Chapter fifteen-The Trip

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This is like two or three weeks late...😳😳😳

Skip on over to Sunday! (January 12,2014)
Nikki's POV
"Nikki...c'mon....I can't do this alone..."Dan whined. I slowly opened my eyes.
"What?"I grumbled.
/\/\Lately we haven't been getting much sleep, and may I say we are SUPER tired!
"They're hungry"he whined,yet again. I sat up tiredly and out stretched my arms for him to hand me them. He handed them to me and I fed them. [Not going into detail with that]
They ended up falling asleep, like every other time and I set them down on the bed. I lazily threw myself back down to laying down.
"Dan, I don't think I can handle this."I muttered quietly looking at the ceiling. I felt him slide into the bed next to me.
"I don't think I can either."he muttered. "But we can make it through this...together"he added on quietly.
Now...get some rest...we have a long trip tonight.
"Alright.."I breathed out and closed my eyes once again.
An hour later
*Lilly Grace starts crying*
I open my eyes and sit up. I let out a yawn and grab Lilly Grace. I get off my bed and grab my phone. I walk out of the door and into the lounge. I sit myself on the sofa and try to stop her for crying.
"'s okay...."I coo.
"Nikki."Dan says. I look up at him who's standing near the sofa I'm at.
"I suggest changing her..."he says and yawns. I nod my head and get up and follow him into the bedroom.
Later at.....5:30pm At Phil's apartment
"So Nikki..."Phil began, I looked over at him
"Are you coming to watch the show?"he asked me. Should I? I can't. One of them will end up crying during it. I could get yelled at, or even worse, Dan could get in trouble.
"No"I answered him
"Why's that?"he asked
"We'll for starters one of them will wake up crying I could get yelled at or even worse Dan could get in trouble. I'm not risking that."I replied
"I could explain to the producers though.."Dan said
"No, it's fine."I said.
"Come could be fun."Phil piped up.i shook my head.
"Please?"they both said in unison.
"Maybe next time."I replied
"Next week then? Okay!"Dan exclaimed. I sighed
"Fine, I'll go today... but if any thing happens, everything was both of your fault!"I said. They both jumped up and squealed....Fangirl much? Lol.
At the show
"I still don think this is a good idea Dan!"I whisper shouted at him.
[Dan is holding Lucas and Nikki is holding Lilly/just thought you should know/ the carriers not them though...]
He kissed the top of my head
"See you after"he said and left. You've got to be fucking kidding me! He expects me to know these halls. This is the last time I come here.
"Are you lost?"A woman asked coming up to me. "How'd you get in?"she asked again
"I was with Dan...I guess you could say I'm lost."I answered awkwardly.
"Do you want me to lead you to the room he's in?"she asked polity.
"If it isn't any trouble, that'll really be useful"I replied.
"Right this way please"she said I piled up both carriers and began walking. Jesus Christ how does Dan hold both of them? I groaned.
"What's wrong?"the lady asked me
"Nothing's wrong"I said a little too quickly
"Do you want any help?"she asked. do I?
"Nikki!"Dans voice shouted I turned around and saw him walking over.
"What the hell were you thinking?"I shouted at him. He looked down at me confused.
"If you haven't quite realized I have no fucking clue where I am, you can't just abandon me here with two carriers!"I shouted again. He stayed silent. looking down at me, whilst I looked up at him. He started biting his lip. I put the carriers down. I realize just how many people there were around us.. watching. I sighed and looked down at the floor. This is suddenly interesting.
"Dan, you're going to be late for the show"someone said.
"Just...give me a second, I'll be there"Dan shooed them away. I felt Dan put his arms around. [Hug] he pulled me closer to him and rested his head on my shoulder. I kept my arms at my side not knowing what to do.
"Dan we need you now"Phil's voice came. Dan let me go and looked me in the eye.
"Do you want to go home?"he asked keeping his hands on my shoulders. I stayed put,not making a sound or moving. its like my body has been put on lock down. Dan sighed defeatedly
"I need to go do the show"he muttered and left. I looked back at the ground and plopped myself down I it. I sat cross legged on the floor in the middle of each carrier. I pulled myself and the carriers closer to the wall so people could pass by. I pulled my knees to my chest and lent my head on top of them. I sighed as the tears began freely falling. The only difference is I don't even know why I'm crying.
