Chapter 2

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Royce opened the door to reveal a business associate that he really disliked.

"Blake, what the fuck are you doing at my house?" Royce said unhappily revealing a tall, blonde man in a suit.

"Nice, jerkwad. Are you always this rude to your guests? I need to talk to you about Derrick's account," Blake retorted.

"Feh, come in," Royce replied.

Blake walked into Royce's apartment and immediately made his way over to Alena.

He reached down and kissed her delicate hand. Alena's cheeks turned a rosy pink color.

"May I ask what such a beautiful woman as yourself, is doing at Royce's house?" Blake said smoothly.

"Blake, you jackass! Leave her alone!" Royce yelled. Blake could really make his blood boil. He was always such a sleaze.

"Oh, is she your girlfriend? I'm surprised she agreed to go out with you," Blake smirked as he continued to eye the gorgeous Alena.

"She works for me as Gavin's nanny!" replied Royce.

Blake burst into laughter.

"What's so funny?!" Royce retorted.

"You honestly want me to believe that she's your nanny?" Blake replied.

"She is!" Royce argued.

Alena blushed deeper.

Blake smiled, "Well then if she's only your nanny I'm sure you won't mind if I ask her out."

Alena felt the heat continue to rise to her cheeks as her blush darkened. She sat on the couch baffled at how possessive Royce was acting and how forward this Blake guy was being.

"I thought you were here on business?" Royce said.

Alena decided to slip out while the two began arguing again. She couldn't be late to the club again or the manager would have a fit.

Alena sighed as she made her way back home. I hope tonight isn't too bad at the club, she thought to herself. She had to perform tonight even if she was tired from watching Gavin all day.

It had been several months since Alena had started to work at Club Sapphire. The gentleman's club was owned by the world's biggest pervert, Aaron. He was a bit of a womanizer and it was less than shocking that he owned a strip club. Although Aaron was a pervert, he was still a nice guy at heart. He had stopped a lot of his perverted ways in the past few months. Alena assumed it was because he was practically in love with her roommate and best friend, Jessica. It was too bad Aaron couldn't learn how to keep his hands to himself or Jessica would probably give him a chance. Alena sighed; Aaron did have a right to be in love with Jessica. She had to be one of the most beautiful women in the world. She had long, flowing, ebony hair and seductive, dark brown eyes. She was tall and thin with great curves and long legs. It helped that Aaron had a real soft spot for Jessica. He was a bit possessive of her thus he was also very lenient with her. Since Jessica received special treatment she also convinced him to be lenient on Alena as well. The two always got the best clients. They were also first choice to work the VIP rooms which were more about sitting around in skimpy outfits and getting drinks rather than dancing on a pole on stage.

Alena came home to Jessica making dinner. She glanced at the kitchen stove. Its neon numbers displayed 6:30 PM. That gave her thirty minutes until she had to leave for the club.

"Hey Alena, how was your day?" Jessica asked warmly upon seeing her roommate.

"It was good but I need to talk to you about something before we get to the club," Alena replied.

"What's going on?" Jessica asked as a concerned look appeared on her face.

"Royce just offered to double my pay but I have to move in and work full time," Alena stated.

"That's great Alena! Are you sure all you have to do is watch Gavin?" Jessica asked sarcastically while pulling Alena into a hug.

Alena blushed a little, "Of course Jessica, Royce isn't like that. I mean he can be demanding sometimes but he's not a sleaze. He has never once made me feel uncomfortable like that. It's kind of weird I hate men because of the club but he's always been a gentleman around me."

"If you say so. I think he has a little crush on you," Jessica smirked.

Alena shook her head, "No Jes. He doesn't. I think he just works a lot and I'm the only girl around him."

"Then why did he ask you to go that business dinner with him and give you his credit card to buy a new dress?" Jessica questioned.

"Geez, you make it sound bad. I'm not his escort. That was like six months ago. He just needed a date and I said it wouldn't be a big deal if I went with him. Plus, he's my boss and most importantly he would never want to date to me or have me around Gavin if he knew I was stripper on the side. Anyway, enough with the nonsense, I didn't tell him yes yet. I'm concerned about moving out. How will you pay the other half of the rent?" Alena replied.

"Hmm... well maybe Lisa would want to move in with me?" Jessica replied.

"I wouldn't want to leave you here alone if she doesn't want to," Alena began.

Jessica smiled, "If he doubles your pay you should go! Then you won't have to work at the club anymore."

"I know," Alena said.

"I guess we better get ready to go get that money," Jessica said heading to her room to grab her bag.

Alena nodded and did the msame.

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