Chapter 20: Dramatic Reveals Central

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"What?" Heaven cries, her voice distorted by the phone's speakers. "That's the most idiotic thing I've ever heard! And I talk to you everyday!" I slide down the white door, Gatsby's prized piece of twenty-first century tech on hand. My chest throbs, the room so empty without Gats it's haunting.

He's disappeared before, once for three days straight. After countless police reports and hours spent nail biting, he returned at 2:29 A.M, laughing maniacally enough to scare the Mad Hatter. He knows how to take care of himself...but... "Oh, come on! It isn't that bad of a plan," I try, snapping myself from the haze.

"Yes it is! What are you, scared of yourself? Unless you're possessed or something, you shouldn't be. Don't use your telekinesis, and you'll be fine. "

"I don't know," I say. Even after last night's sob-fest, it's so creepy talking about my feelings, "I guess I am. If my voice and body changed, then my personality can too, right?"

"Yeah, but that's different. Besides, you look more attractive, and I'm sure you can sing better with your, uh, succulent man voice."

I stifle a laugh. "That's not the point. really think so? About being attractive, not my 'succulent man voice,' I mean."

"Oh, yeah. You've always been hot, but you've always had a quiet kind of hot. You know, not screaming attractiveness, but it was always there." I smile and push my oncoming headache away.

"Thanks, Hev. You sure know how to cheer up a guy."

"No problem, Angel. I'm the expert at flattery. Anyway, why don't you try controlling your powers instead of forfeiting on them?"

"Because I'll hurt someone with them. And I'm worried that 'piece of me' feeds on the power. So if I just stay on the bottom, nothing bad will happen." It's an easy concept, but I feel kind of sick talking about myself like this. 'Good' Angelos and 'bad' Angelos. It's like I'm the hulk, and frankly, no one wants to be the hulk.

"Again, that's stupid. I mean, what if you need to use your powers to save someone? Like, what if Gats was in trouble? Wouldn't you try to help him?" Another pang hits me at the thought of him. What would I do?

I'm powerful enough, I should help people with my gift. But I'm dangerous. No matter what I do, I'll hurt someone. As much as it sucks, I need to accept it. "Well, yeah," I say, "I'd help him escape whoever he needed to, but I'd try not to hurt anyone."

She sucks in a breath. "About Gats."


"Aren't you worried? I mean, I know he disappears a lot, but that woman's a kidnapper. Maybe he's actually in trouble."

I swallow back the bile in my throat and stare at the ceiling. Maybe there's more to the kiss than I thought. "Yeah, I know. I'm in his room now, and there isn't much sign of a struggle."  The place is clean, the bedsheets slightly ruffled and a few items askew here and there, but nothing implying an epic battle.

"Well, there wouldn't be a struggle! She has superstrength! Or have you forgotten? He may be good at fighting, but he's only human. Or, well, cat-human. Have you had any visions?"

I shake my head. There's silence on the other line, and I sigh. Talking to people is so much easier in person. "Oh, sorry, no."

"Huh. So I guess you aren't in danger now."

"No, I guess not." The phone vibrates in my hand, beeping from a mass of texts. I ignore it. Gats must be more popular than Heaven and I combined, which makes sense.

"I still think your powers are really confusing. I mean, energy? It's like I have to crack out one of Storm's meditation books and find zen before it makes sense."

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