Chapter Six

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After a long while, and everyone was clear out of the way, we drove to the Rapters' training center area home thing. Okay, so I don't exactly know what to call it, okay? Shush. Anyways, it was dark out and my nerves were getting weird again. I was starting to get crept out a little. I grabbed onto Zach's sleeve again, but he tugged it away and wrapped an arm around my shoulders, bringing me closer to him to comfort me. I closed my eyes after I leaned my head on his shoulder, exhausted.

"Tired?" He whispered in my ear and I nodded slightly. "Here." He said and changed our sitting position so I was between his legs and he had both arms around my waist. My head now rested on his chest, and I had to admit, that I was a lot more comfortable. I sighed silently, and began to doze off as he ran a hand through my hair.

I don't know when, but I was awoken by the vehicle stopping and a car door slamming. I groaned slightly, not happy I had been woken up.

"The mother hen has finally arrived!" I heard someone say and I groaned again, sitting up and pushing off of Zach's chest so I could see through the windshield. I had just enough time to see Owen shoot his fist out and punch Hoskins right in the jaw. I hooted in approval at Owen and fist-pumped the air slightly.

"Get the hell out of here and stay away from my animals." Owen said to Hoskins as he rubbed his jaw in pain.

"Hoskins, you wanted this to happen, you son of a bitch!" Claire said, getting all up in his face as well. God, Claire and Owen would make a perfect couple. I was then tugged back down and landed softly on Zach's chest. I looked at him, only to see him already looking back at me. I felt my face heat up again for some reason, and I was glad it was dark and my hair shaded my face so he couldn't see it.

"Zach?" I whispered, seeing that Gray and Paige were still sleep. He didn't answer me, but he did brush my bangs out of my eyes. "Zach I'm serious, quit playing around. I wanna see Hoskins get his ass kicked by Owen and Claire." I said, chuckling slightly. He only gave a small smile at me, but then it vanished and he looked at me seriously.

"Who is he to you?" He asked me. I was confused at first, then I got what he was talking about. I smiled at him, hell I even started to laugh a little. I pulled my lip ring between my teeth and smiled again, and I saw Zach stare at it again.

"Owen is my older cousin, dork." I said, and I saw his face soften and he smiled at me again with that crooked smile of his that I loved.

Wait. 'Loved'?.

I brushed the thought away and smiled back down at him again. "Why? Were you jealous or something?" I teased, but he only rolled his eyes and looked away from me.

I wonder if he was blushing?..

"As if." He said quietly, and I giggled again. I leaned closer to his face and looked him straight in the eyes, then cracked a grin before flicking his forehead and sitting up again, waking Gray and Paige up so we could go outside and see the Rapters. I looked back over at Zach, and in the slightest of light coming from the Rapter's facility, I saw that his face was a bit darker than normal.

Ha! I knew he was blushing! Or, it could be because I was super close to his face.. Ehh.

While Owen was in the cage, talking to the Rapters, we got out of the car and went over to talk to him.

"Owen." Gray called for him, and Owen looked over at him. "Are they safe?"

Owen shook his head. "No, they aren't."

"What are their names?" Zach asked, and me and Owen both smiled slightly when we looked at the animals.

"Well, you got Charlie. There's Echo. Here's Delta. This one's called Blue." Owen said pointing at each Rapter as he said their names. He looked at Blue, then to us again. "She's the beta."

"Who's the alpha?" Gray asked, making Owen smirk.

"You're looking at him, kid." Owen said and I rolled my eyes at him.

"It could be Barry." I commented, making Owen send me a playful glare before rolling his eyes. "I'm only kidding Owen, sheesh." I laughed and everyone else did as well.


Claire tugged the doors to a big company truck open.

"See? Totally safe. Okay, come on, get in there." She says and and we all climbed in. I let Gray got in first, then Paige, then I went, and then I helped Zach last. We headed to the back and took a seat on these metal containers. "If you need me, I'll be right up front. Just open that window." She pointed to the sliding window above us. "Okay, put your seatbelts on." We looked around, but found nothing. "Okay, just...hold hands." She said while shutting the doors.

It turns almost completely dark inside, but I could still see Gray hold out his hand for Zach, but Zach ignored it. I grabbed his hand instead, since I'm in between the two brothers and Paige is on the other side of Gray. Paige hold Gray's other hand and I felt Zach take a hold of my other hand. I felt that feeling in my stomach again, and I felt my face get warm. I squeezed Zach's hand, in which he did the same back to me. After a while of just sitting there, we heard a Rapter's screech, making me and Gray jump.

"Nothing's getting in here, right?" Gray asked, looking at the doors.

"Hey," Zach started, getting his attention. "do you remember that ghost at the old house? Remember, the one in the garage? I protected you, right?"

"You made a battle axe out of a ruler and a paper plate." Gray recalled, looking at his brother.

"Yeah. See, nothing is gonna get you while I'm around, okay?" Zach said, making me squeeze his hand again for being so sweet to his brother.

" won't always be around.." Gray said, looking at the floor.

"Yeah, well... Hey," Zach said, making Gray look at him again. "we're brothers, okay?
We'll always be brothers and we'll always come back to one another. No matter what."

"No matter what?" Gray asked.

"No matter what." Zach confirmed. I pulled them both in and hugged them both, and they both hugged me, then Paige was pulled in as well by me. After letting go Zach reached up and slowly pulled the window open to see Claire. I sat up as well as Zach and Paige to see what was happening. We silently watched as Claire watched a tablet with the live video feed from all the Rapters and people. I spotted Owen easily, riding his motorcycle with the Rapters.

"Your boyfriends' a badass." Zach commented suddenly to Claire, which she smiled slightly at. We watched for a while with Claire, and just as things started getting interesting, she turned to us.

"You know what? No, no, no. You guys aren't watching this. Keep the window closed." Claire said as she shut the window on us. I groaned slightly at this.

"You know he is my family after all! If I want to see him kick some reptilian ass then I will!" I yelled to her, which made everyone laugh a little. After a few more moments, we heard screaming and gunshots coming from ahead of us. I quickly opened the window again and look at the screen. I watched as people I didn't know got dragged by the Rapters, being eaten.

"Is everyone dead?" I heard Paige ask and Claire gasped slightly and turned to look at her, and we patiently waited for her to answer her.

"No, no, no. Everyone is fine." Claire said.

"Don't lie to her!" I snapped at her, surprising her slightly.

"She's scared. It's okay to lie when people are scared." She yelled back.

"I wanna go home..." Grey suddenly said, and Claire sighed.

"Sweetheart, you will, okay? I promise. Tomorrow you'll be home...and your mother will never let me see you again." She said to us all, the last part just to her nephews.

And then, there was a sudden bloody hand print on her window and she screamed.

(Please excuse weird typos.)

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