Two hours later-Dan is done with the show
I've stayed seated I the same spot for quite some time now. I heard two pairs of foot steps and they stopped in front of me.
"Nikki...what's wrong?"Dan's voice asked with concern. I let out a shaky sigh and shrugged my shoulders.
"Phil get the kids"Dan said as he picked me up.
"C'mon lets get home"he said.
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• at Phil's house.
"Dan"I whispered and began tugging on his arm. He looked back at me his face full of concern.
"Yes princess?"he asked
"I'm Sorry"I murmured quietly.
"For what?"he asked quietly.
"I-I don't know...but it just feels like its my fault."I whispered.
"But it's not"he whispered back and began stroking my cheek..i stayed silent. Not knowing what to say.
"I love you Nikki"he murmured
"I love you too Danny"I mumbled then he crashed his lips on to mine, I kissed him back. He moved his hand for my cheek down to my side. he put his other hand on my other side. as I wrapped my arms around his neck, loosely. I felt him pick me up and put on top of him. He slid his tongue into my mouth and by now it was a full-on blown-out make-out session. We both pulled away breathless moments after, both panting slightly.
"Oh god, please tell me next time your going to make out, that's not what I want to see!"Phil exclaimed.
"Oops!"I exclaimed cheekily. Dan laughed, keeping his grip on me.
My phone yelled out. I burst out laughing.
I've been laughing so much I began crying and my sides hurt.
"Phil! I don't know what to do! Do I call a doctor?"Dan exclaimed worriedly.
I stopped laughing and realized what what the alarm was for.
"Dan, Dan , Dan! The train!"i exclaimed. he gave me a puzzled look.
"Dan the train to Manchester!"I shouted and hurriedly stood up an threw on my boots. Also slid on my coat and out my scarf on.
"Oi! Your right!"he shouted and also threw on his sneakers and coat.
"Sorry Phil we've got to run. I'll see you in a few days"Dan said while taking out Lucas and putting on his coat and hat, then doing the same to Lilly. I pick up my phone and the diaper bag and Stand up straight.
"We'll see ya soon Philip"I said
"See you four later Bye. Have fun!"Phil exclaimed. I smiled and walk over to him I give him a hug and he hugs back.
"Bye Phil"Dan says and hugs Phil.
"Be Daniel"he says hugging him back.
Dan walks back and picks up the carriers
"Bye Grace Bye Oliver"Phil said and waved. I laughed a bit at his weirdness whilst Dan gave him a weird look as if trying to say, 'What The Fuck Are You Saying?'
"We'll talk about that late me and Nikk have to catch a train!"Dan exclaimed and nearly ran out
"Bye Phil! I'll call you when I get to my mum's !"Dan shouted
"Later Lester!"I shouted run after Dan
"Careful Dan they're barely a month"I scolded him. he slowed down and cheekily smiled. I couldn't help but smile back at him as we walked to the lift.
"Lets go up and grab our bags then head back down and we are off to Manchester!"Dan exclaimed once the doors had closed. I laughed at his Enthusiasm as the lift began moving. soon enough we were on my floor. We walked to the apartment door and I unlocked the front door. I stepped aside and let Dan in. I walked in after him and shut the door.
"So, where's you put the bag? Did you pack any of my clothes? What time does the train leave? Why haven't we left yet? What if my brother is there? What if-"
I cut Dan off by placing my finger on his lips.
"Shut up"I giggled.
"It's on the bed. I did. 30 minutes. we have to get our clothes. why does it matter if he's there?"I answered all of his questions.
"I-I don't know... It's just... He's my brother and your my girlfriend...he might try and pull something."Dan whispered.
"Dan, I'm with you. I love you, we have a family, I won't leave you for your brother...who is younger than you."I said quietly
"You don't know that!"Dan exclaimed.
"I're the one I want."I muttered. I lightly placed my lips against his. he instantly kissed back. I pulled away slowly,
"C'mon lets head out."I mumbled.
"Okay"Dan said dumbfounded
I laughed and have him a quick peck.
Manchester-At Dan's parent's house!
"Dan, it's so great to see you again"Mrs.Howell said once she opened the door. Dan set down the carriers and hugged his mum. as I stood awkwardly behind him.
