printed on. Funny because I thought he had said he trashed those.

I dismiss the thought from my mind as I go back to work.

Another hour passes and as I pack up to leave Tom knocks on my cubicle, closely followed by Max, "no poor manuscripts for me today?" He asks with a smile that looks more like a lavicious grin.

"No sir, the two I got today were very well written. Well as far well written as Vampire as Werewolves can go." I laugh, stopping when I realize I was the only one laughing.

I pick up my bag and lunch box, "well I'm going to go now..." I say walking past Tom and the ever hovering Max.

I feel an icy hand grab my wrist and I freeze, turning around.

"You do know that manuscripts are to be given to ME and to ME only don't you?" Tom says to me curtly.

"Y-yes. Sir." I say feeling suddenly intimidated by his hand on my wrist and close proximity.

He lets go of my wrist and I grab where he had been holding it, "good." He says, I turn to go and reach the door as he calls out to me "and do try not to be late tomorrow, it would be a shame to punish you so early." I open the door and step outside, shivering.

Not because I was cold, but because there was something in the way he said punish that just gave me chills.

Chapter two of Tell Me A Lie! I hope you like it!! It's a bit hard to try and write Marcel, I really don't have much to base him off of except for the 2 minutes sorta of him in BSE.

What do you think "punishment" would be? Comment a theory! I'm curious to hear what you have this say!!

I feel like this is rolling a bit awkwardly, kinda like a pig in water. So lemme know is something doesn't sound right or figuratively smooth enough! I'll try to fix it to the best of my ability!

Vote, Comment, and Fan for updates please!!

And I'm sorry this is coming to you so late!!

Check out Keeping Calm!

Don't call 5SOS a boyband! I don't think yet like that very much!

Hope your Saturday's been fun!


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