no. 7

23 5 0

I'm tired but sleep slips away from me,
I hear the noises far away

I think of all the things
That could go wrong
That could go right
That life is weird
And why are we here

I stare; I close my eyes
It's late
And I have school
But the night intrigues me
The sky, the stars
And my eyes droop
But my mind doesn't listen to itself

The night scares me
The dark
The not knowing
And my mind races on

I wish to see the sunrise
But instead I sleep
Because I can't sleep
At night

When I'm tired
But I'm thinking
I'm wide awake now

If only humans need less sleep
And it wouldn't wake the others
To be productive in the night

But no.
I want to sleep
So I can survive the day
The dreaded morning
Where I wish again
I could sleep


Wow, 152 words. That's the longest one I've ever written. And at 10:51pm no less. I want sleep

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