day 6 (part 4) -

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Jason's POV

Me and Jas were just kickin it in her pool with some sodas but my mind kept drifting back to Jasmine's potential pregnancy.

"you gone real quiet jase what's up?" Said Jasmine sipping her drink.

Mane i didn't really wanna tell her i wanted her to be pregnant cos it seems like she's moved on and she's glad but in the space of a day. Fuck i became attached to sum that wasn't even real!

"Aah nothing just thinking....."

"What's on your mind?"

I sighed kicking about in the water. Contemplating whether to tell her my true emotions.

"I can't stop thinking about that baby Jasemine!" I exhaled getting it off my chest

She looked at me looking back at the water. The akward silence defeaning me. Damn i knew she wouldn't agree.

"Jason i don't even know what to say we're still kids we just got together, we're not ready for kids!"

"Yeah i know but i can't help how i feel i guess i just wasn't thinking straight right?" I sighed

"Jason come on don't me moody i can't relate to how you're feeling i was dreading telling my parents im
A 14 year old pregnant by a boy i just met!"

"C'mere!" I pulled her into water properly hugging her. " i gotchu Jas!"

She looked up at me smiling before kissing me.

The ringing of my phone broke the kiss and i went over to answer it seeing my mom's pic on the screen.



"Woah ma slow down,  where are you??"

"Im in hospital!"

"Im on my way!"

I hung up and hopped out the pool chucking on some clothes bit bothering to dry off.

"Bae where you going?" Jasemine said following me.

I was in such a haste i barely heard her.

" jason.... hello??" She clicked her fingers in my face impatiently waiting for a reply

"My mom's at the hospital i gotta go, stay here if you want!" I said running down the  stairs nearly getting lost.

She stood at the top of the stairs in a hoodie on top of her bikini a shocked/confused look on her face.

"Jason wait!"

I paused looking back up at her before she came running down with some clothes and my duffel bag.

"What you doing Jas?" I said looking down

"Im coming with you! You're not going alone Jase."

I couldn't help but smile we went out together and she texted her parents letting em know what's up.


"JASON!" I heard my mom yelling in reception as me and Jas bust in, panick stricken.

"Mom are you okay??" I said checking her

"Yes son look I've messed up.." She cradled my confused face in her face before continuing. "I've messed up myself, messed you up-

"No mom you haven't-

She cut me off putting her finger to my lip.

"Let me finish" She said softly her eyes filled with tears. Whilst Jasemine just rubbed my back tryna make sure i was good.

"I know i haven't been the best mothers but i really tried, i think you already know what happened with me and your father,


"Well his.... mistress walked in on me at the counsellors today and well... i err i beat her ass. She's in a comba i done her im so sorry baby-

Tears poured out her eyes uncontrollably as she looked into my eyes. My should soul burning.


"No i think when she wakes up.... if she wakes up she's gonna fess everything to the police they're gonna come for me Jase in so sorry!" She spoke her voice reduced to a broken whisper.


It breaks my heart to see her like this. This is all that punks fault. Why couldn't he just keep in his fucking pants! I thought as i felt a rage building up inside me.

"Jase say something?" She cried wiping the tear i was unaware of. I just pulled her into a tight long embrace never wanting to let get go. I can't let her go to jail.

She sobbed on my shoulder and we just stood there in the moment deep in our thoughts.

Just then i noticed a tall woman walk into the hospital her face painted with concern.

Who's she?

Hey guys

Omg i am soooooooo sorry for this exceedingly late overdue UPDATE i had no inspiration for this book anymore i felt like it was dragging but im back. Only a few more chapters to go.



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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2016 ⏰

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