Chapter Twenty Five - I Go Back To School

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I found a parking spot close to the entrance of the school. It wasn't a big school, but once the integration program was complete, it would almost triple in student body size. I waited for the masses of students to pour out of the building. Once the clock struck 2:30, everyone spilled out of the doors, some rushing to their buses, others to their cars, while others just hung around. An unrecognizable feeling swarmed in my chest as I watched the few hundreds of people interacting with one another. Grabbing my pseudo-backpack, I stepped out of my car and headed into the building, confident that I would fit in. My skin prickled as I noticed the eyes on me. There was no way that I stood out from the rest of them enough that I would draw attention to myself. My hair was in a ponytail, I was wearing a pair of converse, jeans, and a t-shirt. I could feel the grimace on my face as I listened to them speak.

"Who is that?"

"Are you sure she doesn't go here?"

"Why does she look like that?" I had the overwhelming urge to turn and say 'Look like what?', but I kept on walking, my head turned down. I barged into the building and followed the signs to the main office. A kindly old man smiled at me with wide teeth and a bald patch.

"What can I help you with, sweety?"

"Do you know which room Mrs. Arwyn is in?" He typed away at his computer for a few moments before telling me. Following some more signs, I walked down the blue halls of South Lake High. The school was a step above Crescent. The two rival schools had finally come together, and it was all because of a Demigod girl and a small metal box. When I reached room 314, I paced in without knocking.

Mrs. Arwyn looked up from her haphazard desk where papers lay scattered.

"Can I help you?" Her confused eyes watched me carefully.

"I'm Hayley. Hayley Hunter."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, dear. I'm Mrs. Arwyn." She stood to shake my hand. "What can I do for you?"

I pulled the prophecy from my back pocket. "I found this Greek Poem online. It was translated from a Prophecy. I was wondering if you could help me figure it out."

"A Greek Prophecy, you say?" I nodded. "Let's have a look here. Grab that stool over there, will you?" I did as she said and sat next to her as she read over it a couple of times. Grabbing a pen from a cup, she uncapped it and got ready to write.

"This is a very magnificent piece of literature. There are so many ways that we could choose to go with this, but there is one overarching theme. The poem itself suggests a very definite end to this 'current hunt', and the very last sentence assumes that one person, this 'Hunter', will be the deciding factor in all of it." She chuckled. "It may very well be you," she said with a laugh, "since your last name is Hunter." She kept laughing as though what she said was hilarious. I morphed my scowl into a smile, out of politeness, as I shifted in my chair from her accuracy. She eventually stopped laughing and resumed her scribbling on the sheet of paper.

"Since the heart is the center of all, it can be inferred that this heart that will be saved is some central part of this whole hunt. Maybe the Hunter himself, or any other key player. Now this here, 'the foul will be a sincere foe', implies that there is a force that is trying to prevent the end of this supposed hunt. They must be a very powerful force since they are 'arduous to know'. The 'foul' could be referring to all things that are against the Hunter, so we can group that together.

"Now we can assume that 'the cessation of the premier' means the end of the hunt. The end of said hunt 'will lead you under', which I, at first, thought meant death, but it doesn't, as the Hunter uses this 'underneath' to prevent 'existence asunder' or basically, a divided existence or world." My brain buzzed as she scratched all over the paper.

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