Chapter 13

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Okay, so please don't kill me. I know I haven't been active for a while but I've had so much going on that it's actually been ridiculous. Anyway the boys are going back home now from their little break away so how is everyone going to react?? :O


*Gary's POV*

I groaned to myself as the throbbing in my head woke me up. It took me a few minutes to adjust my eyes to the LA light that pierced through the curtains and lit up the room. Turning my head slowly, wincing slightly at the sudden movement, I noticed my digital alarm clock read '10:43' and that there was a glass of water and some pills resting beside it. Painfully, I sat up and reached for the paracetamol that I was hoping would soothe my pounding skull.

The movement must have unsettled Mark because he stirred and turned over to face me.

"Sorry, Marky. I didn't mean to wake you," I croaked. Mark looked up at me and chuckled softly.

"No, that's okay," he whispered. We shared a comfortable silence as we adjusted. "What time is it?" Mark asked, sitting up against the headboard. I checked my alarm again.

"Nearly ten to," I stated.

"Ten to what?" he asked with uncertainty in his husky, morning voice.

"Ten to eleven," I replied, equally as raspy. I saw a look of horror come over his face.

"Gary our plane leaves in an hour and a half," he panicked. I felt my heart sink, perhaps because we could miss our flight, or maybe because I didn't want the holiday to end. I pushed those thoughts aside because Mark had already dashed out of bed and had begun shoving all of his belonging into his suitcase. Being the natural worrier that he is, I told him that it would be fine and that we would get to the airport with plenty of time to spare.

"We won't if you're just going to stand there and tell me everything's going to be fine. If you don't want to be late then you actually have to pack your belongings and travel to the airport. That's how flying works," he said in frustration, attempting to zip the case up as it jammed.

"Mark," I said softly.

"What, Gary? Because if it's not helpful then I don't want to hear it," he snapped.

"Mark," I repeated just as calmly as the first time. Sighing, he stopped what he was doing and turned to face me. I opened up my arms for him to embrace and he observed them before hanging his head down in shame and shuffling towards me so that i could envelope him into a hug.

"I'm sorry, Gaz," he whispered softly into my chest. "I didn't mean to get snappy. I'm just stressed and I don't really want to go back home yet."
I nodded. "Me neither, but we've got to at some point. We'll see Howard and our kids and parents and stuff," I reassured, trying to help him see the bright side. He nodded into my chest.

"I guess you're right," he said quietly before I let him go.
Helping him zip up the case, I threw all of my belongings into my smaller case apart from the things I'd need on the plane which I placed into my rucksack along with the boarding passes and passports.

*Marks POV*

We got onto the plane in time, just like Gary said we would. I felt bad for getting so stressed with him but I'm glad that he didn't take it personally and that he knew how to make me feel better. I was feeling more relaxed on the plane but the nerves of facing Emma and even Dawn were worse than ever.

"Do you think anyone will be angry with us, Gary?" I frowned. He turned to face me with furrowed eyebrows.

"Angry? why would anybody be angry?" he asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2016 ⏰

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