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Carl was flyn trou da space an he came apon a big, fat, ball of red. Carl was like BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.............

A few more hours of screaming...

A few more...

You should probably go make a smoothie or something...

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaa. *Super_Narwhal sleeping* *Suddenly wakes up* "Oh I think he stopped. Alright let's go." When Carl was done scramin, he yelled MA EYES! IZZ SO RED! Well. Let's guuuuuuu! When he went down there, he was super confuzzled. There were no waters anywhere. Where would he put da narwhals? He suddenly knewed. On his planet there was secret species of narwhal... Dey lived in da caves. Only a few narwhals knew about them. Carl, being a VERY low ranking official I da government, knew nothing about them. SO HOW DOES HE KNOW ABOUT THEM YOU ASK? Well, remember, when he ate da cosmic energie from da shiny guy, he gotted DA INFINITE POWERS!!!!!!!!!! An wif DA INFINITE POWERS came DA INFINITE KNOWS!!!!!!! The secret narwhals are green wif little feet. He pooped dem an de rocks. They immediately builded a spaceship and flewed tward da earf.Carl den flewed off for ADVENTUR!

The Adventures Of The Cosmic NarwhalWhere stories live. Discover now