F i v e

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kik // ethan dolan



Ethan: Kaylie are you awake? I cant sleep

Me: yeah

Ethan: this is a weird question but can we FaceTime?

Me: sure

I gave Ethan my phone number and put on a shirt since I was only wearing a sports bra, Its weird how were about to FaceTime when we've only been talking for like a week now and he wants to FaceTime, My phones screen turned on as he called, I picked up my phone and clicked the answer button,

"Hi." I giggled

"Hey," He smiled, He looked exactly like his twin the only thing different is how he has a birth mark on his cheek,

"how are you?" I said,

"Good what about you?"

"good," i smiled and sipped on my water,

"My brother wants to say hi" he giggled and handed Grayson his phone "hi im Grayson, Ethans hot twin" he chuckled

"Hi," i giggled

"Ethan talks about you all the time" Grayson smirked

"Grayson!" Ethan yelled, The blush made its way up my cheeks,

"It's true." Grayson giggled, Ethan took his phone back and walked into his room shutting the door,

"Ignore him." He chuckled

"So tell me a little about yourself Ethan" i smiled,

"Well im 16, my birthday is December 16th 1999, i make vines and i have a YouTube channel with my brother, Uhm..im weird, I like to travel and yeah." He smiles, "your turn."

"Well im 16 my birthday is April 27th 1999, I like to watch Netflix and read, my life is really simple and boring." I giggle,

"Same to be honest"


Me and Ethan ended up FaceTiming for 3 hours and 20 minutes, Thats along time. My phone buzzed, I unlocked it and clicked on the kik app,

Ethan: that was fun, we should do it again sometime :)

Me: yeah, Goodnight Ethan

Ethan: goodnight Kaylie ;)


Heyo, It's longer yayy, anyways thanks for reading, Vote, Comment, And Share

Ily bye <3

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