"Is this the famous Nikki, oh Daniel she is beautiful"she said. I blushed along with Dan as she laughed.
"Hi, Mrs.Howell"I said awkwardly with a wave.
"Hi sweetie"she said and pulled me into a hug, I hugged her back. She pulled away and I let go.
"Come inside, it's freezing out"she said shivering. I nodded my head in agreement, Dan picked up the carriers again and moved aside from the door and nodded his head towards me,
I shook my head and nodded t head to the kids. he sighed and stepped in first. I shortly followed after them.
"Hey, close the door"Dan muttered I nodded and shut the door behind me.
Dan walked into a lounge room and sat the carriers on the floor.
"Ahh, it's great to be home"Dan said to himself and laid down on the couch. Just then a younger looking version of Dan came strolling down the steps.
"Hi"he muttered and began texting away at his phone. I nodded slightly. I looked over at Dan who sat up.
"Adrian, This is, Nikki"Dan said Adrian looked up from his phone and walked over.
"How's it going?"he asked and extend his hand out to shake. I shook his hand.
"Fine, you?" I asked him
"I'm alright"he replied then looked over at his older brother.
"Now, where is my niece and nephew? "He asked. Dan pointed at the carriers. His brother walked over and sat next to Dan.
"Wanna hold one?"Dan asked smiling down. Adrian nodded and Dan took out Lucas and handed him over. Just then his mum walked in.
"Mum, look!"Adrian exclaimed happily looking over at her.
Dan took out Lilly and handed her over to his mum. She gladly took her.
"Nikki, sit down!"Dan exclaimed patted the spot next to him, on the other side[Adrian sat on one side]
I walked over slowly and when I walked I front of Dan he pulled me down into his lap. I smiled up at him as he smiled down at me. he lightly placed a kiss on my nose and the. Leaned back on the sofa. I let out a yawn as I rested my head on Dan's chest.
"You all should get to sleep. It's late"Mrs.Howell said.
"Here"Adrian said handing Lucas whilst yawning. I took him back and leaned against Dan once more.
"Nikki, will you be fine sleeping in Dan's bedroom?"Mrs.Howell asked I nodded tiredly
"Yeah that's fine"I mumbled. I put Lucas In his carrier and stood up.
"Wanna head I over to my room?"Dan asked. I nodded yawning again. He stood up and stretched. He gladly accepted Lilly an out her I the carrier and picked it up.
"Lets-a-go!"he exclaimed tiredly. I gigged quietly at his little comment and followed him up a flight of stairs and Into a hall. we walked past a few doors and finally stopped at the one on the end. he opened the door and let me step In first. I stepped Into the room and set down the bags I had. which included our clothing and the babies' clothing as well. I took off my shoes and climbed into the bed.
"Dan,Nikki....get up, mum made breakfast"someone's voice whispered quietly.
"Go away"Dan grumbled and pulled me closer to him. I opened my eyes and rubbed the sleep out of them.
"Good Morning"I mumbled sitting up slightly.
"Morning"Adrian chirped and smiled I flashed him a smile back.
"Shut up....I'm tired"Dan grumbled.
"We'll be down for breakfast in a few. See you then, yeah?"I stated
"Yeah sure, I'll tell my mum"Adrian said and quickly left the room.
I threw Dans arms from me,
"Hey asshole, get up"I said
"No"He whined
"Please? For me?"I begged
"Fine"he sighed and stood up. he pulled on some sweat pants and a random t- shirt. He laid back down next to me.
"I love you"I said and crashed my lips onto his. He kissed back an put his hands on my sides. He slowly moved his hands up and under my shirt near my boobs as I put my hands on his chest. he slid his tongue into my mouth and I moaned slightly at the sensation he was giving me.
"Hey Dan, are you-"Adrian said then stopped mid sentence. Dan pulled away and starred at his younger brother
"I-I-I uh, uh, I'll be there in five minutes"he said and I blushed the deepest shade of red EVER! His brother just caught us making out! OhMyGod! I can not face his family!
"Lets go eat"Dan muttered I nodded agreeing with him. As we stood up and walked down the steps, passed the lounge room, and into a medium sized kitchen. There was a round table there and Dan lead us towards it where his mum, brother, and a man, I'm guessing his dad? Were sitting.
