Chapter Five

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I arrive I work and I could hear Tom's raised voice from inside his office,

"I should've known. I should've known STRAIGHT from the beginning. Did you trade out her manuscripts too? HUH!? So you could stop this from happening. I know who you are. Well you can't and you won't!! I WILL get away with this. I would kill you now but I can't without questions being asked, so instead. You. Are. FIRED!

I heard the door start to open and I quickly bring myself to my box so they wouldn't know I was eavesdropping.

Out the office walks Marcel, he gives me a look and shakes his head at me, as if to make me not go to him.

He takes out his phone and when the front door to the office closes I get a text.

'Marcellll: Meet me at the park at 10 after work in the park. We need to talk.'

After that the curiosity and excitement seeped into my pores. I couldn't help but wonder what this was all about.

It felt as if the day drug on forever, with nothing to really distract me today except for what he might have to tell me.

That he loved me?

Why he got fired?

What happened?

Soon I was done and headed off to the park.

I've been waiting at the park for almost ten minutes now, and so far no sign of Marcel. My phone starts to ring and I hope that's him, I pick it up to hear Lexi.

"Hey, are you coming home anytime soon? Has Marcel showed up yet?" She asks, skipping the hello.

"I'll be there in around twenty minutes, if he doesn't show soon."

"Twenty minutes?!"

"Yes twenty minutes it's pouring rain and windy here and I walked to work today." I scold into the phone.




I step out into the rain wondering why I decided not to brig an umbrella today.

Yes I'd noticed the clouds but I didn't think it would actually rain! In my defense they did NOT look like rain clouds.

"Oh goodness, I'm going to get so wet out here." I say into the phone as I pull up my collar.

Psh, as if that would help. I pull my coat closer to my chest to protect from the unreasonably chilly air. It's summer for crying out loud!!

"Didn't you bring an umbrella?" Lexi asks, more like stated. It literally sounded like "are you a fucking idiot."

"Well I..."

Suddenly I notice the rain stopped hitting my hair, I look up and see two arms holding a coat over my head. I look toward the person holding the coat over my head.

All thoughts stop in their tracks as I see Marcel's green eyes and him holding a leather jacket, however uncharacteristic for him, over my head.

"Brianna? Bri, are you still there?"

I smile at his chivalry, "hey Lex, I'll call you back. Marcel's here."

We exchange our goodbyes and I face Marcel, both of us being pelted with icy water. "I'll race ya to the picnic table under the little roof thing over there." I laugh as we run over there together.

"So what did you want to tell me? I ask as I shiver into his jacket.

"I, well...I haven't been completely honest with you Bri."

"What do you mean?" I ask, suddenly worried that he had cheated on me.

He took a deep breath, and tumbling from his lips was a story. A long one at that.

"So you're telling me there's an illegal drug trade going on from Britain to Boston?"

"Yes," Marcel answers in his squeaky voice.

"Wait so you're, like, a spy."


"Oh my god. So what you just told me about all those stories were really-"


"You're a spy." I repeat dumbfounded

"That's the second time you've said that now but yes."

"I don't believe you. You don't look like a spy."

And with that he gives me one of those smirks that make me want to melt into my shoes as he runs his fingers through his hair shaking it out. It goes from well kept to stylishly messy, curly, long. In ringlets.

He takes off his damp cardigan and underneath, he reveals his long sleeve Oxford button down. He winks at me from behind his glasses before taking them off and rolling up his sleeves, revealing tattoos.

He then unbuttoned his shirt, all the way down, revealing more tattoos.

"That doesn't prove anything." I say trying to hide a smile.

He makes a big deal of clearing his throat, then in a British accent he rasps, "how about now Brianna? Oh yeah, and my name is actually Harold Edward Styles, but you can call me Harry." He says winking.

And then it clicks, the night we had first kissed, he didn't slur my name, he slipped on his American accent.

"I KNEW you were hotter than you led on to believe! I can't believe you fuckin Hannah Montana'd me!" I exclaim with wide eyes.

"Spy." He says as if it were the answer to everything.

"And now you also know everything so you MUST keep it a secret, and if you know what's best for you, quit your job. Tom's a bad man love. I'm no angel, but he sure makes me look like one baby." He says as he takes off his shirt completely and reveals more tattoos decorating his left arm.

"Alright, but why now? Why are you telling me now?" I ask taking his hand and tracing the tattoos on his forearm.

"Because they're calling us back. They need us to go back to MI6 to hear about what they're going to do about Operation Flash. I leave two days from now, on Saturday morning. And I just wanted you to know before I did."

He squeezed his eyes shut then opened them again,

"I've fallen in love with you. And I'm sorry that you got to know Marcel me, and not Harry me."

I felt like this was too perf for an authors note.

2 fab 4 u.

Chapter dedicated to @bkfouty bc she loves it.

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Have a Tasteful/Fabulous Thursday/Friday

Don't be 2, 3, 4 , 5, or 6 faced! One is pretty enough!!


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