The weight of my favorite pen soothed me, at this point in my life it was more of a talisman. Warm and secure, it made me feel like I could conquer the world, create or destroy. I was perched precariously on the edge of the park bench, I didn't want to stain my black sweater with pigeon poop even if it was good luck in some cultures. I balanced my journal on one knee, and tucked my coffee on the side. Lost in thought, my mighty sword slipped from my fingers and rolled off the curb right into the storm drain. I bit my lip as expletives rolled around in my head and my cheeks flushed a bright scarlet. My pen!
Ugh, face the demons and reach in or throw in the towel and call it a loss? No! My pen is my pen, and no childish fear would keep me from trying to rescue it from the depths of Dante's seventh circle of hell. Pennywise isn't real anyway, never mind the blood on my tongue. I always get anxious. Still, I stood up, leaving everything on the bench and scrunched onto the pavement laying belly down under the warm spring sun. Slowly inching my left arm into the dark, I felt for the ground inside. Shallow though it was, my fingernails scraped against things wet, cold, slimy but not the firm steel of my pen.
Goosebumps covered my skin, and sweat kissed my brow, I didn't want to give up. I took my arm out to reposition myself, and when I looked over at the mouth of the beast, I saw my pen right in front of my face. Huh? Maybe it didn't fall. Kneeling and brushing off the gunk off my jeans when I reached for my pen and it was gone. Anxiety gripped my soul, I know I'm not delusional, it was right there. I stared at that spot and vision focused on the darkness once again. Holding in a gasp, I saw my pen emerge again, this time in the white, dingy glove that was birthed from the shadow. "Oh my..."
My voice evaporated as I bolted up and fell backwards, scrambling away. I finally garnered my footing, launching myself towards a store and a less isolated place. Pennywise always finds the child who lies, even when they're an adult.
Iridescent Pearls
KurzgeschichtenHello again, yes I'm still here. This new creation is an experiment. I am going to try my hand at fiction, a story being told through diary entries. It's going to be a work in progress, and a new venture for the year 2016. I will try to update, add...