"Good Morning"I said awkwardly.
"Morning"Dan muttered.
"Good morning"Mrs.Howell said.
"Good morning"the man said.
"Nikki, dear, this is my husband. He was at work when you and Daniel arrived"Mrs. Howell said
"Hello, Mr.Howell, pleasure to meet you"I said with a forced smile. I shook his hand then sat down in the seat next to Dan's.
"It's nice to meet you too"he replied, sounds forcefully happy/proud. Wow.
I began eating slowly. I'm not hungry.. I nudged Dan with my elbow and he looked over at me. I shook my head slightly. He nodded. I put my fork down.
"Um.-"I had begun but then there were baby cries.
"I'll be back"I muttered. I stood up and dashed back upstairs and into the room. They are both crying. I went to the carriers and took out Lilly first and placed her on the bed and then took Lucas out and placed him on the bed.
"Good Morning little ones"I said quietly in a baby voice. They stopped crying an I pick them both up. I began to feed them. Once I stopped they weren't asleep but they weren't hungry. Eh what the hell! I cleaned them up and got then dressed. I put on some leggings on Lilly and a cute little shirt that my Aunt Rebecca bought her and some boots. I also put on some warm pants and a cute little shirt for Lucas.
Dan shortly walked in and came up to me.
"Hi"he breathed out.
"Hey"I mumbled. great! Now things are awkward between us.
"Where's The bathroom?"I asked awkwardly.
"Shower?"he asked me.
"No Dan, i want to raise a unicorn"I replied sarcastically.
"The door across this room"he replied and flashed a smile. I playfully rolled my eyes at him.
"So...."I began
"So..."he repeated
"Yeah, I'm going to shower now."I replied and went over to the suit case and opened it. I pulled out a pair of leggings, tank top and a baggy jumper. I pulled out a towel and some things I'll need.
"See you after"I said and kissed his cheek.
I walked into the bathroom and looked the door behind me. Fuck! How do I turn on the water? I awkwardly left the bathroom and back into Dan's room. I saw him playing with Lucas and Lilly.
"Dan..."I mumbled embarrassed.
"Yeah?"he asked without looking back at me
"How do you turn the water on?"I asked quietly. He laughed and stood up. He walked to the bathroom and turned the water on.
"Thanks"I mumbled
"No problem"he replied and kissed my cheek then closed the door behind him. I locked it once again and got I to the shower, did what I do, got out, dried myself, and got dressed. I walked out of the bathroom and back into Dan's room. I saw him laying there fast asleep. With Lilly and Lucas on one side. I quietly shut the door and out my dirty clothes in a separate bag and grabbed my phone. I snapped a picture and went on Twitter.
Look! @Danisnotonfire
I hit tweet and seconds later I saw quite a few people replied to that.
@Maddie_Nicole @Danisnotonfire that's so cute!
@Maddie_Nicole @Danisnotonfore omg! The feels!! #imdying
I laughed at that. Then There was a soft Knock on the door. I got up and went to answer it. on the other side stood Adrian.
"Hi"I said
"Hello"he chirped
"What's up?"I asked him
"I wanted to speak to Dan"he muttered
"Dan is sleeping, but I can tell him to loo for you when he's awake"I replied
"Uh...yeah I guess it can wait"he mumbled
"What's wrong?"I asked him
"I- Nothing. It's not so important"he muttered and began walking away. I shrugged and closed the door. I went back to the bed and latex down having the twins in the middle. I closed y eyes and fell asleep.
"Lookie! Mummy is sleeping,"I heard Dan say In a baby voice.
"Shit!"Dan cursed under his breath. I slowly opened my eyes an groaned.
"Your an ass,"I muttered.
"I'm sorry! I think I let Chris's take a picture on this."he said quickly.
"Hey have you talked to Adrian yet?"I asked sleepily.
"What? Why?"
"He came by earlier and wanted to talk to you but you were asleep."I mumbled.
"Oh... I'll go talk to him."Dan muttered.
"Here take then, don't worry, I already changed them."he said and handed me Lilly as Lucas. I place them down on the bed next to me, as Dan got up and scrambled out the door.
