day 2 (part 2) & day 3 - family ties

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Jason's POV

I walked up to my mom's office so we could go home. Oh that's right i forgot to tell you guys Miss Brown.. yh that's my mom! "Miss Brown?" I knocked on her for to leave but i didn't call her mom cause i kinda wanted to keep it a secret.

Don't want a sexy chap like me being called a teachers pet!

"Come in" i entered she had her head in her hands and there was a tiny puddle of tears in her desk. I closed the door, got out some tissue and sat opposite from her. " mum? " Her head shot up and she tried to clean herself up when she saw me."Jason baby, how was your day you ready to go!" She stood up she was definetly agitated i hope she hadn't been drinking again.

" mom are you okay?" She completely ignored me and carried on packing up her stuff. " you ready - yeah course you're ready let's go!" She ran it the room bustling with her bags her long heels clacking along the floor.

"Mom arent you gonna wait!" She jumped into the car and the engine was started before i was even in there. "Damn." She shot me a look
"Boy don't make me wash yo mouth out with soap." She pulled out the car park and sped off down the road. We used to live in New Jersey but after my parents divorcing my dad stayed there and me and my mom move to minneapolis.

She thinks ion know what's going on wit them but i i don't what my dad did for us to me away?

I kinda miss my dad buf the girls here are fitttt! Especially this one girl Jasmine! I had to sit next to her in the bus today it was like life was tryna tell me something. She smelt great too and she looked hot.

"Mom what's up with you, you've been acting really strange." I looked at her and she sighed keeping her eyes on the road.

"Baby i just bad day at work everything's fine i just wanna go home and have a nice hot bath and watch some Jerry springer." She eyed me and gave me a smile knowing she wanted me to be her little slave for the night.

"Yeah okay ma ill do that for you! Anything else ma'am?"

"Err a winning lottery ticket?" She chuckled knowing we could do with the money.

After we left my dad took most of the money so right now we're living in a small condo in the city. However i really can't knock it but Minneapolis is a really cool place, i mean it's really hot, there's pretty girls, clean streets and the beach?

Well that's gorgeous i really wanna take Jasmine there but i barely know her!

I hopped into bed whipped out my phone and looked for Jasmine's instagram.

Damn. She's sexy, don't you just love black girls! What should i wear tomorrow i really want her to notice me i mean i am a fine peice of of melanin, im clever, my fashion sense is poppinnn, im pretty popular for a new kid and i got a handful 'a dumb hoes thirsty for my attention. But that's cool cause I only want one girl.

I dunno what it is about her she isn't like any of the other girls who have too many 'friends' who aren't really friends and she doesn't seem the type to be partying all the damn time, she's real clever and has ambition i like that in a girl.

I decided to go to sleep early to take my mind off Jasmine.


Next day.

"Uugh" i rolled around in my bed too tired to move. Then i remembered that i was gonna make my move on Jasmine. I'd already forgiven her about our incident on the bus, after all she was only being kind. Another thing i like aboht her cute self.

Jasmine's POV

After upsetting Jason yesterday i tried to find him and apologise but i couldn't find him anywhere! I hoped he'd be on the bus today. If my dad made me catch the bus. I got ready and wore some tight acid wash blue pencil skirt with a dark blue top and a baby blue leather jacket. I pinned my hair up in a bun and put in some pearl earrings and wore some black shoes. As you can tell i decided on a sexy sophisticated look. Jason isn't gonna know what's hit him...


Jason's POV

I wore a plain black tee with black jeans and black huaraches. I topped it with a gold watch my dad bought me and a long khaki coloured coat. I picked up my bag.

Jasmine isn't gonna know what hit her.


Miss Brown's POV

I got in the car with Jason took off the roof (its a bmw sports car.) and turned up the radio.

Today was a new day and would mark the anniversary of new beginnings.

"Mwah have a good day boy, stay outta trouble, work as hard, and makd plenty of notes."
I hugged my boy tight and started waking info the playground.

"Oh and make me proud son, we can go see your father on the weekend if i don't hear any complaints from your teachers."

"YESS!" He fistbumped, I kissed his forehead and he strode off into school. He was all dressed up today i wonder who for?

I went upstairs to my office in the lift, dumped my stuff and went to Jasmine's form.

"Err can i borrow Jasmine Blake please?" She rolled her eyes and walked towards me. I decided to apologise and open up to her, i know she was only trying to help and tbh i could really do with a 'therapist' i think me taking to her will help me quit smoking and drinking.

We sat down and i told her EVERTHING.

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