text 27

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Clary: Let it please be the Fourth ship off

Magnus: It is and the ships are Melizzy and Clizzy

Clary : Magnus you gotta be kidding me. I can't vote again 😢

Magnus: next time you can vote I promise.

Clary: okay 😀

Hodge: Clizzy !!!!!!!!!!!🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌❤❤❤❤❤

Alec: We know that Clizzy is your OTP Hodge.

Hodge: 😀

Maryse : why are Izzy's ships always with downwolders.

Magnus: Clizzy is not with downwolders

Alec: mum Just choose It is a game

Maryse : fine Clizzy

Robert: I choose Clizzy

Maryse: your finally agree on something.

Robert: I always agree with you

Max: Clizzy

Jace: Clizzy

Simon: melizzy

Alec: melizzy

Max: Clizzy

Alaric: melizzy

Luke : Clizzy

Valetine: Clizzy

Clary: you don't even like me

Valetine: I hate downwolders more

Magnus: I will pretend that I heard nothing

Rapheal: melizzy

Lydia: melizzy

Meliorn: this is a stupid game

Clary: speak for your self

Meliorn: I did

Magnus : I choose Clizzy

Magnus; that means that the winner is Clizzy with 9 against 5

Izzy: Clary we did it our friendship rules the world

Clary: yeaaaaay

Hodge : 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 I'm so happy.

Magnus : shall we do another one ?

Alec: please no

Izzy : yes

Clary: always

Hodge: another one! !!!

Magnus; okay ship off number five consists of the ships lucelyn and clagnus

Rapheal: who and who?

Simon: didn't you get it? It is Luke and jocelyn against Clary and Magnus

Clary: Magnus did you couple us ?

Magnus: It was a request

Clary: from who?

Alaric : Clagnus! !!!!!!!!!!!!🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌❤❤❤❤❤

Clary: never mind I know who it is

Jace : Lucelyn

Valtine : no way that my wife is going with a wolf . And my daughter is not going with a warlock

Clary: that sucks for you I choose lucelyn

Valetine: And you still can't choose

Izzy: Lucelyn

Simon : Lucelyn

Rapheal: Lucelyn

Lydia: Lucelyn

Maryse: lucelyn

Robert: lucelyn

Max: lucelyn

Hodge : clagnus

Alec: Lucelyn

Magnus: i choose lucelyn duh. The winner is lucelyn with 10 against 2

Alaric: damm it

Hodge: I feel you Alaric

Alec: this was fun but I will go to sleep now so good night.

Rapheal : but it is still light outside

Izzy: don't tell him that ,hè needs his sleep. Hè didn't sleep since I was arrested.

Rapheal : okay

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