*Lilly and Lucas crying*
"Shit"I muttered and lazily sat up. jut then Mrs.Howell came in looking worried.
"What happened?"she asked
"I guess I just fell asleep..."I mumbled loud enough for her to hear.
"Do you want me to watch then for a while? You and Dan can relax, you two look really tired,"she commented.
"Yeah, I guess so, thank you"I said as she picked up Lucas and I then handed her Lilly.
"It's fine dear"she replied. she led the room and shortly Dan walked in. he sighed whilst putting a Hand through his hair.
"What's wrong?"I asked him.
"I-It's nothing,"he muttered and gave me a peck I the lips. he slowly pulled away lingering just a bit. I got a hold of his collar and pulled him towards me whilst crashing my lips against his. the kiss quickly became a make out. and moments later we were completely naked.
"D-Dan"I stuttered out.
"Hmm?"he asked leaving a trail of kisses down my neck.
"We can't."I said
"Why?"he whined
"Your parents are home,"I said and let out a moan.
"I don't care, they know we've done this before."he replied.
"No buts, your mine tonight"he growled hungrily.
"I love you so much Nikki,"Dan said out of breath.
"I love you too babe,"I said slightly panting. he pulled me closer to him as we both began drifting off.
"Hey, wake up!"someone's voice hissed.
"Seriously! Mum is pissed!"it hissed again. I opened my eyes and saw Adrian. shit! in naked!! I pulled the covers up covering myself more.I elbowed Dan and he jolted awake.
"What?"he asked looking at his brother.
"Mum and dad are pissed."Adrian hissed.
"Why?"Dan mumbled.
"That both of you stuck then with your kids while you two had... It!"he said harshly.
"I don't care"Dan said and yawned.
"Good luck,"he called out and left the room.
"I going to go shower,"I mumbled.
"Want me to turn on the water?"
"Thanks"I mumbled looking through my clothes. I picked out an outfit just as Dan walked back in.
[BTW you through on one of Dan's t shirt which reaches mid thigh for her]
"I'm joining you"he said and pulled out skinny jeans and black t shirt with the white circle on it. I grabbed my towel and stood up.
After the shower
I slipped on black skinny jeans and a tank top with a button up red shirt on top. I button up the last button and put on some socks and then my boots.
"Ready to get our children back?"Dan asked as he adjusted his hair.
"Only if your ready to get into trouble"I smirked at him and stood up. he snaked his arm around my waist ad pressed his lips to mine.
"I don't care babe, I regret nothing,"Dan mumbled against my lips.
"Come on, lets go"Dan says and pulled away. he walked out of the room hand in hand and walked down the steps and into the lounge were his parents were with Lilly and Lucas.
"Daniel James Howell do you know how much trouble you have gotten yourself into?"his mum asked. Pulling the middle name card, I see. Dan shrugged his shoulders and smirked.
"Daniel this isn't a laughing matter"His mother scolded.
"And you,"she said pointing at me,
"You have no right, to come into my house and do this with my son after I offered to help for a few hours not a whole night!"she said scoldingly.
"Mum this wasn't Nikki's fault,"Dan Said quietly. Mrs. Howell turned to face him.
"Then who's fault was it?"she asked
"Mine"Dan muttered.
"This is a warning, do it again and both of you are out of here."Mr. Howell said and handed me Lilly and handed Dan Lucas. me and Dan walks up the reps and back into his room. I laid the sleeping Lilly on the bed and went to the suitcase again. I pulled out some warm pajamas for the both of them and went back to the bed and changed them quickly.
"Nikki..."Dan said. I stayed silent as I climbed into bed with him.
"Are you mad?"he asked
"Shut up"I muttered. I let out a sigh and eventually fell asleep.
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 5pm.
"Nikki... Come on, you haven't eaten anything...."Dan's voice whined.
"I'm tired Dan."I mumbled tiredly.
"Please?"he asked.
"No, just leave the kids, I'll watch them."I muttered sitting up. Lilly and Lucas were awake and just laying on the bed grabbing and dropping the blanket that was on the top of them.
"Nikki, you have to eat"Dan started pestering again.
"I said I'm not hungry."I snapped at him. he looked slightly hurt but that went away just as quickly as it came.
"Bitch"he muttered and stormed off. I sighed.

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