Chapter two-The Call

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Dan's POV

Wow! She is the most beautifulest girl that I have ever seen, ^thats a word right? Whatever but it describes her. Her hair is a brown but a little bit lighter than mine, she has stunning and hypnotizing blue eyes, that I could look at all day for the rest of my life. When I helped her up I felt sparks go through my arm and when we pulled apart I felt something go missing. "Dan..."Jack says I snap out of my thoughts and look back at him "hmm?"I say "let's go film the video, Finn's back"he says "oh right, he is, hi Finn"I say and follow then towards Jack's bedroom


(After they are done filming)

"Dan, before you go, can I ask you something?"Finn asks I turn around and sit in Jack's bed and look over at Finn "yeah?"I ask him "do you have a thin for Madison?"he asks. Oh shit oh shit oh shit! I can't say no because its not true and I can't say yes because I barely know her bit I really want to.i want to be able to call her mine one day. "Umm..."Is all that comes out of my mouth and he and Jack smiles big "you do have a thing for her!"Jack nearly shouts "no I don't! Now keep your voices Down!"I hiss just then Finn hands me a piece of paper I take it and look at it. It's a phone number "Finn I already have your number"I say and am about to hand it back but he pushes it to me again "that isn't mine"he says I look back down at it. "It's Nikki's number, give her a call"he says and I look back at him "why?"I ask him. Why would he give me her number? Most importantly, should I use it? But what if its not hers? What if this is just a prank? "You obviously have something for her, and she has something for you, come on Dan, at lest take her on one date, I know he won't say 'no' trust me"he says I look at the paper and sigh "alright"I give in and he cheers "great how's Friday night?"he asks me "let me figure out when I'll ask and where"I say and stand up. I put the piece of paper in my pant's pocket and head for the door "okay"he says "Bye Dan!"Jack and Finn shout "Bye"I say and walk out of the room and see Madison walking up the stairs "oh leaving already?"she asks and I nod "yes I am"I answer "oh, okay well Bye, it was nice meeting you"she says and smiles. Oh my god! That smile!! "Yeah it was"I reply before she thinks I'm a weirdo or even some stuck up douche. "Okay, Well, Bye"she says "bye"I say and she walks off into her room and

I stand there just amazed by her. "Dan?"Jack asks oh shit! I turn around. "Yes Jack?"I say "I thought you were leaving?"he asks damn it! "Uh yeah, just going down the stairs"I say and begin walking down the stairs and force out a laugh "bye bye Jack"I say and make it to the door and walk back to my car and drive off to my house.


Back at Dan and Phil's house


I walk into the apartment "Phil! I'm back!"I call out and see if he's home. "I'm in my room"he tells back and then I head off to his room and see him on his MacBook on his bed I go to his bed and lay down. I let out a long yet happy sigh. "Why are you so happy?"he asks "I was at Jack and Finn's house and I met their sister Madison, and she is beautiful and one day if like to call her mine"I spill. "Ask her in a date"he replies "but I-"I begin "no, ask her now!"Phil says I pull out the number "Finn gave me we number"I mutter "great call her up, and out it in speaker"he says I let out a defeated sigh an pull out my phone. I type in her number an hit call, ten hit speaker.

"Hello?"Madison's voice says out of my speaker

"Hello, Madison?"I say

"Oh, hi Dan"she says and I smile "how'd you get my number?"she adds I look at Phil

"Umm... Finn gave it to me..."I say trailing off.

"Oh okay, hold on for just one second"she replies

"Okay then" I reply back

"FINN, GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE!"Madison shouts and is clearly heard over to my phone


Madison-you can just go around giving people my number!

Finn-you clearly like him, an he clearly likes you too

Madison-this Ian about that Finn!

Finn-just admit it!

Madison-Finn.... I barley know him!

Finn-please Maddie?

Madison- please what?

Finn- never mind, but just give him a chance.

Madison-okay, but stop giving g number out to people, it didn't end well the first time did it?

Finn-no and I'm sorry.

Madison-okay, now leave!

Finn-okay bye)"

Ad that's what was heard. Okay now I regret calling her

"Umm...Dan, are you still there?"her thick British accent asked

"Yes I am"I say

"Sorry I you heard any of that..."she says awkwardly

"It's okay"I say

"Umm....Madison, uh are"I stutter out and look at Phil and he gives me the 'Thumbs Up' and I smile shyly back.

"Umm....yeah I am"she replies

"Cool, so would you like to get some coffee, or catch a movie.....with me?"I ask her

"Yeh that sounds lovely"she replies and my heart starts doing flips, wow I sound like a girl!

"So what time?"I ask her

"How's 8?"she asks

"That's great!"I cheer , okay now I sound like a girl.

"So Friday night at 8?"she asks

"Yes"I reply

"Sounds perfect see you then"he says

"Okay then, see you then"I say

"Okay Bye, GoodNight Dan!"she says and I smile a bit

"Bye, GoodNight"I say and hang up my phone "good job!"Phil says "you have a date!!"he half-shouts I laugh at him. "I just really hope it turns out fine"I sigh "it will, I mean come on, your Dan Howell, danisnotonfire, what girl wouldn't want you?"he asks I laugh again "thanks buddy"I say and get up "im off to bed" I say "Night!"I call out "sleep well!"he shouts back and ten I get into my room and lay down and fall asleep, dreaming of Madison.

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