Chapter Three

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The next morning I arrive at work to see Tom waiting outside my cubicle.

"Good you're on time, Max and I will be going to New York, so I'm going to need you to lock up, key's on your desk. Don't mess up, if you do I'll know." Tom gives me a dry stare, then winks.

He and Max leave and I let out my breath that I hadn't realized I was holding.

I go get my manuscripts from the box, another two. But these two are insanely large.

"Ugh, these are going to take me forever." I groan to myself as I walk back to my cubicle.

"Heavy load?" Marcel asks, ducking his head out of his cubicle.

"Somewhat," I say with a genuine smile, holding up the two thick manuscripts as evidence.

"Same here," he says gesturing to the hefty stack he's got going on on his left side.

"It's like he wants us to stay here all night or something." I laugh going back to my cubicle desk, where I picked up the key and put it safely onto my keyring..

The first manuscript was extremely intriguing, it was an action packed muder mystery! Full of plot twists and character snowballs! I absolutely loved it. The fact that not the maid but the jealous affair holding pool boy as the murderer? UNPREDICTABLE! It was amazing, but the second?

Oh don't even get me started on the second.

The way Natenee fell in love with Luke, and the perfect life they had. Not to mention Luke's sexy Australian accent which I could practically imagine and made me virtually melt into my own shoes. Unrealistic in some ways, but beautifully optimistic in others.

'Lexinator: You like my story? I totally ship Lunee. Bc lets face it. Nat's a bit wonky.'

'Me: No way you wrote this?!' I text back.

"Lexinator: Yes! What do you think I was working on?! Gay Porn?! Don't answer that. I roll my eyes at that text and go back to the manuscript.

I was just finishing the last page, with tears in my eyes, when somebody scared me so bad, "knock knock!" I jump out of my skin and turn around.

"Oh gosh did I scare you? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, it's just. I've been reading all day and I noticed you'd skipped lunch and dinner,"

Dinner? I glance at the time, 11:37, whooooa. That explains why my stomach feels like it's eating itself.

"So I was basically just wondering if you'd go get some bad late night coffee and college style waffles with me? I mean your practically done with that anyways and-"

"Yes," I say as I cut off Marcel's ramblings,

"Yes?" He echoed sounding surprised.

"Yeah lets go! Like you said I'm practically done anyways and I DID skip lunch AND dinner, so why not?"

I pack up my stuff and put the stories I had just finished into Marcel's box, "let's call it a day, yeah? And not come back until tomorrow!" I laugh as I grab Marcel's hand after locking up.

I don't know what caused me to do it, I just did.

"So where will we be getting our bad waffles and college style coffee?" I ask as we walk down the street, I shiver against Boston's brisk, cold and dry October night air.

Marcel, taking notice stops, "it was bad coffee and college style waffles," he says as he lets go of my hand and takes off his cardigan and hands it to me.

I put it on and feel the softness that had to be cashmere before takin his warm hand back into mine. I also took note on how odd it smelt. Not odd as in bad, odd as in musky, spicy almost. It made him automatically five times more spicy. Weird. Weird weird weird.

"Eh, either way. It's way late and I'm way starving," I laugh at my poor voice of wording and grammar.

We arrive at a dingy diner named "Mama's Kitchen,"

Seems like Mama's lost her touch. I joke quietly, barely hearing Marcel's quiet chuckle. Under his breath almost.

We sit down and Marcel orders a waffle platter for the both of us.

"So tell me about you," he says, and I do. I told him about how I'd wanted to work in writing and publishing since I was young and of my best friend Lexi. I told him about Harvard and I told him how I got my job.

The food came and we didn't talk too much about that anymore, about anything really.

We finished eating and we laughed at the truly horribleness if the coffee,Marcel had insisted on paying, no matter how persistent I was about splitting the bill, and soon we were walking back to the parking lot.

"Thank you for this Marcel, it was very sweet of you," I say as we stop by my car.

"Anytime, you needed to get out of there anyways. Being holed up in there so long couldn't have been healthy," he laughs again.

"No it couldn't have," I say, I catch myself staring at his lips and I look up to see him doing the same, his pretty pink lips in a sexy smirk that did not belong on his innocent face.

I wanted to kiss that smirk right off his face and that is just what I did.

I stood up on my toes and took his full pink lips onto mine. I felt his smirk grow a bit before he started to kiss me back.

And wow was he a good kisser, you wouldn't expect it. Hell, I didn't expect it.

The way his teeth would graze my lip and his tongue trace after. I open my lips slightly and he pulls away,

"Goodnight Brianna," he says with a wink as he walks away, his voice a bit deeper than normal and my name slurred almost. It was odd, but I was swooning too much to think too much of it.

I just kissed Marcel Reed, the office geek, and liked it.

True Life: I'm addicted to tumblr.

Extremely late, but as long as I don't go to sleep yet it's not Tuesday. Haha.

I felt like this chapter was a bit odd, but it came together in the end, yeah?

Well I tried.

I'm excited for what's coming up next! I have it all planned out and it's super interesting!!

Sorry I'm a bit off schedule though, I'll try to get bak on track with Keeping Calm tomorrow.

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Don't buy croc boots! EW!

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Thank you for reading!! Have a Marvelous/Terrific Monday/Tuesday


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