Chapter 18: More stories and more secrets

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"Shane can you tell me more about whats going on" Des said

"Yeah sure" Shane said

"Thanks" Des said

"There was a woman who had a six year old son. They lived here before us. One day, she bought a new mobile phone. When she came home from her school job, she started cooking and left he phone down on the counter. Her son into the kitchen and seen the phone. He asked his mother if he could play with it. She told him he could, as long as he did not call anyone or delete any text messages. Of course, the boy agreed and went off to his room to play with the phone. Around 9 that night, she went upstairs to tuck in her son and found him fast asleep on the bed. The cell phone was lying on the ground beside the bed. She picked it up  and began browsing through the settings to make sure he didn't delete anything. She noticed no changes. She went through the photos and videos and noticed that a picture was shown of her son. Then a video showed him getting murdered. She looked at her son and ran to call 911. The police caught the killer" Shane said

"Oh my god I'm scared" Des said

"Why" Shane asked

"I don't want to be murdered" Des said

"It's okay" Shane said

"More?" Des said

"Sure" Shane said

"Yay" Des said

"Your mom had a dream. She was walking up a dark staircase and when she got to the top, she walked into a bedroom. The bedroom carpet was made up of large squares that looked like trapdoors.And each window was fastened shut with big nails that stuck up out of the wood. In her dream, Bridgit to sleep in the bedroom, but during the night, a woman with a pale face, black eyes and long black hair slipped silently into the room. She leaned over the bed and whispered, "This is an evil place. Run away while you can." Then the black haired woman grabbed your moms arm. Your mom woke up with a scream and lay awake the rest of the night, shivering and shaking. In the morning, she had decided not to go to Kingston after all. "I can't tell you why" she said, "but I just can't bring myself to go there" Shane said

"I can't believe this happen" Des said

"Well it did" Shane said

"Is Bridgit going to be okay Shane?" Des said

"I hope, I love her so much and I couldn't find another perfect wife" Shane said

"I love her, I don't know what I would do without her. She was my first inspiration before I knew her. She is an amazing singer, songwriter, and actress. Bridgit in concert is amazing and I will never forget when I was in front row for her concert and then I got to hold her hand and talk to her. It was a good night" Des said

"You seen her in concert?" Shane asked

"Twice actually" Des said

"I never knew that" Shane said

"Well it happen" Des said

"Let's go check on Bridgit" Shane said

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