Chapter 14

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Vinny's POV

Seeing Mona and her baby in the hospital boosted my mood for the day, well, I don't know how that is possible seeing my girlfriend is Gisella, but I digress. I opened the door for Gisella and ran over to the drivers seat and we took off towards her house.

"Vin, can we get food? Seeing that baby made me really hungry." Gisella said.
"I'm sorry!? Do you like eating babies? Because if you do, I know there's a nursery right down the street I could take you to. It's right by this Italian restaurant, so you can get your seasonings. So good." I said plucking my fingers like an old Italian man does when he makes the best ravioli. Mama Mia.

"No, you asshat! I'm just saying that being so emotional with Mona and Devin, it takes a lot out of me."

"I'll put a lot in ya. If ya know what I mean."
Yeah, I deserved that punch in the arm.

"Vincenzo, you're disgusting. But later, okay? Momma's gotta get ready for that night."

I took my eyes off the road to look at Gisella and smile at her. I was going to make some snarky remark as I always do, but I didn't see the car run the red light and hit my side of the car. I never saw it coming.

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