The footsteps echoed down the damp alley as a young girl hurried along. Her short, dark curls bounced on her head as she speed walked down the path, holding a small book close to her chest. She looked so happy, but there was a hint of fear coming from her.

Her heartbeat was above what it should be. Her breathing was slightly jagged and very audible. She was afraid.

What should she be afraid of? She was almost home from her evening classes. She was nearly back to the loving arms of her fiancé.

She should be happy. Not terrified for her life.

Or maybe she should be.

It was night time, after all. In the dark of an alley. Where anything can happen. Although, it usually isn't a positive thing.

A low whistle made the girl stop in her tracks. It sounded close... Right behind her close. The skin on the back of her neck was standing on end as it seemed to get closer.

"Why, hello, my fair lady..." A voice laughed right next to her ear, making her grip on the book held against her chest tighten. Her heart rate sped, earning a ticking sound in her ear. "Don't fret, my fair lady..." She closed her eyes tightly as fingers trailed along her arm. Whoever it was, they were walking in front of her. Their footsteps were light, but she could feel their presence.

"Don't be rude now..." The voice soothed as fingers trailed up her face. She held her breath, refusing to open her eyes. Her heart felt ready to give out with as loud and fast it was beating.

"You're scaring her." A different voice hissed.

The girl's eyes snapped open at the sound of a second voice. If there were two, she needed a way out. However, she never made it that far.

When she opened her eyes, she was met by cold brown ones. She immediately stopped. Her breathing, her thinking, and even her heartbeat. She was locked with the eyes in front of her, feeling herself relax. Her arms dropped to her sides, causing the book she held to fall. Before it could hit the ground, however, the owner of the second voice snatched it.

He stood upright, pushing his raven black fringe of hair out of his face before turning the book over in his hands. He growled from deep in his chest, looking between the other dark haired boy and the curly haired girl.

"No games tonight, Urie, I'm hungry."

The boy, who had eyes locked with the girl just let out a light laugh. "Never could wait, could you?" He asked. He began to walk around the girl, never breaking eye contact with her. She spun with him slowly to keep his gaze. "I like playing with my food..."

He stopped his spinning and held out his arm. Slowly, almost hypnotically, the girl did the same, allowing the brown eyes boy to grab her wrist and pull her forward.

"Not a sound, my fair lady..." He cooed to the girl as he brought her wrist close to his mouth. He opened his mouth widely, revealing four sharp fangs. Two on the top row, and likewise on the bottom. She just nodded dully, otherwise completely unresponsive to what was happening.

The raven haired boy growled again, earning an eye roll from the one he had called, Urie.

"Take her neck then, Pete. Otherwise, wait your turn. She was my find..." He trailed off, staring at the girls pale skin. He quickly brought her arm to his mouth, piercing the skin with his sharp fangs. The girl made no response.

Pete watched the other creature feed. He could hear the girl's, now slow, heartbeat. He could feel her occasional breaths. It was driving him mad.

He couldn't stand it. He dropped the girl's book to the ground and shot over to her. He tilted her head and sunk his fangs into her neck, beginning to suck the sweet, red nectar that came from her veins. He closed his eyes, enjoying the feeling of finally quenching his hunger after so long. It was too good to stop.

The other boy pulled away with an airy hiss, returning his eyes to the girls. He held her wrist with one hand while reaching up to her face with the other. He shushed her, trailing his finger down her face, causing her to close her eyes.

Pete was still feeding. He wasn't ready to stop. There was still more left of her. He couldn't just let it go to waste. He needed it.

"Pete, that's enough." The other creature warned.

Pete didn't listen. He continued to suck the energy from the girl, even as she sunk slightly.

"Pete, you're killing her!" The other creature hissed, "We can't leave another body!"

Pete finally pulled away, breathing heavily as blood rolled down his fangs. His thirst was just barely satisfied, but it had been too much for the girl. She crumpled to the ground, laying completely still.

"You idiot!" The other creature hissed again.

"You act like you care for humans, Brendon." Pete hissed back, roughly wiping the still warm substance off his face.

Brendon glaired at Pete. "I care for our secrecy, whereas apparently you don't!" He leaned down and felt for the girl's absent pulse. He sighed, looking down at her. "We can't keep stacking up bodies..."

Brendon slid his arms under the girl's corpse, lifting her into the air. "Time to set up another accident."

"With pleasure." Pete smirked, beginning to feel the energy from the blood. She was a good donnor. It was almost sad to see her go so soon... But a vampire's gotta eat...

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