day 2 ( part 3) - mixed signals

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Jasmine's POV

After hearing Miss Brown's life story i was in tears. She told me about her mother, her husband, her money troubles everything. I couldnt believe I'd been such a naive, selfish, mean bitch.

Miss Brown's been goin through a storm and all me and my girls have been doin is making it rainier. *metaphorically speaking* i rubbed her back as she sobbed letting it all out, and guess what that gorgeous melanin boy Jason? Yeah that's her damn son! Turns out her husband cheated and she moved here to get away.

"Miss if i had any ide-" she took her head out her hands.

"Shhh- shhh- my child its not your fault, i shouldn't have turned to drugs, i shouldve got help." She cried and left a puddle beneath her hands. "Is there anything you need me to do, you need some groceries or something like that?" I wanted to help her anyway i could, after all my family was loaded.

"Ohhh no i couldn't ask you to do that for me, look you go back to form - oh and Jasmine?" She pulled me into a warm embrace "thank you so much i guess i just needed someone to talk to." She let go of me dried her tears and left her office.

I wouldn't let that be the end of it though after our 'therapy' i didn't want her going off the rails again. I was going to get her some groceries and $2,500. That's nothing to me but it'll be loads to her and Jason. I had English next and Jason would be there so i could apologise finally.

I hope he hadn't been avoiding me because i dressed up real elegant today just so he'd notice me again.

I took a seat next to him. "Hey need a pen?" I whispered poking Jason.

Did i mention how stylish he looked today?!

"sure. . Thanks" he smiled a little before focusing again.

" jason i wanted to say sorry about that little incident in the bus i had no ide-" he held out his hand to pause me.

"Girl how were you supposed to know, parents argue all the time i guess with mine it was one arguement too many ..Oh and by the way you look really nice today."
He smirked looking me up and down

"Thanks you don't look so bad yourself!" I laughed winking at him then playing with my pen.

"QUIET MISS BLAKE AND MR BROWN! Actually why don't you share the joke?"

Miss Hopkins was a strict English teacher and nobody liked her ass either.

"Oh that's right i didn't think you would." She turned round and finished annotating the poem.

"Hey wanna hook up sometime after school?" Said Jason

I smiled excitedly, finally! "yeah sure!"

"How about i walk you to mine after school?"

"Err yeah we gotta stop off a the supermarket i need to get some... stuff..." He eyed me smirking.

"Ohh i get it, lil ma got the curse right now huh?" i tried to contain my laughter i couldn't believe him! "no jason! omg don't be silly mane you play too much! you'll see later!"

"Mr Brown and Miss Blake DETENTION!"

Jason's POV

Yessss! I've forgiven Jasmine and got her to come round today great. But i got a detention with it .. not so great.

Detention room.

I sat down next to Jasmine did i mention how hot she looked today? "This sucks" i sighed sitting back in my chair. "Fr right? Hey its your fault tho you shouldve just taken my pen and kept yo mouth shut!" She whispered smiling. mane that smile.

I stated laughimg covering my face "mane whatever, you know you liked it" i licked my lips and put one headphone in.

"Mr Brown put those on my desk immediately." Said miss Hopkins.

I giggled to myself. But i put them on her desk regardless.
Jasmine's POV
In no time detention was over and we were on our way to the supermarket. I got us a taxi because i didn't mind paying. I made a cash withdrawal of $2500 and went to the store.

"Damn ma where alla dat come from?" Said jason in shock.

I chuckled he didn't know i was rich.
"Ohh its just a lil somethin." I said smirking at him. "Damn ma you better come my way!" Jason said putting his arm around me and pulling me closer. I swear i had butterflies.

We walked into the store together and i got a trolley and picked up loads of little snacks that i thought Jason might like, then i put em in and got things like bread, milk, cereal, pasta, butter, salt, loads of seasoning, fruit & veg, kool aid, fizzy drinks, bottled water, burgers, chicken, minced meat, fish fingers, oven chips, tomato & bbq sauce i didn't know which one they liked.

I got them some ben and jerrys ice cream and some regular ice cream and cakes, eggs and lots of juice.

"Either you plain greedy or you doin a full grocery shop to last you till you die." Said Jason helping me load them on the conveyor belt.

"Boy you better quit cos im being real nice right now." I said flicking his ear.
The total came to $300 i paid and left.
Jason helped me carry the shopping. "Hey don't you wanna drop these off at your house first?" Said Jason.

" i bought them for you Jase, your mom told me everything and i wanted to do something nice for her after everything she's been through, the rest of the money is for your mama to pay her bills and decorate your new place." His face dropped in shock and disbelief.

I smiled knowing how nice i am. "Jason?" He just stared at me. "Oh my god Jasmine what do you think you're doing! You can't just delve into my private life and act like we're some charity case! Stop the taxi!!!"
He signalled to the driver to stop cause we were down the road from his house.

"Jason! Where are you goin? Im sorry." i tried pleading with him but he left me in the taxi speechless and upset. "Hey kid you alright back there? Where you off to now?" The taxi man said looking in his mirror. "Nowhere imma get it here." I handed him a 20,got all the shopping out and went to Jason's house.

I wasn't losing him again!

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