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Patrick gasped as he found himself surrounded by static once again. What was happening? He had just been in the tunnels with Pete. Why was he back here?

"You think this will stop me?" The monster taunted, appearing in front of Patrick, suddenly. It smirked, staring Patrick down with its solid black eyes. "I am your worst nightmare; I can't simply be stopped by another's venom."

Patrick cried out, backing away from the monster. He didn't think it would be like this. He thought he wouldn't make it. He only expected to die.

"You think I'd let you go that easily?" The monster laughed. It vanished before reappearing right in front of Patrick, grabbing his shirt roughly by the collar. "You're mine."

"No!" Patrick shouted, grabbing hold of the monster's wrists.

The monster's eyes seemed to grow darker at Patrick's defiance. "Yes." It hissed, lowly. It jerked Patrick, making him whimper. "I am a part of you. There is no me without you, and there's no you without me." It brought Patrick's face nose to nose with its own. "We are one."

Patrick was transfixed by the gaze of his monster. It seemed to push its own ideals into Patrick's head with the intent stare.

What was the point of fighting this? It was who he had become. There was no hiding it.

The monster continued to smirk. "You can't run from me..."

"I can't..." Patrick repeated in a dazed whisper.

"I can silence the noise of doubt that you've been living in." The monster continued, "Just let me take the reins. I see the end result you had in mind, and I can make that happen."

"You can?.."

Patrick saw the image of Pete flash in his mind. Would he be able to accept Patrick gone?.. Would Patrick be able to accept it?..

"He will."

Patrick blinked at the change of voice. That wasn't the sound of his monster.

The grip on his shirt loosened as the thing holding him stepped back. Patrick's eyes grew wide at the sight of someone he knew couldn't really be there. Someone he knew was gone.

"Don't you miss me?" Elisa asked, tilting her head at Patrick. "Can't we just be together again? I miss you."

Patrick shook his head. "No... No, where did-"

"It doesn't matter!" Elisa snapped, stepping up to Patrick. She put her hand on his cheek, causing Patrick to relax. He felt completely at ease as his ears filled with static.

Elisa only smiled as the static grew louder in Patrick's ears. "Let the monster go, Patrick." She soothed, flashing her eyes black. "Come be with me again."

Patrick blinked slowly, trying to gather his thoughts through the mind numbing noise. Was this another test?.. Was he supposed to say yes?

Just then, a new voice came into Patrick's ears. New, yet familiar. "Patrick, you need to fight Tyler's venom."

Elisa disappeared from in front of Patrick, leaving his snarling monster looking around. "Wentz..." It growled, stepping away from Patrick. "Your venom is no match to mine!"

Patrick's hands shot to his head. It felt like it was splitting apart. Screams and pain was all that filled his ears now, bringing tears to his eyes.

"WHAT'S HAPPENING!?" He screamed, now feeling like a fire was spreading through his body. It burned everywhere, with no way to put it out.

"The venom is tearing you apart!" The monster's voice cackled, "No one will have control once you're dead!"

Patrick fell to his knees as the room around him began to shake. He felt nauseous. How was it this bad? Was it this bad when Tyler first gave him the venom? He couldn't remember...

Monster (Peterick/Brallon)Where stories live. Discover now