Every time I saw it a new cut etched itself into the surface of my heart. I saw the pain lingering in the shadows of his eyes. I was his constant, his healing ground. Every time I saw the darkness creep into the depths of his smile, I cringed. I caused a fissure, a shift of the tetonic plates that held the foundation. This earthquake of emotions and doubts has reverberating tremors that are still affecting the surroundings of distant days, a poison that wasn't before present in the turbulant waters. As infinity circles around into itself, a vibration continues longer than expected along its path. Every time I saw it I fell back into the moment in my memory when those words uttered broke his soul, I fell from his grace. No longer a goddess, but merely a woman. It hurt to hit ground. It hurt to see diamonds shatter from his emerald eyes. It hurt to see my wings fall, and my skin turn to ash in his gaze. It hurt to see his soul scream in pain as he stared on in silence. This was the beginning, and I could not let it end. Our past was shattered with my present, but our future had life still. If only we could swallow our faults, our pride, our hurt, and our pain. A wound infected had to be cleansed. Salt poured on to absorb the crimson flow. It hurts to heal, and I would bite my toungue as the tear bled, burned, and scarred. This scar would be my war story. No longer a goddess, now I'm a warrior. Every inch back to the light in his eyes, I fight. I sing, I kiss, I cry, I hug, and I try to heal. This is but the middle of the path in a long journey, the road is rubble. I walk as I build some stability beneath our feet, and I carry his pain on my back. With every smile that is genuine, he helps carry my pain. While I lost myself, I could not lose him. Never him. I fight for him. Every time I see a small pearl of honest happiness return to the canvas of his face, I grow. I fight. Exhaustion has no place in my soul. His joy invigorates my tranquility. I fight. Dark poison will not conquer, and I cry because I'm the one who planted the garden. Together we heal, and soon I pray the scar will fade.
Iridescent Pearls
Historia CortaHello again, yes I'm still here. This new creation is an experiment. I am going to try my hand at fiction, a story being told through diary entries. It's going to be a work in progress, and a new venture for the year 2016. I will try to update, add...